Primitive Man

Chapter 191: Mining village

The group, led by Garnt, marched with purpose toward Baktou's mining village. It wasn't just a simple march but rather a group fueled by the anger of what they had witnessed.

"Ev if the patriarch wants, I'm never going to forgive what they did to our people,"

"Yes, they might be seaside villagers, but they belong to our faction. This is unacceptable,"

The crowd kept muttering as they advanced.

The air was thick with tsion, and the distant echoes of their battle cries reverberated through the quiet forest. The anger and determination fueled their steps, but as they approached the mining village, a sse of unease settled over them.

The once imposing wood walls of the mining village stood tall and seemingly impetrable without many changes. Garnt, eyes narrowed, observed the surings, trying to discern any signs of Baktou's presce. However, an eerie silce hung in the air, and the absce of resistance puzzled him.

"Something doesn't feel right," Garnt muttered, his brow furrowed. "Keep your guard up. We might be walking into a trap."

Kara, leading the explosive arrow squad, nodded in understanding. The group halted a safe distance away, and Garnt signalled for Kara's team to unleash their explosive arrows upon the wood walls of the mining village.

"Show no mercy!" Garnt commanded, his voice cutting through the air.

The explosive arrows soared through the sky, finding their mark on the wood walls. The impact resonated with a deafing explosion, sding splinters and debris scattering in all directions. The once formidable walls now lay in ruins, revealing the heart of the mining village.

As the dust settled, Garnt squinted to get a clearer view. To his surprise, there was no sign of a defding force. The mining village appeared deserted, devoid of life and activity. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt.

The village looked empty, but Garnt knew there were people inside the houses since most of them looked like someone was living in those houses, not too long ago.

"He's not here," Garnt muttered, his anger simmering beath the surface. "Does that mean he is in the seaside village? But why would he go there knowing it is too far from his target? I don't get it."

"Neither do I, but we have to do what we got to do," Ayra said, and broke the door of one house cause she wanted to capture the leader of this village that Baktou appointed if they had one but ev she realized that mining village was now an abandoned place which barely had any people that could challge them.

"Please! Don't harm my family, I-I am not a-" Everyone could easily see that man was just frail and had no strgth to fight against the power Garnt and his faction had, so they obviously knew this wasn't a war anymore. "I'm just a miner,"

[It looks like Baktou doesn't care about this village that much. Look, ev the mines are not functioning anymore and the houses are still old. What did he ev do within these five years? Was his only purpose was to defeat you? He collected people and taught them how to mine, but completely abandoned them wh he found what he needed. He looks more and more like a piece of shit to me now.]

Eva asked, and Garnt sighed knowing this was the d of the war, at least for now. And for the next few hours, he had to spd in the mining village making sure that of the natives were trying to oppose him and as he expected, of them had that power.

"Garnt, what are we going to do now? Are we going to attack the seaside village?" Rona asked as she wanted to prepare her army, but Garnt just clicked his tongue, as if he was annoyed by this whole thing.

"Seaside village is too far. We can leave our main village for that too long wh the danger of dinosaurs exists, and if something happs, I know I will regret everything in my life. We will take back this village for now and make sure we have an extra supply of iron." Garnt said with a hard look on his face knowing that he wouldn't be able to take revge on Baktou at least for now.

[That's intelligt Garnt. If we lose the main village there's no point in taking revge. We could deal with Baktou anytime, but our priority is people.]

"And our promise," Garnt added to Eva's words causing her to sigh knowing this boy was seriously trying to make her dream come true.

[Yes, our promise!]


Weeks passed after the successful reclaiming of the mining village. The once deserted streets were now bustling with activity as Garnt's faction worked on rebuilding and securing the area.

Some of the original people that Baktou collected quickly decided to help Garnt, since they knew he was going to feed them. However, most of Garnt's people were careful ough not to trust them, since they knew that, unlike others, these individuals were just there for the advantage at the momt.

However, the question of who would represt the mining village lingered in the air, creating a sse of uncertainty among Garnt's followers.

After all, the last person who was in charge of this village ded up betraying him, so they knew it would be an important yet hard position for anyone who was going to take it.

Leaving some guards in the mining village, Garnt returned to the main village since he didn't want to be away from it for too long, and at the same time, he had an important decision to make that would be decided how his faction was going to function.

One eving, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the main village, Garnt called for a meeting to discuss the matter. The gathering took place in the ctral square, sured by the flickering light of torches.

There wer't many people prest for this meeting since he wanted it to be among the most trusted people in his village, so except for people from his family, there were only like one or two more that managed to attd this meeting.

"I know many of you are eager to know who will be the represtative of the mining village," Garnt began, addressing the assembled crowd. "We need someone trustworthy, someone who can sure the well-being of the people there and maintain order."

Rona spoke up, "Why not sd one of us girls? We've prov ourselves capable in battle and leadership."

Garnt nodded in acknowledgemt but hesitated. "I trust all of you, but sding someone from our family is not the best idea, especially wh she is one of the girls who needs to be with me."

Ayra, with a thoughtful expression, suggested, "What about my son, Kiriah? He's grown up in these lands, and he knows the mining village well. Plus, he's strong and responsible. He also has the experice since he had the responsibility of managing Rona's people in the past."

Everyone suddly started to feel that he might be the best choice for this task, as he had be asking about something he could do from Garnt, since Rona's people also joined the main village.

Garnt considered the idea. "Bring Kiriah here. I want to talk to him."

Kiriah was called to the meeting upon Ayra's suggestion. He arrived, looking a bit confused but respectful. Garnt studied him for a momt before speaking.

"Kiriah, I've se you grow up in these lands. You know the mining village and its people. I need someone I can trust to represt our interests there. Can I trust you, Kiriah?"

Kara who was standing next to Garnt looked at Kiriah with her eyes wide op because she knew, that if Kiriah didn't give a favourable answer she would be ready to beat him up without ev considering about how they were brothers.

Kiriah straighted up, a determined look in his eyes. "I would never betray you, Garnt. You've be like a father to me, and I owe everything to you. I'm not like Baktou; I won't abandon my people." He emphasised the last bit of words because he knew how hurt Garnt was wh he got to know that Baktou betrayed him.

Garnt smiled, a rare display of warmth. "That's what I wanted to hear. Kiriah, I'm trusting you with the responsibility of the mining village. Make sure our people there are safe and secure. Can you do that?"

Kiriah nodded with determination. "I won't let you down, Garnt. I'll do my best for our people."

Garnt hugged Kiriah, a gesture of trust and affirmation. "I believe in you, Kiriah. Lead the mining village with honour and integrity."

And suddly Kara also hugged her brother, but it didn't look like Kiriah joyed accompanying him because he looked freaked out by her, and Ayra couldn't help but shake her head since she heard what Kara said to Kiriah.

'Damn it! Kara don't threat to kill your brother like this. I know you like Garnt, but this is too much'

Ayra thought while Kiriah awkwardly left the meeting, so he could make sure he was prepared for the new job he found.

And so, with the appointmt of Kiriah as the represtative of the mining village, a new chapter began for Garnt's faction. The debates ceased, and the focus shifted to fortifying their territories against pottial threats.

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