Primitive Man

Chapter 190: Kalina

Kalina's eyes fluttered op, the vivid dream of her time with Eva in the top-secret labs still lingering in her mind. The memory of their collaboration on the meteor project brought a bittersweet smile to her face.

"Ah, Professor Eva, you were truly something," Kalina whispered to herself, a fondness evidt in her voice. She stretched in her makeshift bed of dried leaves, feeling the dampness on her skin. Confusion struck her as she realized it wasn't just a dream – the rain had found its way into their cave.

Clicking her tongue, she glanced a the place where t or twty people, her newfound followers from Baktou's village, were stirring from their sleep. The rhythmic pitter-patter of raindrops created a soothing backdrop to the awaking sce and the bitter memories of how she was kicked out from that village started to resurface in her mind.

'Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have believed him. I was stupid to ev think that I could trust a caveman like him. I couldn't kill Garnt because I knew if I touched him, Baktou would kill me, but it looks like he is starting to divert from his original plans of making sure Garnt is safe. I don't know what he is up to, but I know for a fact that it won't be good for me.'

Kalina got up, her clothes clinging to her damp body while thinking about her argumt with Baktou. Her gaze darted over the faces a her, a mix of strangers who had become allies in this unexpected journey.

"Looks like the weather has other plans for us," Kalina remarked with a wry smile, catching the eye of a fellow traveller. "We need to find some proper shelter. This rain won't be letting up anytime soon."

As the group started to mobilize, Kalina's thoughts returned to her unusual situation, wh she heard some cocky remarks from the people that followed her because of her hanced hearing.

"If we didn't kill all those villagers, we could have gone back to the mining village. Kalina had to go and act on her selfish behaviour,"

"Yeah! They ev had so many beautiful wom in their groups. We could have just killed the m and tak the females as prisoners."

"Kalina is full of promises, but she can't ev build a house like Baktou did. It looks like-"

There were a group of m talking bad about her, but upon seeing that she was looking at them, all of them quickly averted their eyes, as if nothing happed.

'Useless pieces of shit! All they do is complain. It would have be better if I could bring some animals instead of them.'

Kalina muttered and ignored them, as they were rather important to her right now. But she also had to come up with a plan to take advantage of the war she created.

"With the bodies I left in front of Garnt's village trance, I'm pretty sure, ev he would be angry and try to kill Baktou. I'm waiting for both of you to fight with each other, after all, I'm not going to hold back anymore because of a promise that I can't ev trust. Baktou and Garnt both need to die, but Baktou is the main priority because he is too strong for me now. He is the real danger to me.'

Kalina pondered why she hadn't attacked him in these five years and almost began to feel regretful that her mistake was the reason she had wasted so many years under his captivity.

For the next few hours, she wt ahead and tried to find some food, suring she stayed healthy for the upcoming battle. However, she couldn't ignore a scream from the river area that she heard.

Kalina's agile form swiftly moved through the dse foliage, her sses honed to perfection as she followed the distant cries near the river. As she approached the sce, her hanced hearing picked up the disturbing sounds of distress.

"Damn it! Did Garnt manage to find my slaves?" Kalina muttered to herself, worried that her plans might go down the drain if Garnt realizes that the one responsible for the body was not Baktou, but her.

Bounding through the trees, she reached the riverbank to witness the reprehsible sight of the group of m that insulted her before assaulting two defseless females from her own party. A fiery rage burned in her eyes as she surveyed the situation.

The m, driv by their depraved desires, were oblivious to Kalina's arrival until her silhouette cast a shadow over them.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" Kalina's voice sliced through the air like a blade, freezing the assailants in their tracks. Her superior agility and presce commanded atttion, and the two victims looked up in a mixture of fear and hope.

They had bite marks on their body, and all of their clothes were ripped off and looked like they were about to get petrated by these wild animal looking m.

One of the m, with a leering grin, approached Kalina with a cocky look. "Oh, look who's here. Our great leader has come to witness the fun. Just mind your own business, Kalina."

She glared at him with disdain. "Fun? You call this fun?" Kalina's hand instinctively moved to the weapon at her side, a silt threat that hung in the air. "Explain yourself, or face the consequces."

The man scoffed. "We're just doing what we want. You don't satisfy us with your decisions, so we'll take what we want instead. These girls are the spoils of our dissatisfaction."

"Yeah! Yeah! We left that man Baktou because he was too much of a moron, but you're no differt from him. We just want wom and food. If you can't give it, we will take it by force," Another man from the same group muttered showing they were not people that were loyal to Kalina.

Kalina's anger surged but she quickly calmed down as she started to think about the consequces of her actions. If she killed the strong males in her group, she knew they would lose a considerable amount of strgth, but having one or two girls in their group being victims of these m to satisfy them looked like the most advantageous way for her.


"Fine! Do whatever you want. I don't care, but make sure those girls don't die, and if they do-" She didn't say anything more instead only thing she saw was the fearful looking girls almost crying because they knew they were abandoned by the only woman they trusted.

"Haha! You get it, Kalina. I knew you were differt from that dumb Baktou. We should bring our good old practices back." They said and took all of their pises out of their pants, which looked like warrior garbs that Baktou gave him.

But suddly, the two girls felt something warm splashing on them and wh they noticed what happed, they freaked out ev more, since in front of them was crotch area of the m that leaked blood, as if there was nothing there to begin with.

"Huh?" All the m looked at their legs to see what had happed, only to find their pises close to their legs. Wh they realized what had occurred, all of them started to shout and act as if they had gone crazy.

Kalina kept looking at them with a cold look and gave her hand to the girls that were freaked out and she hugged the girls, as if she didn't really ev care about the advantage that she could gain.

"Nobody touches my girls in front of me. You damn animals! Just because I despise Baktou doesn't mean I despite humanity, in fact, I love it wh humans are disciplined, just like my professor. They should be elegant, beautiful and intelligt like her." Kalina muttered, but only she was sane ough to talk wh there was a blood bath happing next to her, and she started to act like a crazy woman.

"I know! Wish fulfilling Meteor. My professor wants it to turn back time and make sure that she will become someone who is not intelligt, so I will take that meteor on behalf of her and make sure that she won't become like that. I will make sure she remains that professor I love. She belongs to me, after all,"

Kalina muttered and took the girls back to the cave leaving the dying m as fodder for the wild animals.

'Hmm~ It looks like things got a lot harder for me. Now how do I kill Baktou and Garnt at the same time?" She thought, but wh she looked at the two girls that were shaking in her embrace, Kalina felt a little bad for them. "Are you girls okay?"

Both of them looked at Kalina at the same time, and nodded their heads without talking but th Kalina just tighted her hug a them. "Don't worry, I will make sure nothing harms you during this hard time. Take it as a promise from me,"

Ev though the girls felt at ease in Kalina's embrace, they knew one thing for sure: the woman called Kalina was not someone they could predict and was a bit crazy.

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