Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 144: 144.

As the Deathbloom's strgth surged with every passing momt, Kai knew he had to escalate his efforts. With a focused thought, he summoned his astral body, a spectral warrior that mirrored his intt and ferocity. Together, they launched a coordinated assault on the Deathbloom, a dance of destruction choreographed to break through the creature's defses.

Kai's main body moved with lethal precision, targeting the shield that the Deathbloom conjured with each attack. His sword, a conduit of his Will Power, clashed against the barrier, sding out waves of ergy that rippled across the battlefield. Each strike weaked the shield, creating fissures through which his astral body could strike.

The astral form, an echo of Kai's own prowess, seized these momts, its attacks slipping through the cracks Kai's main body had created. It was a reltless onslaught, a series of rapid thrusts and slashes that left the Deathbloom reeling. Wounds began to mar the creature's flesh, a testamt to the effectivess of their strategy.

Forced into a defsive stance, the Deathbloom redirected its blood ergy to md its injuries. The g a it darked as the life force of the fall was absorbed, the creature's form knitting back together with a grotesque efficicy. This healing process, however, afforded Kai a precious momt to gather his thoughts and search for a solution.

But the respite was short-lived. With a thunderous roar that shook the very earth, the Deathbloom uprooted itself from the g. Kai watched in disbelief as the creature's form expanded expontially, towering over him like a colossus wrought from nightmares. Its domain, already a twisted landscape of blood and shadow, stretched further, gulfing more of the world in its sinister embrace.

Kai, now dwarfed by the immse figure of the Deathbloom, felt the oppressive weight of a Tier 4 being's power. It was an aura that threated to crush him, a force not tirely pure but no less dangerous. The creature's transformation was a clear sign; it was evolving, becoming something ev more terrifying.

As the Deathbloom loomed over him, Kai realized the gravity of his situation. The creature before him was a being of immse power, a force of nature that defied the natural order. Its roots, now free from the earth, writhed in the air like ttacles seeking prey. The Deathbloom's eyes, filled with a malevolt intelligce, fixed on Kai with a gaze that promised destruction.

Kai floated there, his wings beating slowly, his sword at the ready. The odds were against him, the situation dire. The Deathbloom's growth showed no signs of stopping, and its power continued to swell with every heartbeat. Kai understood that a direct confrontation would be futile; the Deathbloom was simply too strong.

Kai, his gaze locked onto the towering Deathbloom, watched as a barrage of vines, thick as ancit serpts, surged towards him. With a thought, he activated his [Elipsce] ability, his body contorting and weaving through the air with supernatural agility. The vines, each one a pottial death stce, lashed out where he had be momts before, only to find empty space.

As the vines thrashed in frustration, Kai called upon his [quantum decoy] ability, his form flickering out of existce before reappearing inches from the Deathbloom's colossal form. With a battle cry that was swallowed by the roar of the beast, Kai drove his sword deep into the Deathbloom's eye.

The creature howled, a sound that vibrated the very air, as Kai retreated, leaving the weapon embedded in the wound.

Without hesitation, Kai summoned another sword from the darkness, its blade shimmering with lethal intt. He swung with precision, slicing through the incoming vines that sought to avge their master's injury. Each cut was clean, the severed tdrils falling to the g with a wet thud.

The Deathbloom, raged by the pain and defiance, launched another wave of attacks. Kai, his ergy waning but his spirit undimmed, escaped once more using his [quantum decoy], reappearing at a safe distance. The battle raged on in this manner, a deadly dance betwe the fall angel and the monstrous plant.

Despite his valiant efforts, Kai could feel the strain of continuous ability use. His body ached, his ergy ebbed, but he drew upon the elemtal ergies a him, converting them to replish his reserves. Yet, he knew this could not continue indefinitely.

In a decisive move, Kai unleashed the full might of the darkness ergy stored within his bloodline. A massive aura, dark as the void betwe stars, erupted from him, expanding to cover the sky. It surged towards the Deathbloom, a tidal wave of shadow and power.

The Deathbloom, caught off guard by the ferocity of the attack, scrambled to form a defse. A barrier of interwov vines and harded sap materialized, but it was no match for the onslaught. The aura, amplified by Kai's [Darkness Absorption] ability, tore through the defses like a hot knife through butter, cleaving the Deathbloom in two.

The attack's momtum was unstoppable, continuing its path of destruction beyond the fall beast, carving a swath through the landscape that stretched for miles. Wh the dust settled, a stunned silce fell over the battlefield.

Kai stood amidst the devastation, his chest heaving with exertion. The sight before him was one of awe-inspiring destruction, a testamt to the power he wielded. Though he had anticipated the Deathbloom's demise, the scale of the victory was beyond his expectations. His ability had not just multiplied the power of his attack; it had transformed it into a force of nature.

In the aftermath of the battle, Kai stood amidst the ruins, his breath steady as he searched the Deathbloom's body. His fingers finally closed a the fragmt, its surface pulsing with a power that resonated with his very soul. With the prize secured, he turned to leave, his cloak billowing behind him as he made his way back to where Shark Head waited.

Shark Head's eyes were wide with a mixture of awe and reverce as Kai approached. The sparrow, once a noble steed in the skies, was released from its service, disappearing into the horizon with a grateful chirp. "Young master," Shark Head began, his voice tinged with an emotion he couldn't quite name, "what do you plan to do now?"

Kai's gaze was distant, his mind still echoing with the clash of battle. "We don't have any plans for now," he replied, the weight of exhaustion clear in his voice. "I'm tired right now and plan to rest for a while."

Shark Head nodded, understanding the toll the fight had tak on Kai. Yet, a question burned within him, a hope that flickered like a flame in the dark. "Young master, do you plan to take me outside this world?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kai's eyes met Shark Head's, and in them, Shark Head saw a future filled with possibilities. "Yes," Kai affirmed, and with that single word, he offered a promise of advtures yet to come.

Shark Head knew of the seal that bound this world, a barrier that Kai had spok of in hushed tones. But with Kai by his side, he believed that ev the impossible could be overcome.

As Kai settled into a meditative stance, his ergy flowing inward to heal and recover, Shark Head took up his vigil. Outside, he stood guard, his fist clching with a newfound resolve. The desire to grow stronger, to be more than just a bystander in Kai's journey, ignited within him.

He wanted to stand beside Kai, not as a servant, but as a geral. The determination to rise above his currt station, to forge his own path in the shadow of his young master, filled Shark Head with a purpose he had never felt before.

The night grew quiet a them, the only sound the gtle rustle of leaves in the wind. Kai, who had defied the odds, now sought solace in the silce, gathering his strgth for the trials ahead. Shark Head, his loyal guardian, watched over him, his thoughts turning inward, dreaming of the day wh he, too, could face the world beyond with courage and power.

The next day, Kai oped his eyes after recovering his exhausted ergy.

'I'm still not in peak condition, maybe I need a week or two to completely recover.' Kai thought while checking his condition.

Kai suffered serious injuries from Deathbloom. Althougth, he healed most of them by absorbing wood elemt, they wer't ought to heal the attack from Tier 4 cultivator.

The next day, Kai oped his eyes after recovering his exhausted ergy.

'I'm still not in peak condition, maybe I need a week or two to completely recover.' Kai thought while checking his condition.

Kai suffered serious injuries from Deathbloom. Althougth, he healed most of them by absorbing wood elemt, they wer't ought to heal the attack from Tier 4 cultivator.

Kai suffered serious injuries from Deathbloom. Althougth, he healed most of them by absorbing wood elemt, they wer't ought to heal the attack from Tier 4 cultivator.

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