Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 143: 143.

After the dust cleared, Kai was found under a pit. He st flying due to the power of Deathbloom.

'It seems my physique isn't par with it.' Kai muttered regretfully.

This time Kai didn't lose to Deathbloom in terms of technique like he lost with Sebastian, but instead because the raw power Deathbloom was stronger than this own.

After coming out the pit, Kai activated his bloodline power. He knew, he had to take this battle more seriously and kill Deathbloom before it ops the domain.

The Darkness in the surings began to gather towards the eerie battlefield. The bloom and scattered organs a, plus the addition of darkness made it look like hell.

The Darkness ergy moved towards Kai and worshipped like before, no it was worshipping the void fragmt inside his soul. But this time, they didn't cause any commotion and merged with him tirely.

The darkness creeped towards him and formed a thin layer of clothes above him. Behind him, two wings sprouted and spread it majesty. They wings were darker than anything in the world, also had a aura of charming one's soul, if looked long ough.

The final crown slowly began to condse above Kai's head. Kai in his fall Angel form, used his wings to fly. He looked the Deathbloom and calmly compared his aura.

Kai vanished into the shadows, his presce diminished to a mere whisper. He became one with the darkness, a specter moving unse. With a thought, he conjured a spear from the darkness, its tip honed to pierce through the toughest defses.

With the precision of a master assassin, Kai launched his attack. The spear cut through the darkness, a streak of oblivion racing towards its target. But the Deathbloom, a creature not of this world, ssed the incoming threat. Its holysse, a gift from the supernatural realm, pierced through Kai's veil of invisibility.

A barrier sprung forth in an instant, a wall of ergy that shimmered with the power of the Deathbloom's essce. The spear collided with the shield, the impact sding ripples across its surface, but it held firm. The weapon of darkness was repelled, its lethal intt thwarted by the creature's preternatural awaress.

Undeterred, Kai retracted the spear back into the shadows, reforming it with a thought. He struck again, this time from a differt angle, aiming for a weakness, a chink in the Deathbloom's armor. But once more, the shield appeared, deflecting the spear with the same ease as before.

Kai's attacks became a reltless barrage, a symphony of shadow and destruction. He wove through the darkness, each strike faster and more desperate than the last. Yet, the outcome was always the same—the shield of the Deathbloom was an immovable object, an unyielding force that rdered his efforts fruitless.

The Deathbloom, now fully aware of Kai's presce, turned its grotesque heads in his direction. Its eyes, alight with a malevolt intelligce, followed his every move. The creature's holysse had rdered Kai's greatest weapon—his stealth—ineffective.

Realizing the futility of his sneak attacks, Kai withdrew into the darkness once more. His mind raced, searching for a new strategy as the Deathbloom's mocking laughter filled the air.

Suddly, the Deathbloom unleashed its domain. The world shifted, the bloodied g now a lake of crimson. Kai, hovering above, felt no physical pressure from the domain, yet an instinctual alarm screamed within him, urging him to flee.

But retreat was not an option. Kai's gaze harded as he faced the blood lake below. The Deathbloom, rooted in the cter, seemed to draw strgth from the sanguine pool, its aura swelling with every passing second.

Kai, amidst the eerie battlefield, summoned the darkness a him into a protective cocoon. The mini domain he created was a bulwark against the croaching corruption of his mind, a sanctuary of shadows amidst the blood-soaked g. He could feel the malevolt ergy probing at the edges of his consciousness, seeking try, but he held firm, his will an unbreakable fortress.

The Deathbloom, ssing Kai's defiance, unleashed a torrt of blood arrows, each one formed from the crimson lake that sured them. They soared through the air, a deadly rain intt on piercing flesh and bone. Kai moved with the grace of a shadow, his body twisting and turning in an elegant dance of evasion.

Yet, the sheer number of arrows was overwhelming, a reltless storm that left little room for escape. They filled the sky, blotting out the light, a curtain of impding doom.

In response, Kai called upon his deepest reserves of Will Power, shaping it into a colossal sword that dwarfed the battlefield. The weapon materialized out of thin air, its presce defying the laws of space and time. With a single thought, the sword struck, its aura a brilliant flash that cut through the darkness and struck the Deathbloom with the force of a meteor.

The impact was cataclysmic. The Deathbloom staggered, its manipulation of the blood arrows ceasing as it struggled to maintain its footing. The arrows, now devoid of their puppeteer's control, plummeted to the g, their threat extinguished.

The creature collapsed, a gaping hole in its chest where the sword had struck. It was a wound that would have spelled the d for any lesser being, but the Deathbloom was not so easily vanquished. It lay there, a behemoth in agony, yet far from defeated.

Kai wasted no time. Utilizing his shadow movemt, he closed the distance betwe them in an instant. His sword, still pulsing with Will Power, was raised high, ready to deliver another blow. He brought it down with all the force he could muster, aiming to d the battle with a single, decisive strike.

But the Deathbloom was not defseless, ev in its weaked state. A shield sprang up before it, adorned with thorns that thirsted for blood. As Kai's sword made contact, the thorns lashed out like serpts, their tips sharp and deadly.

Kai's instincts flared, and he moved. His body contorted in ways that defied nature, dodging the majority of the thorns that sought his life. But not all could be avoided. A handful found their mark, tearing through his clothes and skin, drawing blood. Pain flared across his body, a stark reminder of the Deathbloom's power.

The battlefield, already a grim testamt to the horrors of war, became a source of power for the Deathbloom. As Kai watched, the creature's wounds began to close, its flesh knitting together in a grotesque display of regeration.

The blood from the fall beasts, a crimson tide that had once be a weapon against him, now served a differt purpose—it was being absorbed by the Deathbloom, each drop seeming to invigorate it further.

Kai's mind raced as he observed the transformation. The Deathbloom was not just healing; it was growing stronger, its power augmted by the very lifeblood of its fall army. The air a the creature shimmered with a newfound ergy, a clear indication that it was becoming more formidable with every passing momt.

Kai knew he had to act swiftly. The longer the battle dragged on, the more disadvantageous it would become for him. His window of opportunity was closing rapidly, and he needed to find a way to d the fight before the Deathbloom reached an insurmountable level of strgth.

Kai, in his form a silhouette against the backdrop of the darked battlefield, knew that time was against him. With each passing second, the blood of the fall beasts seeped into the earth, and the Deathbloom absorbed it, its wounds healing, its might growing.

The fall angel, wings outstretched, faced this growing threat with a resolve forged in the fires of countless battles. He could not allow the creature to continue siphoning power from the bloodied g. His only option was to d the fight quickly, to cut down the Deathbloom before it became unstoppable.

Kai launched himself at the beast, his movemts a blur of speed and precision. His sword, a blade of pure Will Power, was a streak of light in the darkness, aimed at the Deathbloom's core. The creature, anticipating the attack, countered with a swipe of its massive claw, but Kai was already gone, a shadow slipping through the grasp of his foe.

He reappeared above the Deathbloom, sword poised for a downward strike. With a cry that echoed his unyielding spirit, he brought the weapon down with all his might. The Deathbloom roared, a sound that shook the earth, as it raised its defse, a shield of ergy forming in an instant to block the attack.

The sword met the shield, and the collision st shockwaves rippling through the domain. Kai felt the resistance, the pushback from the Deathbloom's power, but he did not relt. He poured more of his Will Power into the sword, the blade glowing brighter, cutting deeper, inching closer to the Deathbloom's flesh.

The g beath them quaked as the Deathbloom's power continued to swell. Kai could feel the pressure building, a tangible force that threated to overwhelm him. He dodged a particularly vicious swipe from the creature, feeling the wind from its claws brush against his

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