Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 145: 145.

"Did something happ during my seclusion?" Kai asked, while streching his body.

Kai wt to seclusion to heal his injuries, it took him a month because the conctration of wood elemt was very low. Ev th, he hadn't reached his peak condition. But Kai doesn't need to be in seclusion, it doesn't affect him much in daily practice.

"No, young master, nothing happed."

Kai nodded and took the last fragmt. He held in his palm and injected his Will Power. Information about the ability appeared in his mind and Kai disgested everything with his eyes closed.

'As I expected, Deathbloom used this fragmt to control the Naline Kingdom.'

The ability of last fragmt was [Mind Shroud], which allows the user to control the opponts with weaker soul power.

"Young master, how do you plan to merge the fragmt?"

Kai blankly looked at Shark Head without replying. Shark Head fell silt after that look.

Ev Kai didn't know the exact method of fusing them. The first explorer only mtion that needs to merge them to escape this place, but he didn't say the method.

Kai, sured by the sev fragmts, contemplated the challge before him. The fragmts, each pulsing with an ancit power, needed to be united, but the method to do so was not immediately clear. Drawing upon the memories of his father working the forge, Kai considered applying those same principles here.

Though he had never lifted a blacksmith's hammer himself, the time had come to put theory into practice.

"Shark Head," Kai called out, his voice echoing with determination, "we need to gather materials to build a forge."

Shark Head, ever the loyal servant, nodded in understanding. "Of course, young master. What do we need to find?"

Kai listed the esstials: "We'll need a sturdy container to serve as the forge body, something that can withstand intse heat. Stainless steel would be ideal. Th, we'll need insulation material, like ceramic fiber or firebricks, to line the forge and retain the heat. For the heat source, we'll set up a burner—propane would be the most controlled.

And don't forget refractory cemt to protect the interior."

Shark Head listed inttly, committing each item to memory. "And the tools, young master?"

"A drill, saw, screwdriver, and of course, a hammer and anvil for the forging itself," Kai added, his mind already visioning the forge taking shape.

With a plan in place, Kai settled down to meditate, allowing his body and mind to recover from the previous battle's exertions. Shark Head, meanwhile, set out to gather the necessary materials, his resolve strgthed by the sight of Kai's awe-inspiring victory.

He clched his fist, a silt vow to himself that he would grow stronger, to be more than just a guardian to his young master, but a true ally in the advtures that lay ahead.

As the stars began to fade with the approaching dawn, Kai's meditation deeped, his ergy slowly replishing. Shark Head moved quietly in the backg, the soft clinking of metal and stone a testamt to his diligt search for the forging materials.

Shark Head's quest for the materials began at the break of dawn, just as the first rays of light pierced the horizon. Kai already told the possible places where he can find the materials. During his search for fragmt, Kai noticed several ruins and traces of destroyed civilization and the changes of finding materials there was higher than blindly searching them.

He set out with a determination that matched the gravity of their task. The land was vast, and the materials they needed were not ones that could be found lying by the roadside. They were the stuff of legd, spok of in hushed tones by the elders and chronicled in the faded pages of ancit tomes.

His journey took him first to the ancit mines, the ones that delved deep into the heart of the world. The mines were a labyrinth of tunnels, each twist and turn holding the promise of discovery or the peril of collapse. The air was thick with dust, and the only light came from the luminesct fungi that clung to the walls.

Shark Head's footsteps echoed in the stillness as he searched for the ores that gleamed with an inner fire, the sign of their magical potcy.

With each vein of ore he uncovered, Shark Head felt a surge of triumph. These were the materials that would withstand the heat of Kai's forge, that would channel the power of the fragmts into a weapon of untold strgth. He worked tirelessly, chipping away at the rock, his muscles aching but his spirit undaunted.

From the mines, Shark Head's quest took him to the forgott ruins, the remnants of a civilization that had once mastered the arcane arts. The ruins were overgrown with vines, and the stones were worn smooth by the passage of time. Yet, within this decay lay the materials they needed, substances that had be imbued with magic and left to slumber through the ages.

Shark Head tread carefully among the ruins, his eyes scanning for the telltale shimmer of magical residue. Wh he found it, it was like uncovering a treasure, a reward for his perseverance. The materials he gathered there were unique, each one holding a differt aspect of the elemtal forces that Kai would need to forge the fragmts together.

The return journey was no less arduous than the search had be. Shark Head carried the materials, heavy with both their physical weight and the weight of their pottial. As he walked, the sun traveled across the sky, marking the passage of time with its reltless march.

Wh Shark Head finally returned, the thud of the materials he laid at Kai's feet was a declaration of success.

Kai, upon seeing the haul, felt a surge of anticipation. These were not mere replacemts; they were upgrades, materials that would withstand the extraordinary forces they were about to unleash. With a nod of approval, he set to work.

The process of building the forge was meticulous and arduous. Kai handled each material with care, processing them with the precision of a craftsman. Under his hands, the magical elemts fused and formed, giving shape to a forge that glowed with an inner light. It was not just a tool but a creation that seemed to straddle the line betwe art and function.

Before daring to work on the fragmts, Kai decided to test his skills on something less volatile. From his storage ring, he withdrew a sword—a weapon that had se many battles. It was time for it to be reborn. Placing it within the forge, Kai focused his will, and flames roared to life, their heat intsified by his [Will Manipulation].

The sword surrdered to the inferno, its form dissolving into a molt pool.

Kai's first attempt at forging was to be a knife, a simpler task than the grand designs he had for the fragmts. The molt metal responded to his commands, flowing into the mold he had prepared. With a hammer that seemed to sing with each strike, Kai shaped the knife, his movemts confidt yet careful.

The metal cooled, and a knife emerged—not perfect, with its slight imbalance, but a commdable effort for a first attempt.

Encouraged by his success, Kai continued his work, melting down more weapons from his collection. Each one gave its essce to a new creation, and with each forging, Kai's skill grew. The basics of the craft became second nature to him, and soon he was experimting with more complex shapes and designs.

His [learning talt] was evidt, as he absorbed the nuances of blacksmithing with an ease that belied the difficulty of the art.

Days turned into nights, and the forge became Kai's world. The heat from the flames was a constant companion, the ring of metal on metal a soundtrack to his dedication. Shark Head watched from a distance, his eyes reflecting the glow of the forge, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of his young master's growing mastery.

As Kai worked, his mind was never far from the fragmts that lay waiting. Each weapon he forged was a step closer to understanding the secrets they held, a preparation for the momt wh he would unite them into a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

the fragmts that lay waiting. Each weapon he forged was a step closer to understanding the secrets they held, a preparation for the momt wh he would unite them into a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

the fragmts that lay waiting. Each weapon he forged was a step closer to understanding the secrets they held, a preparation for the momt wh he would unite them into a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

'Now, its finally time to merge the fragmt.'finally time to b

"Shark Head, guard outside and never let anyone inside." Kai ordered seriously. He didn't want anyone to interrupt during his critical momt.

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