Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 134: 134. Demon Slaying Team

Kai's resolve to join the ranks of the mercenary association's elite was firm. He approached the counter once more, where the lady greeted him with a knowing smile, as if she could sense the ambition simmering within him.

"I wish to align myself with the best," Kai stated, his voice carrying the weight of his determination. "Could you tell me about the premier team here?"

The lady's eyes sparkled with a mix of admiration and caution as she leaned in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. "The Demon Slaying Team is the pinnacle of our association. They are the elite, led by none other than our vice president. But be warned, the criteria for joining are stringent," she explained, her tone imbued with respect for the team's reputation.

Kai's interest was piqued; the challenge only fueled his desire. "I understand the risks and the demands. Could you direct me to them?" he asked, his stance resolute.

The lady nodded, her fingers deftly scribing the location on a piece of parchment. "They have recently returned from a mission and are currently stationed here. It's fortuitous timing," she said, handing him the note.

Armed with the information, Kai made his way to the designated meeting place. The air was thick with the scent of adventure and the buzz of recent conquests. He found the members of the Demon Slaying Team gathered, their presence commanding and their conversations laced with the thrill of battle.

Kai stood amidst the throng of hopefuls, each individual a blend of nerves and ambition, their eyes fixed on the entrance to the Demon Slaying Team's domain. The air was thick with anticipation, a palpable tension that seemed to buzz like an invisible current through the crowd. Kai, however, remained composed, his sigh lost in the collective breath of the gathered aspirants.

Time trickled by, measured in heartbeats and the shuffling of feet, until at last, a figure emerged—a man whose very presence commanded attention. Muscles rippled beneath his skin like coiled serpents, and his aura was that of a wild beast, untamed and fierce. He surveyed the crowd with a predator's gaze, searching for a spark of potential, a glimmer of hidden talent.

Yet, his search yielded nothing but disappointment, and with a heavy heart, he addressed the crowd.

"I will now release my pressure," he announced, his voice a deep rumble that resonated in the chests of all who heard it. "Whoever withstands it the longest will have a chance to join us. Remember, it is only a chance, not a guarantee."

Kai watched the man, his expression unreadable. He knew his own aura was veiled by the Heavenly Dao, rendering him invisible to the man's probing eyes. As the man centered himself, a domain unfurled, an ethereal mist that shrouded vision and muffled sound. It was a domain of pressure, heavy and unrelenting, a test not just of strength but of will.

As the mist descended upon the gathered aspirants, it brought with it a silence as profound as the darkness it cast. The once vibrant chatter of the crowd was stifled, replaced by the sound of ragged breaths and the thudding of anxious hearts. The pressure exerted by the domain was an invisible, crushing force, a relentless tide that threatened to sweep away the resolve of even the most steadfast.

Within the obscured world the mist created, individuals found themselves grappling with more than just the physical strain. The isolation was total, a sensory deprivation that left each person adrift in their own sea of doubts and fears. The absence of sight, the muting of sound, it all served to amplify the inner turmoil that gnawed at their spirits.

Here and there, stifled cries pierced the heavy air as some reached the limits of their endurance. "Can anyone hear me?" a voice quivered, its owner unseen but undoubtedly close to succumbing to the overwhelming force. Another, more desperate, called out, "Help! I can't... I can't breathe!" The words were choked, smothered by the omnipresent pressure that showed no mercy.

The psychological assault was as calculated as it was cruel. It was not enough to simply endure; one had to confront the creeping tendrils of panic that sought to take root in the mind. Some began to whisper prayers, their words a soft litany against the encroaching despair. Others gritted their teeth, their silent defiance a shield against the darkness that sought to claim them.

Amidst the chaos of fear and the struggle for composure, the true test unfolded. It was a battle not against an enemy of flesh and blood but against one's own limitations. The pressure demanded surrender, but it was met with the indomitable will of those who refused to be broken.

Kai felt the pressure mount, a force that sought to crush him, yet he stood unyielding. His body, tempered by the elements in moments of tranquility, was a fortress of strength. The organ tempering he had undergone made him more resilient than his peers, a fact that became increasingly evident as others around him began to falter.

He assessed the man at the center, his instincts telling him that this was a recent ascendant to Tier 4. The domain, while powerful, lacked the stability and finesse of those wielded by the Naline and Natine kings, by Sabastian, and even by Deathbloom. It was raw and unrefined, a testament to the man's burgeoning control over his newfound power.

As the seconds ticked by, the pressure intensified, a crescendo of force that sought to overwhelm even the sturdiest of souls. Kai's focus was unwavering, his breathing steady. He knew that the true challenge lay in endurance, in the ability to withstand not just the physical strain but the psychological onslaught of the unknown.

As the minutes stretched into what seemed like hours, the number of aspirants dwindled. One by one, they succumbed to the pressure, their hopes dashed upon the unyielding anvil of the man's power.

The domain of the Demon Slaying Team was a crucible, its pressure a relentless force that had winnowed the crowd to three solitary figures. Kai, the muscle-bound man, and the sword-wielding woman remained, each a testament to resilience and unyielding will.

As the man at the center of the domain—whose muscles were not just for show but spoke of his strength—surveyed the trio, a smile cracked his stoic demeanor. It was a rare display of satisfaction from one who had seen many falter under his oppressive aura. With a thought, he withdrew the pressure, the domain collapsing inward like a deflating sphere, and addressed the remaining three.

"You three have shown promise," he declared, his voice booming yet tinged with a newfound warmth. "You may join us temporarily. Your performance on this upcoming mission will determine your worthiness for a permanent place among us. Be here tomorrow, ready to depart at a moment's notice."

Kai, the woman, and the muscle-bound man—now known as Dan—nodded in understanding. The woman, her grip on her sword unyielding even now, turned and left without a word, her silence as sharp as the blade she carried.

Dan, however, approached Kai with the eagerness of a warrior seeking camaraderie. "Hey, I'm Dan," he said, extending a hand that looked capable of crushing stone.

Kai regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "I'm Kai," he replied, his handshake firm but brief.

Dan's face split into a grin, one that didn't quite reach his eyes, which held a glint of underlying anxiety. "Hello, Kai. How about we team up for tomorrow? I've heard the trial missions for the Demon Slaying Team are brutal. More than ninety percent don't make it through."

Kai's expression remained impassive, his mind racing with the implications of Dan's proposal. To align himself with a stranger, especially one who seemed so eager, was a risk. They were competitors, after all, vying for the same coveted positions within the team.

"No," Kai responded, his refusal immediate and unequivocal. He turned to leave, his steps measured and deliberate.

Dan's grin faltered, his brow furrowing in confusion. "But why? We could watch each other's backs," he called after Kai, his voice laced with a note of desperation.

Kai paused, considering the muscle-bound man for a moment. "In the trials that await, it is not just strength that will see us through but also cunning and self-reliance. To depend on an unknown is to invite weakness," he said, his words not unkind but final.

With that, Kai walked away, leaving Dan standing amidst the dissipating mist, his offer of alliance rejected. Kai's thoughts were clear; in the world of cultivation and trials, it was the individual's merit that shone brightest. To rely on others too soon, especially those untested, was to court disaster.

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