Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 133: 133. Team!

After a day of toil and danger in the moonlight garden, Kai's collection of 300 stacks of the elusive grass weighed heavily in his satchel—not just in physical heft, but in the burden of unmet expectations. Each stack, a mere whisper of the fortune he had envisioned, would translate to only one peak grade spirit stone.

Undaunted, Kai set his sights on the twin peaks marked on his weathered map, rumored havens of the precious flora. Yet, the reality was a harsh mistress; the yield was scant, a mere 150 stacks from each mountain's unforgiving slopes. The guardians of these natural treasures, beasts of formidable might, stood as living barriers, their very presence a testament to the task's daunting nature.

The tally was made, and 600 stacks became 540 peak grade spirit stones, the mercenary association's cut a reminder of the world's unyielding commerce. A decent sum, indeed, but one earned through sweat and peril, a truth known all too well to those who dared such ventures.

Weary to the bone, Kai sought sanctuary. His inquiry led him to the Lotus Pavilion, a name spoken with reverence in the city, its grandeur promising solace. The lady at the counter, her smile a practiced curve of welcome, regarded him with eyes accustomed to reading the needs of any who crossed the threshold.

"I require a room," Kai's voice was a low timbre of exhaustion, each word a testament to the day's exertions.

"What sort of accommodations would suit you, sir?" the counter lady inquired, her tone a melody of hospitality and professionalism.

Kai's mind, adrift in thoughts of rest and recovery, sought the comfort that only solitude could offer. "A haven of quietude and comfort, where the world's whispers cannot reach," he articulated, his request painting the picture of an undisturbed retreat.

The counter lady nodded, understanding dawning in her gaze. "Sir, we have a normal room and luxury room. Your requirements are suitable for luxury ones." she assured him, her words a balm to his weary spirit.

Kai's gaze lingered on the intricate carvings that adorned the Lotus Pavilion's luxurious lobby, his mind still reeling from the day's events. The counter lady's suggestion of a luxury room piqued his interest, and he leaned in, curiosity etched on his face. "A Tier 4 formation, you say? How much would that cost for a night?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of skepticism.

The lady behind the counter, her eyes reflecting the soft glow of the lanterns, responded with a warm smile. "It's 50 peak grade spirit stones for a day, sir," she said, her tone gentle yet firm, as if she understood the weight of the price she quoted.

Kai's initial shock at the cost was palpable; it was a steep price for a night's stay. Yet, as he considered the rarity and the benefits of a Tier 4 formation, his features softened. "That does seem reasonable for such a unique feature," he conceded, his hand delving into his pouch to retrieve the sparkling stones.

He placed the 50 spirit stones on the counter, their luminescence casting prismatic colors across the lady's face. She accepted them with a nod, her movements graceful and practiced. "Please, follow me," she said, stepping away from the counter to lead Kai to his room.

They ascended the pavilion, the steps echoing with the promise of rest and rejuvenation. Kai's room was at the very top, offering a panoramic view of the bustling city below. The decor was a harmonious blend of classic elegance and modern comfort, a testament to the inn's reputation.

"The room also includes complimentary meals," the lady added, her voice carrying a note of pride. "Would you like to order something now?"

Kai, his stomach reminding him of his long day, was pleasantly surprised. "Yes, that would be wonderful. Please have someone bring up a meal," he requested, his gratitude genuine.

The lady nodded, her expression one of understanding. "Of course, sir. It will be our pleasure to serve you," she assured him before departing, her steps as silent as the night.

Alone in the room, Kai approached the formation at the center. With a deep breath, he activated it, and the energy in the room stirred to life. It swirled around him, a vortex of power that he had only heard of in tales. His eyes widened in astonishment, a childlike wonder momentarily replacing the weariness on his face.

The energy rushed towards him, eager as if recognizing a kindred spirit. Kai steadied himself, channeling his excitement into focus. He began his cultivation, the energy amplifying his own, accelerating his recovery and growth.

As he settled into the rhythm of the formation, Kai felt the strains of the day melt away. The broken ribs, the battles fought, and the victories won—all seemed distant memories as he embraced the present moment, his spirit soaring within the embrace of the Tier 4 formation.

Kai's night at the Lotus Pavilion had been one of intense cultivation, his spirit and body immersed in the energies amplified by the Tier 4 formation. As dawn crept over the horizon, he felt a tangible increase in his power, yet he knew there was room for refinement.

With a sense of purpose, he left the comfort of the Pavilion and made his way to the mercenary association, seeking a task that would challenge his newfound strength and fill his coffers.

Upon arrival, Kai scanned the task board, his eyes flicking over each posting with a practiced ease. However, the tasks that met his gaze were long-term commitments or menial jobs that offered little in the way of excitement or reward. A frown creased his brow as he approached the counter, where the familiar lady greeted him with a courteous nod.

"I'm in search of a task that pays well," Kai began, his voice carrying a hint of frustration. "The board seems to be lacking in suitable options."

The lady offered a sympathetic smile, her hands clasped neatly in front of her. "I understand your concern, sir. Unfortunately, the high-paying jobs are quite scarce at the moment. They tend to be claimed almost as soon as they're posted," she explained, her tone apologetic yet matter-of-fact.

Kai's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Is there another way to access these tasks?" he inquired, leaning forward slightly.

The lady's expression brightened as she leaned in, sharing a secret known only to those within the association's walls. "You could consider joining a mercenary team that's affiliated with our association. The most lucrative and critical tasks are often reserved for these teams and are not made public.

If you're part of a team, you'll have priority access to these assignments," she divulged, her voice low and informative.

Kai absorbed the information, the pieces of a puzzle clicking into place in his mind. It explained the lackluster offerings on the public board—these were the leftovers, the tasks deemed unworthy by the established teams.

"Are there any restrictions on joining these teams?" Kai asked, his interest piqued.

The lady shook her head, her hair swaying gently with the motion. "There are no formal restrictions, sir. However, these teams seek individuals with formidable strength and a reputation to match. You're free to pursue your own interests, but acceptance is contingent on your abilities," she clarified, her gaze assessing Kai's demeanor.

"And there's another option," she continued, her voice taking on an instructive tone. "You could join the association itself. As a member, you'd be assigned to an official team. This path offers stability and access to exclusive tasks, though it comes with its own set of expectations and responsibilities."

Kai listened intently, weighing his options. The idea of joining a team was appealing—it promised camaraderie and a steady stream of challenging tasks. On the other hand, becoming a member of the association offered a different kind of security, a chance to be part of something larger than himself.

"Thank you for the information," Kai said, his voice laced with gratitude. "I'll consider both paths and decide which suits my journey best."

The lady nodded, her role as a guide fulfilled. "Take your time, sir. Whatever your choice, the association is here to support you."

Kai after further confirming the information about the teams and decided to join one. He didn't even consider joining the mercenary association.

Just from the looks of it, the members will be posed with a lot of restrictions and even need to do a lot of jobs, which would affect his cultivation.

His only pursuit was to reach the peak, it was his desire and dream; he won't give up them, no matter what.

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