Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 132: 132. Limit

Kai's journey to the mountain was a testament to his determination and skill. The path was not steep, but the mountain's peculiar magnetic field played tricks on his senses, distorting his perception of direction. To counter this, Kai left markers along his path, ensuring he would not fall victim to the mountain's deceptive nature.

As he ascended, Kai encountered beasts that lurked among the rocks and trees. These creatures, fierce and untamed, saw Kai as an intruder in their domain. But Kai was undeterred. His cultivation, honed through countless hours of rigorous training, made him a formidable opponent.

The first beast, a massive creature with scales like armor and eyes that glowed with a predatory light, charged at Kai with a roar that echoed through the mountain. Kai stood his ground, his body relaxed yet ready. As the beast lunged, Kai sidestepped with grace, his movements fluid like water. He struck with precision, his palm meeting the beast's side.

The impact resonated, a silent force that sent the creature tumbling down the slope, defeated but alive.

Further up the trail, a pack of beasts awaited, their snarls a chorus of challenge. Kai faced them with a calm that belied the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He moved among them like a storm, his strikes a blur. Each beast that leapt towards him met a similar fate—overpowered by Kai's superior technique and strength, they were swiftly incapacitated.

The climb continued, each step taking Kai higher, the air growing thinner but his resolve never wavering. The magnetic field grew stronger, its invisible force tugging at him, trying to lead him astray. But Kai's markers, symbols of his foresight, guided him true.

After five arduous hours, Kai reached the mountain's peak. Before him lay a field bathed in the soft glow of moonlight flowers. Their luminescence was a serene contrast to the violence of his ascent. Kai knew the value of these flowers, the fortune they represented. He allowed himself a moment of triumph, a smile breaking through the exhaustion.

Kai stood amidst the moonlight garden, the soft glow of the flowers casting ethereal shadows on the ground. His moment of tranquility was shattered by the piercing cries of eagles descending from the sky. The guardians of the garden, a formidable flock of over two hundred, their feathers as dark as the night and eyes glinting with the ferocity of warriors.

The leader, a majestic eagle at the peak of Tier 3, led the charge, its wingspan casting a vast shadow over Kai. The air was thick with the beating of wings, the collective force of the eagles' descent stirring the petals of the moonlight flowers into a flurry.

Kai, sensing the impending battle, embraced the challenge. He wanted to test his mettle, to push his limits before his next breakthrough. With a deliberate choice, he decided to forgo the full extent of his abilities. No Will path, no treasure abilities—just his sword and his Qi cultivation.

He drew his Tier 2 sword, the blade humming with latent power. Kai's heart thrummed in his chest, a rhythm that he harnessed with his [heart control] ability. His blood surged like a torrential river, flooding his muscles with strength and his mind with clarity. He blessed himself with Will Power, a necessary boon to withstand the might of Tier 3 beasts.

The leader eagle swooped down, talons outstretched, aiming for a lethal strike. Kai pivoted on the balls of his feet, his movements a dance of precision and grace. He parried with his sword, the clang of metal against talon ringing through the air.

The eagle recoiled, only to be met with a swift counter-attack as Kai's blade arced through the air, leaving a trail of Qi that shimmered like the moonlight.

The other eagles followed suit, a cascade of feathered assailants. Kai's sword was a blur, each stroke fending off multiple attacks, each step a calculated maneuver. He moved through the garden, his presence an unyielding force against the avian onslaught.

One eagle, larger than the rest, dived towards Kai with a screech that seemed to split the sky. Kai faced it head-on, his Qi flaring around him like a shield. The eagle's talons clashed against the Qi barrier, sparks flying from the impact. Kai seized the moment, thrusting his sword forward with a surge of power that sent the eagle spiraling away, defeated but alive.

The battle raged on, neither side yielding. Kai's body was a conduit for his cultivation, each breath a cycle of energy, each heartbeat a drum of war. The eagles, relentless in their duty, continued their assault, their numbers an advantage they pressed with unyielding determination.

As the fight wore on, Kai's resolve did not waver. His swordplay was not just a means of combat but an expression of his spirit. With every deflected attack, every countered strike, he honed his skill, his understanding of the sword deepening.

The moonlight garden became a battlefield of light and shadow, the beauty of the place underscored by the ferocity of the conflict. The eagles, embodiments of the garden's will, fought with a natural grace that was both awe-inspiring and daunting.

Kai, amidst the chaos, found a rhythm in the madness. His sword was an extension of his will, his Qi cultivation a testament to his journey. The battle was hard-fought, but Kai's limitations were self-imposed—a choice that made each victory more satisfying, each moment of triumph a step towards understanding his true potential.

Kai's breaths came in ragged gasps as he faced the relentless onslaught of the eagles. His sword danced in his hands, a deadly extension of his will, carving through the air and felling more than fifty Tier 2 eagles. Yet, the Tier 3 eagles were a different matter; they were merely wounded, their resilience a testament to their superior rank.

He employed phantom steps, a technique that rendered his movements a blur, sowing confusion among the feathered assailants. For a moment, it seemed as if he was everywhere at once, his killing sphere an unstoppable force. But this advantage was fleeting.

The leader of the eagles, a formidable Tier 3 beast, had watched from afar, its patience wearing thin. With a screech that split the sky, it launched itself towards Kai. Its speed was astonishing, akin to teleportation, a blur of deadly intent.

Kai sensed the impending attack, his instincts screaming a warning. He attempted to dodge, but the limitations of his Tier 2 cultivation were a chain holding him back. The eagle struck with precision, its talons a hammer blow that sent Kai hurtling through the air.

He crashed to the ground, the impact jarring his bones, fracturing his ribs with a pain that seared through his body. Anger flared within him, a burning realization that his current power was insufficient against such foes.

Refusing to accept defeat, Kai tapped into the depths of his lineage. He called upon his bloodline power, a force that had slumbered within him, waiting for this moment of desperation. Dark energy surged through his veins, a tide of potential unleashed.

Kai's transformation into the fallen Angel was a spectacle of dark beauty. His wings unfurled, vast and black as the void, and he ascended with a newfound majesty. The sky above the moonlight garden became his domain, and with a mere thought, he commanded the darkness to manifest as a dome, enveloping the eagles in an inescapable prison.

The smaller eagles fluttered in terror, their cries piercing the night as the darkness began its insidious work. It seeped into their feathers, a creeping doom that sapped their vitality and dimmed the light in their eyes. They were trapped, their freedom snatched away by the very element they had soared through all their lives.

The leader of the eagles, a creature of formidable power, rallied its Tier 3 brethren. They turned their sights on Kai, their intent clear—they would not fall without a fight. They dove towards him, a storm of beaks and talons, their combined might a force that had ruled the skies unchallenged.

But Kai was undeterred. His bloodline blessing surged within him, a torrent of dark energy that responded to his will. He raised his hands, and the darkness responded, swelling like a tide. It rolled forward, a wave of obliteration that sought to consume all in its path.

The eagles met the darkness head-on, their bodies colliding with the oncoming wave. There was a moment of resistance, a futile struggle against the inevitable. Then, one by one, they were engulfed. The darkness did not discriminate—it washed over them, leaving nothing behind. Feathers, flesh, and bone, all were dissolved, erased from existence as if they had never been.

In the aftermath, the garden was silent. The dome of darkness dissipated, revealing a clear night sky once more. Kai hovered above the ground, his wings slowly beating, the only evidence of the battle that had raged moments before.

He descended, his feet touching the soft earth of the garden. The moonlight flowers, untouched by the conflict, continued to bloom, their beauty a stark contrast to the destruction that had unfolded above them.

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