Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 131: 131. Moonlight Grass

Kai's heart raced as he stepped into the village, the unfamiliar sights and sounds enveloping him in a wave of anticipation. The absence of cultivators was a stroke of luck, allowing him to blend in unnoticed. As he tuned into the villagers' conversations, a jolt of surprise coursed through him—they spoke the language of the Enlightenment World, a tongue he thought was known only to his kin.

With cautious steps, Kai approached an elderly man who sat outside a modest hut, his face etched with the wisdom of years. "Sir, can you tell me about this place?" Kai asked, his voice laced with a feigned innocence.

The old man's eyes, warm and inviting, met Kai's with a gentle kindness. "Ah, young one, this is a peaceful village," he began, his voice a soothing balm to Kai's anxious spirit. "We live simple lives, far removed from the chaos of empires and wars."

Kai, sensing an ally in this kind-hearted soul, probed further about the broader world, playing the part of an ignorant and naive boy who had ventured outside for the first time. "I've heard tales of the world beyond these lands, but they are like distant dreams to me," he said, his eyes wide with feigned curiosity.

The old man chuckled, a sound as comforting as the crackling of a hearth. "Did you live in the mountains, child?" he inquired, a twinkle of amusement in his gaze.

Kai nodded, weaving a tale of solitude amidst the craggy peaks. "Yes, the mountains have been my home, my sanctuary," he lied smoothly, his expression earnest.

Believing Kai's story, the old man leaned in, as if sharing a great secret. "Then let me tell you about the Hegemony World," he whispered, his voice carrying the weight of untold stories. "There are but two continents in this vast expanse. We are in the North Continent, a land ruled by the mighty Asan Empire—the strongest family to ever grace these parts."

Kai listened intently, his mind cataloging every detail. The old man continued, his words painting a vivid picture of the North Continent's singular empire and its unchallenged dominion.

"As for the South Continent," the old man confessed, his brow furrowing slightly, "I know little. Rumors and whispers travel across the seas, but they are as fleeting as the morning mist."

Kai nodded, understanding the limitations of knowledge in such a secluded place. "And what of the powers that be? The forces that one must remember?" he asked, his tone laced with a hunger for understanding.

The old man's eyes gleamed with a mix of pride and caution. "Ah, there are many powers, young one. But remember this—the Asan Empire may rule with an iron fist, but it is the unseen forces, the silent watchers, that truly hold sway over our fates."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the village, Kai felt a profound sense of gratitude for the old man's wisdom. With a respectful bow, he thanked the elder for his generosity in sharing the tales of the Hegemony World.

The old man simply smiled, his gaze following Kai as he walked away, a solitary figure against the backdrop of a world brimming with unseen mysteries and untold adventures.

Kai's steps echoed through the cobblestone streets of Samar City, each footfall a steady drumbeat marking his journey. The city was a tapestry of life, woven with the vibrant threads of merchants, scholars, and, most notably, cultivators. At the heart of this urban symphony stood the Mercenary Association, a bastion for those who sought fortune and fame through feats of strength and valor.

As Kai approached the grand edifice, he couldn't help but marvel at its imposing structure. Towering pillars carved with the tales of legendary mercenaries held aloft a roof that seemed to touch the heavens. The building was more than a mere gathering place; it was a symbol of the unyielding spirit of the North Continent's warriors.

It was the mercenary association was one of the major powers of Asan Empire and their branches were located all over the empire.

The association welcomes loose cultivators without background. They wouldn't bind them and even help them by providing task. But that wasn't free, 10% will be taken as a commision from the task reward. The price wasn't too high and fair, so they are loved by ordinary cultivators.

Inside, the air buzzed with the energy of countless deals and daring plans. The main hall was vast, its walls adorned with banners representing the various factions and heroes of the mercenary world. At the center stood the task board, a magnetic force that drew all eyes with its promise of adventure and riches.

Kai navigated through the crowd, his presence a silent ripple in the sea of ambition that surrounded him. He reached the task board, scanning the myriad of missions that ranged from the mundane to the perilous. Yet, none seemed to match the urgency of his quest.

He turned to the counter, where a young attendant stood, her eyes sharp and calculating as she assessed each mercenary that came before her. Kai's approach caught her attention, and for a moment, her professional facade slipped, revealing a flicker of surprise at his striking appearance.

"I seek a task that offers substantial reward," Kai stated, his voice a low thrum that cut through the din of the hall. "I am willing to embrace risk for the right price."

The attendant regarded him with a newfound respect, sensing the steel in his resolve. "High-reward tasks come with high risks," she replied, her voice steady. "Are you prepared to face such dangers?"

Kai's response was a nod, as unwavering as the mountains he claimed as his home. The attendant sifted through a stack of parchments, each one a contract between the association and those daring enough to accept its challenges. She selected a paper, its edges worn from the hands of previous hopefuls, and presented it to Kai.

The task was clear: to harvest Moonlight Grass, a luminescent herb coveted for its mystical properties. The reward was a peak-grade spirit stone per stack, a fortune that could fund Kai's ascension to the Divine Realm. There was no cap to the bounty, a detail that set Kai's heart alight with possibility.

Kai accepted the parchment, his fingers brushing against the attendant's as he did so. A silent understanding passed between them, a recognition of the journey Kai was about to undertake.

Kai stepped out of the Mercenary Association, the weight of his new task settling on his shoulders like a cloak. The marketplace of Samar City sprawled before him, a labyrinth of stalls and shops, each brimming with the promise of treasures and trinkets. Kai's purpose was singular: to acquire knowledge of the elusive Moonlight Grass.

He wove through the throngs of people, his eyes scanning for the telltale signs of an information merchant. These purveyors of secrets and guides were invaluable to those who, like Kai, sought the hidden corners of the world. At last, his gaze landed on a stall draped in scrolls and maps, the air around it thick with the musk of old paper and ink.

The merchant, a wiry man with eyes like sharp agates, appraised Kai with a practiced look. "Information is the currency of the wise," he intoned, his voice a sly melody. "What secrets do you seek, young master?"

Kai reached into his robes, producing the weapon of Yand Wudi—a blade of exquisite craftsmanship and latent power. It was a worthy price for the knowledge he required. "I seek the Moonlight Grass," Kai stated, his voice devoid of any tremor. "I offer this mortal weapon in exchange for its location."

The merchant's eyes flickered with interest, the sight of the weapon drawing a covetous gleam. "A fair trade," he conceded, his fingers itching to grasp the hilt. "The Moonlight Grass is a rare bloom, its petals bathed in the silver glow of the moon."

With a swift exchange, the weapon traded hands, and the merchant unfurled a map, its surface a network of lines and symbols. He pointed to three peaks inked onto the parchment. "Here, here, and here," he said, tapping each mountain in turn. "The Moonlight Grass favors the high places where the moon's touch is strongest."

Kai studied the map, etching its details into his memory. The mountains were not far, each a sentinel watching over the city. Saar Mountain, the closest, was his chosen destination—a peak that pierced the clouds, its slopes a challenge to any who dared its ascent.

With a nod of thanks, Kai folded the map and tucked it away. The marketplace faded into a blur as he set his sights on the towering form of Saar Mountain. The path ahead was clear, and though the journey would be arduous, Kai's resolve was as firm as the earth beneath his feet.

The city gave way to the wilds as Kai ventured forth, the sounds of civilization replaced by the whispers of the wind and the calls of distant creatures. The mountain loomed ever closer, its rocky face a testament to the ageless dance of the elements.

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