Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 135: 135. Bait

The morning air was crisp as Kai, Dan, and the silent swordswoman arrived at the designated meeting spot, a clearing that seemed to pulse with the latent energy of countless trials and triumphs. Dan, ever the conversationalist, attempted to engage Kai in banter, his words bouncing off Kai's stoic demeanor like pebbles against a fortress wall.

The swordswoman, her identity shrouded in mystery, remained an enigma, her only companion the blade she clutched with a warrior's devotion.

Kai, feeling the beginnings of a headache from Dan's relentless attempts at camaraderie, decided to assert his boundaries. With a subtle invocation of his [Will Might] technique, he projected an aura of formidable presence, a pressure that spoke of ancient power and untold danger.

Dan, caught in the invisible maelstrom, felt a primal fear claw at his resolve, a sensation that forced him into a hasty retreat from Kai's personal space. The message was clear: Kai was not one to be trifled with.

As the trio waited, the man who had tested them the previous day made his entrance. However, this time he was not alone. A woman with fiery red hair led the way, her beauty not of this world, her elegance accentuated by a dress that seemed to capture the very essence of grace. The man, known as Jiang Chen, followed her, his posture one of deference to her higher status.

Kai's eyes widened, not in awe of her beauty, but in recognition of the power dynamics at play. The woman, commanding the respect of a Tier 4 cultivator like Jiang Chen, was undoubtedly of significant importance.

Jiang Chen, upon receiving a subtle nod from the red-haired woman, introduced himself and his companion. "I'm Jiang Chen, the vice-captain of the Demon Slaying Team, and this is Yue, our team captain," he said, his voice carrying a mix of pride and respect.

Kai's surprise was evident. The Jiang family was a name he had come across in his research—a powerful lineage in the north continent, second only to the Asan Empire. To find a scion of such a family serving as a mercenary was unexpected, to say the least.

Without waiting for their reactions, Jiang Chen delved into the details of their first mission. "Your task is to eliminate a demon that has surfaced on the outskirts of Samar City," he explained, his tone businesslike.

Kai nodded, his suspicions confirmed. He had learned of the Demon Slaying Team's singular focus during his inquiries the day before. They were an entity forged for one purpose: to hunt and eradicate the demons that plagued the southern part of the continent.

Demons, the bane of humanity, resided across the southern expanse, their lands a forbidden realm where humans dared not tread. The ongoing war between the continents was a backdrop to their existence, a constant reminder of the threat they posed. These creatures, devoid of morals, would slip into human cities and villages, leaving only carnage in their wake.

The parting was swift, Yue and Jiang Chen leaving Kai, Dan, and the silent swordswoman behind. The other members of the Demon Slaying Team were absent, their presence unnecessary for what was merely a trial for the newcomers. As Yue raised her hand, sending a signal through the air with a subtle manipulation of Qi, Kai watched with a mixture of curiosity and awe.

The response to Yue's call was immediate and breathtaking. A colossal bird, its wings vast enough to eclipse the sun, descended from the heavens. Its aura was a tangible thing, cool and pure, reminiscent of a winter's day when the world is blanketed in snow.

The bird's presence commanded respect, its power evident in the pressure that emanated from it, a force comparable to that of Sebastian, indicating its status at the peak of Tier 4.

With a grace that belied its size, the bird landed near Yue and, as if obeying an unspoken command, shrank to a more manageable size. Yue mounted the majestic creature without hesitation, her voice carrying on the wind, "Follow me." Jiang Chen, with a wave of his hand, enveloped Kai, Dan, and the woman in his Qi, lifting them into the air as they began their pursuit.

The journey was long, spanning over five hours, and took them over a vast desert that stretched to the horizon. The heat was oppressive, the kind of dry, searing warmth that could sap the strength from even the hardiest of souls. Kai, feeling the uncharacteristic bead of sweat on his brow, knew instantly that something was amiss.

His body, honed to near perfection, should not have been susceptible to such trivial environmental factors. With a swift application of Qi, he shielded himself from the desert's deceitful heat.

Dan and the swordswoman seemed oblivious to the anomaly, their gazes fixed on the endless sands before them. But Yue, her eyes meeting Kai's, offered a smile of approval, acknowledging his astuteness. It was a silent exchange that confirmed Kai's suspicions—this desert was more than it seemed.

Jiang Chen's voice cut through the stillness, his announcement carrying the weight of an impending challenge. "Demons lurk near this desert. Your task is to eradicate them completely, leaving no hidden dangers behind. Should you encounter a demon beyond your capabilities, do not fear—we will intervene."

Before they could brace themselves, Jiang Chen propelled them in different directions, casting them into the heart of the desert. The abruptness of the action left no room for protest or preparation.

Kai landed with the grace of a cat, his feet sinking slightly into the hot sand. He scanned his surroundings, the desert a canvas of shifting dunes and deceptive tranquility. The heat was a living thing, a predator in its own right, but Kai's Qi-coated skin repelled its advances.

Dan, thrown to a different part of the desert, landed with a grunt, his muscular frame kicking up a cloud of sand. He rose, shaking the grains from his hair, a determined glint in his eye. The swordswoman, her landing silent and precise, stood ready, her sword an extension of her will.

Kai's landing in the vast desert was a silent affair, the soft sand absorbing the impact of his boots. He surveyed the endless dunes, their golden crests undulating like waves in a frozen ocean. The sun beat down mercilessly, its rays a tangible force against his skin. Yet, despite the oppressive heat, Kai felt an unnatural chill, a premonition that something was amiss.

He extended his will, a subtle wave of power that rippled outwards, seeking signs of life, of danger. But the desert thwarted him, a mysterious force repelling his senses and cloaking the landscape in secrecy. It was a challenge, a puzzle crafted by the environment itself, and Kai accepted it without hesitation.

Determined not to be outdone by Dan or the swordswoman, Kai set off across the dunes. His plan was simple yet cunning: to draw out the demons by causing a commotion. The low-level demons, creatures of instinct and bloodlust, would be unable to resist the allure of conflict and death.

As he traversed the desert, the silence was his only companion, the soft whisper of sand against sand a constant murmur in his ears. Suddenly, a prickle of danger caressed his senses, and without a moment's delay, Kai leapt into the air. The ground where he had stood moments before erupted, a massive centipede bursting forth in a shower of sand.

The creature was an explosive centipede, a denizen of the Abyssal World, its body a tapestry of armored segments and its eyes gleaming with malevolence. Kai's lips curled into a smile, not of amusement, but of anticipation. He knew this beast, its strengths and weaknesses, and he was ready.

In midair, Kai drew his sword, a blade that had tasted the blood of countless foes. He descended upon the centipede like a falcon, his sword poised to deliver a deathblow. The centipede, sensing its peril, spat a fireball towards him, a glowing orb of destruction meant to detonate upon impact.

But Kai was undeterred. He infused his sword with intent, the very essence of sharpness. The blade cleaved through the fireball, dissipating it harmlessly, and continued its deadly arc. The centipede, unable to evade the swift strike, was cleaved open, its lifeblood spilling onto the sand.

Kai landed gracefully, his sword sinking into the creature's eye with precision. The centipede shuddered violently, its death throes sending tremors through the desert floor. With a final twist of his blade, Kai ended its suffering.

The centipede lay still, its once fearsome form now lifeless. Kai dismembered the carcass, ensuring the scent of blood would carry on the hot winds. It was a beacon, a call to the demons he sought.

He did not linger, for time was of the essence. Kai moved on, his senses alert for more centipedes, more opportunities to lure out his true prey. The desert, with its hidden dangers and scorching heat, was now his hunting ground, and he was the hunter.

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