My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 44: Daddy... Are You Going to Have a New Baby With Mommy?

The next day

"Ugh~" Leon groaned as the sunlight hit him, slowly beginning to op his heavy eyes.

Lazily, he looked up at the room's ceiling, fully coming to his sses.

"Ugh... I'm so tired..." muttered Leon, furrowing his brow.

Despite having slept well, the fatigue lingered in his body.

"Damn... What did I do last night to feel this exhausted?" Leon muttered as he got up, rubbing his throbbing head.

His memory was hazy, but he recalled Liliana coming to his room to discuss something.

"Wait! Liliana!?" Leon's stunned expression froze his face, and his body trembled violtly.

The mtion of Liliana triggered a sudd recollection: her unexpected passionate kiss last night!

He also couldn't shake off the memory of Liliana's abrupt change in demeanor, a complete 80-degree shift from her usual cold and nonchalant attitude.

"Damn! What the hell happed to her last night!?" Leon's heart skipped a beat as he pondered the evts of the previous eving.

The memory of Liliana almost raping him, and his getting carried away with it, prompted a rather frighting realization.

"Did... nothing happ betwe us, right?" Leon swallowed hard, surveying the chaotic surings, which resembled the aftermath of a deadly battle.

With Liliana nowhere to be found, her absce suggested she had left before he woke up.

Observing the disheveled surings and the telltale wet spots on the bed, ev the most dumb and idiotic would discern what had occurred.

"Shit! So, Liliana and I actually did that!" Leon nearly jumped from his spot, his voice tinged with fear and disbelief.

It wasn't that he was scared because of guilt over what happed with Liliana, as it was evidt to him that she was solely responsible for the situation.

Considering the oddity of Liliana's behavior the morning prior, her unexpected visit to his room, and the abrupt shift in her demeanor the last night, it became evidt that there was a hidd cause behind it all, known only to Liliana.

The evts of last night also signified a significant shift in the cooperative relationship betwe the two, initially formed to care for their triplet daughters.

Furthermore, he realized he couldn't meet Liliana later with the same demeanor as before.

"Hey... How can I approach her with my usual demeanor?" Leon sighed softly, reclining on the bed.

His gaze was fixed on the ceiling, lost in a daze. He pondered that perhaps of his worries would have materialized if only Liliana had feigned indifferce and suppressed her emotions.

Yet he couldn't fathom how Liliana could ever adopt such a demeanor.

Despite their brief acquaintance, Leon had quickly discerned that Liliana, known as the notorious Demon Emperor, was a woman of remarkable ssitivity and depth of feeling.

It was indeed peculiar to attribute such human traits to someone bearing the title of Demon Emperor, like Liliana.

However, the reality was undiable. If Liliana hadn't possessed such ssitivity and compassion, there was no conceivable reason why she, the great leader of the tire Demon race, would have spared his life, the sword hero, and ev interved to save him from the poison inside his body.

Was Liliana's reason truly as simple as wanting their three daughters to have a father figure to care for them?

While it seemed logical on the surface, such a motive appeared weak and implausible for a demon, let alone a demon emperor.

Preserving his life posed a threat to the Demon race, a scario Liliana, as the Demon Emperor, could never tolerate—unless one exception existed: Liliana harbored emotions for him without realizing it.

"Tsk! If that's the case, there's no way out, is there?" Leon clicked his tongue, realizing it was futile to dwell on what had occurred.

It was wiser to contemplate how to handle the impding counter with Liliana to prevt any awkwardness betwe them.

As he surveyed the disorderly room once more, a small smile inexplicably crept onto his lips.

"Ehem! It's quite chaotic, and I must say, I didn't expect this battle to be so brutal," he remarked with a mix of embarrassmt and pride.

Despite having lost his hero powers, he was pleasantly surprised by the lingering strgth he still possessed in that regard!

Had it be another man, it was certain that their little fellow under pants durance would have lasted a mere five minutes!

As he considered the chaos a him, his expression suddly tighted, and he cast a glance at the clock, which had already struck 7:59 a.m.

"Damn it! I forgot that those two little girls would be here by this hour!" Leon exclaimed in a panic.

If the two girls asked him why the room was so messy, how should he respond?

Quickly, he sprang up from his bed, an inexplicable chill running down his crotch.

"Oops! I'm not dressed yet," Leon chuckled awkwardly. Just as he moved to grab some clothes from his closet, a loud knocking echoed from the door.



"Daddy, are you awake? Please op up quickly; I need to ask you something!"

"Right! Please op it immediately!"

The two familiar voices, other than Fiona and Charlotte, startled Leon.

Their exclamations sounded urgt, as if they were in a hurry.

"Wait a minute! I'm tidying up my room!" Leon called out, his voice tinged with urgcy, as he hastily gathered his clothes and began tidying up.

Upon hearing Leon's reply, Fiona and Charlotte outside intsified their knocking and raised their voices ev louder.

"Daddy! Op up immediately! Hurry! I have something to ask you!"

"Right! Wuuuuu~ op up, Daddy!"

Leon nearly choked on his saliva upon hearing the escalating shouting and noise from Fiona and Charlotte outside his door, a behavior uncharacteristic of the two.

For some inexplicable reason, he felt as though he were a criminal caught in the act of stealing someone's wife, desperately cleaning up the sce while being raided by the public.

"These two stinky girls... do they have to make me panic?" Leon grumbled inwardly, paying little atttion to Fiona and Charlotte's exclamations outside.

His priority now was to clean up all traces of the battle with Liliana!

Leon disposed of the sheets, pillows, and some damp, soiled clothes.

Next, he oped the windows to allow the lingering sct of their last night's battle to dissipate.

Not forgetting, he sprayed room perfume and placed it on each side.

"Daddy! Are you sleeping? Daddy!"

"Daddy! Fiona wants to see you! Hurry! Wuuuuu~"

The cries of the two little girls heighted Leon's panic, and after five minutes, everything was in order.

"Shit! Is this what it feels like for criminals to be raided by the public? It's truly nerve-wracking!" Leon chuckled nervously, finding this ssation quite novel.

After all, in his previous life, he had oft se news reports about extramarital affairs, curious about how the perpetrators hurriedly cleaned up their evidce.

After confirming that everything was in order, Leon glanced at the door, which was still being vigorously knocked on by the two noisy girls.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming!" Leon released a small sigh, baffled by why the two girls were causing such a commotion so early in the morning.

As he approached the door, slowly unlocking it, it was suddly pushed op by the two little girls, Fiona and Charlotte, still in their nightgowns.

With tears streaming down their faces, they immediately jumped onto Leon's thighs, their expressions filled with urgcy and concern.

"Wuuu~ Daddy, you finally oped the door! I thought you didn't love me anymore!"

"That's right! Wuuu~ Daddy is so mean!"

The two little girls cried hysterically, clutching his thigh tightly as if overwhelmed by sadness.

Observing the sudd tears from the two girls, Leon, who was oblivious to the cause, was naturally dumbfounded.

"Why are you two crying so early in the morning!?" Leon frantically wiped away the tears from their eyes.

His face was full of wonder and fear that something had happed to them.

However, he couldn't fathom what could cause these two little girls to cry so hysterically.

After all, this was the Demon Emperor's palace, and besides himself, the three little daughters, Liliana, Lyra, and a few maids, there were no others prest.

Th, who could have upset these two so profoundly?

As Leon tderly wiped away their tears, instead of calming down, the two girls cried ev more hysterically.

"Wuuuu~ Daddy, Fiona is so sad! Wuuuu~"

"Me too! Daddy's going to leave us! I can't take it!"

Once again, Leon was stunned, his mouth twitching inexplicably. Although he couldn't fathom why the two little girls were crying, the mtion of 'leaving' hinted at something he was unaware of.

"Alright, alright... Don't cry like that, okay? Please tell me why you're crying." Leon gtly wiped away the tears that cascaded down their chubby cheeks.

For some reason, as he gazed at the two crying girls, they appeared to be incredibly cute and dearing.

Especially Charlotte, who typically exuded maturity and composure, now resembles a typical young girl her age.

In response to Leon's words, Fiona and Charlotte wiped their runny noses and cast pitiful looks at him.

"Daddy~ please don't leave us, okay?~ Charlotte promises to be good~"

"Fiona won't cause any trouble either~"

Leon, perplexed by the sudd mtion of leaving, felt a sse of helplessness.

"Alright, tell me what's going on." Leon lifted both of them into his arms and gtly asked.

The two girls exchanged sad glances, uncertain how to articulate their feelings.

"It's okay. I won't be angry, okay?" Leon attempted to reassure them wh he noticed their hesitance.

Fiona pursed her lips, tears brimming in her eyes as she asked, "Daddy... Are you going to have a new baby with Mommy?"



A/N: Please give me a support! Thank you!

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