My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 45: That's Impossible, Right?

0 minutes ago...

"Fiona, wake up! Hurry!" Charlotte shook Fiona's sleeping form gtly, whispering urgtly into her ear.

As her body was gtly shak and a whisper reached her ear, Fiona stirred from her sleep, slowly oping her eyes.

"Mmm... What's going on, sis? Why'd you wake me?" Fiona mumbled drowsily, rubbing her eyelids.

Her consciousness remained in a hazy state, showing signs of slipping back into sleep.

"Hey, it's morning already! Remember our plan to visit Daddy's room this morning and ask him about Mommy's visit last night?" Charlotte's soft whisper jolted Fiona instantly awake.

"Right! I almost forgot!" Fiona exclaimed, instantly snapping out of her drowsiness.

At the sudd outburst, Charlotte quickly pressed her palm against Fiona's mouth to muffle the noise.

"Sshh! Quiet! Iris might wake up!" Charlotte whispered urgtly, stealing a glance at the little -haired girl sleeping at the d of the bed, her back turned to them.

Fiona blinked, th nodded her head like a chick, in agreemt with Charlotte.

Charlotte felt utterly helpless with Fiona's careless attitude, knowing that if Iris woke up, they couldn't leave her alone and take her to their father's room together.

Yet she was acutely aware that Iris hadn't yet met their father and hadn't fully accepted him.

"Alright, let's hurry to Daddy's room and ask him what he did with Mommy last night," Charlotte said as she removed her palm from her mouth, urging Fiona.

"Okay!" Fiona giggled excitedly, and the two swiftly climbed out of bed and made their way out of the room.

Shortly after they left, Iris, who had be asleep, slowly oped her eyes.

Despite sharing the same eyes as her two sisters, she appeared cold and distant, as if maintaining a distance of thousands of miles from people.

Gradually, she shifted her body and fixed her gaze on the door where her sisters had departed, her previously indiffert expression morphing into one of annoyance and irritation.

"Humph! You both stinky sisters are just ignoring me," she muttered sulkily, pulling the blanket tightly a her body.

Meanwhile, Fiona and Charlotte, still clad in their nightgowns, walked down the hallway with their short legs.

"Sis, did you find out what Mommy did with Daddy last night?" Fiona blinked with curiosity as she asked.

Last night's evts lingered in her little mind, filling her with such curiosity that sleep eluded her.

Charlotte shook her head as she responded, "I don't know either, Fiona. I'm just as curious as you about why Mommy and Daddy were together in the room last night. And did you notice how strange and happy Mommy's voice sounded?"

Fiona nodded eagerly, her lips pursed in contemplation.

"That's true! Mommy sounded so happy... It was indeed unusual," Fiona remarked, clearly in agreemt.

As the two conversed eagerly while walking, a voice suddly broke the rhythm from behind.

"Young Lady Charlotte and Young Lady Fiona, good morning," the voice greeted them.

Startled, Charlotte and Fiona halted their steps simultaneously, turning to find Lyra standing there.

"Lyra! Good morning!" Fiona greeted her with a sweet smile.

"Good morning, Lyra," Charlotte replied, her usual graceful smile adorning her face.

Despite occasional childishness, Charlotte only displayed it in the presce of her father and mother.

Lyra nodded towards them and regarded the two with a curious gaze.

"Young Lady Charlotte and Young Lady Fiona, what brings you out so early this morning?" Lyra asked curiously, her gaze shifting betwe the two, who were already up at this hour.

After all, it was unusual to see the two, who typically slept in, up and about so early.

As Lyra posed her question, Fiona moved to respond but was cut off by Charlotte.

"We're heading to Daddy's room, Lyra," Charlotte replied casually, offering no further explanation.

Fiona quickly caught onto her sister's inttion and sealed her lips tightly shut.

"Oh? His Majesty Leon's room? I understand..." Lyra responded briefly, th noticed something peculiar about the expressions of the two.

The expressions of the two seemed to betray a mix of agitation, curiosity, and other emotions that they struggled to conceal.

"Young Lady Fiona and Young Lady Charlotte, is there something troubling you? You both seem quite anxious," Lyra asked with hesitance, her concern evidt in her tone.

Charlotte and Fiona exchanged surprised glances, their expressions filled with amazemt.

"Did you notice our anxiety, Lyra?" Charlotte asked, rubbing her small, face.

Beside her, Fiona mimicked the action, pinching her chubby cheeks and lightly rubbing her face.

Lyra couldn't help but smile slightly at their antics, nodding in understanding.

"Indeed... It's quite evidt," Lyra replied in her usual calm and somewhat indiffert tone.

Charlotte let out a small sigh, appreciating Lyra's insight.

"As expected of you, Lyra," Charlotte praised sincerely.

Lyra, their mother's confidante, possessed remarkable abilities.

"Thank you for your kind words, Young Lady Charlotte," Lyra responded politely before continuing, "So, what is troubling you two?"

Fiona and Charlotte exchanged a simultaneous glance before nodding in agreemt and th proceeding to briefly recount the evts of the last night to Lyra.

After a minute of explanation, Charlotte paused and directed her gaze towards Lyra.

"So, do you know what Mommy and Daddy did, Lyra?" Charlotte asked, excitemt evidt in her voice.

"Yeah, Lyra, do you know?" Fiona chimed in, her thusiasm matching Charlotte's.

Unbeknownst to them, Lyra's expression remained froz as Charlotte explained.

Her lips parted and closed, as if attempting to produce a sound, yet no sound escaped them.

Ssing Lyra's unusual demeanor, Charlotte waved her hand and inquired, "Lyra? Are you listing?"

Charlotte's voice acted as a bell, jolting Lyra back to the prest.

"Ah... I apologize, Young Lady Charlotte and Young Lady Fiona," Lyra responded, her tone sounding unusual and uncharacteristic.

"It's alright, Lyra. So, do you know what Mommy and Daddy did?" Charlotte's small hands clched with anticipation as she awaited a response. Beside her, Fiona mirrored her excitemt.

"Hufft~" Lyra let out a small sigh, casting a sad and pitying glance at the two.

"Young Lady Charlotte and Young Lady Fiona... congratulations..." Her words caught the two by surprise, leaving them astonished.

Before they could ev inquire further, Lyra's next words struck them like thunder.

"You two will soon have a baby sibling..."


"So that's how it happed..." Leon sighed, feeling a little helpless as he listed to the story of the two.

He hadn't expected at all that his two little girls would show up last night outside his room and overhear his confrontation with Liliana.

Just the thought of it made him incredibly embarrassed.

Fortunately, Fiona and Charlotte refrained from knocking and barging in; otherwise, wouldn't it have be incredibly embarrassing to be caught by the two?

Leon looked at the two, still teary-eyed in his arms, and chuckled.

"Alright, alright, don't cry like that. It'll make your faces ugly in the future," Leon said with a gtle smile as he held them close.

Both of their expressions turned sull at his words, and Fiona, nestled in his left embrace, puffed up her cheeks in protest.

"Fiona won't become an ugly woman! Fiona will become a beautiful woman like Mommy!" Tears still glisted in her eyes, lding her expression an dearing quality.

"Well, of course, my little Fiona will be a beautiful woman in the future." Leon smiled warmly, gtly pinching her bun-like cheeks and praising her without hesitation.

With Liliana's exceptional beauty and his striking good looks, which pierced through t skies, it was inconceivable that Fiona would grow up to be anything but stunning!

After all, two dragons couldn't possibly give birth to a piglet, could they?

Meanwhile, Charlotte, still wearing a sad expression, suddly wrapped her arms tightly a Leon's neck as she asked, "Daddy~ You're not going to have a baby with Mommy, are you?"

Her question caused Leon to choke and cough.

"Cough! Of course, having another baby... it's impossible! So don't worry about having competition, okay? You two and Iris are my treasures, and there's no way I'm having another child with your mom," he said calmly, putting on a serious expression as he explained.

Of course, he understood the concerns of the two, who feared that his fatherly affection for them would be divided by the arrival of a "baby," which was surely just a misunderstanding on their part.

After all, these two little girls had never expericed a father's affection since birth, so wh he, their biological father, appeared, it was natural that they wouldn't want to let go.

'Tsk! A baby? How could Liliana and I possibly have another one?' Leon chuckled to himself.

Granted, tonight's evts were tirely unexpected, but it was highly improbable that a baby would result from a one-night stand.

Wait... a one-night stand? A single night? Night!?

Suddly, the memory of the incidt betwe him and Liliana four years ago flashed through his mind. His gaze th shifted to his two little daughters, nestled in his arms, causing the corners of his mouth to twitch involuntarily.

"F***! The outcome of last night's evt couldn't possibly d up like what happed four years ago, could it!?"

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