My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 43: The Golden Letter from the Palace and the Oath

Meanwhile, in a vast courtyard, a solitary figure stood beath the bright moonlight, clad in a robe, his handsome features illuminated against the night sky.

With his exquisite gold hair and strikingly handsome face, any woman who beheld him would likely feel an instant sse of kindness and fondness toward him.

At prest, the man with gold hair stood alone, his expression indiffert and calm as he gazed up at the twinkling stars in the sky.


Suddly, the sound of footsteps echoed from behind him, accompanied by a young man's voice.

"Your Highness, please pardon the interruption, but I bear a letter for you from the Imperial Palace." A young man dressed in servant's attire approached from behind, speaking with the utmost respect.

At the sound of the servant's voice, the expression on the gold-haired man's face, though still calm, subtly shifted, particularly evidt in the fluctuation of his gre eyes.

Gradually, he averted his gaze from the sky and turned to regard the young servant.

"Are you certain it's from the Imperial Palace?" The man inquired with a calm and nonchalant tone.

"Indeed, Your Highness. However, I am unable to ascertain the sder's idtity, as they did not disclose it to me," the young servant replied, a hint of uncertainty evidt on his face.

The man paused for a momt before inquiring, "Did the sder provide you with a message to convey to me?"

The young servant nodded eagerly, his gaze fixed on the man in anticipation.

"Yes, Your Highness. The sder instructed me to convey a message stating that 'the 0-year plan will be resumed' and urged Your Highness to read the letter promptly." The young servant provided a detailed explanation as he retrieved a gold-colored letter and prested it to the man.

The letter gleamed in a respldt shade of gold, adorned with intricate patterns along its edges. Its appearance alone would likely impress anyone with the significance and importance it held.

Upon hearing the young servant's words and receiving the letter, the man's expression underwt a swift and drastic transformation.

Finally, his previous calm demeanor shattered, replaced by a sardonic grin that st an inexplicable wave of discomfort through the young servant.

"Your Highness?" The young servant asked, his voice tinged with fear as he observed the man's unsettling smile.

Instantly, the gold-haired man snapped out of his reverie, casting the young servant an unusual gaze.

"It's okay, and thank you for telling me," the gold-haired man said calmly as his expression slowly returned to normal, taking the letter from him.

The young servant released a sigh of relief upon witnessing his master's expression normalize.

For some inexplicable reason, the sight of his master's earlier, unsettling countance st shivers down his spine.

"You're welcome, Your Highness. With your permission, I will take my leave," the servant said respectfully, bowing his head slightly.

Just as he turned a to depart, a sudd jolt interrupted him...


The servant's movemts ceased abruptly, his facial expression froz in shock.

In an instant, he was overwhelmed by excruciating pain radiating from his chest.

With a stiff movemt, he lowered his gaze and discovered a hand piercing through his chest.

Blood gushed forth, saturating his clothes, and the astonishmt on his face was impossible to conceal.

"Why..." His words choked in his throat as the hand withdrew from his chest.

With a pale expression of disbelief that his own master would suddly kill him, the young servant collapsed to the g, his life slipping away.

Meanwhile, observing the servant's demise, the gold-haired man's smile twisted into a cynical and cold expression.

"Blame it on your misfortune for knowing a thing you should never have known," said the gold-haired man calmly, showing no pity for the young servant's demise.

He glanced down at his bloodied arm and clched his fist.


In an instant, all traces of blood on his hand evaporated, disappearing without a trace.

His gaze shifted to the gold letter in his hand, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"I can't wait to see what news the Emperor will bring..." he murmured before proceeding to op the letter.

The man calmly perused the contts, his expression fluctuating numerous times as he read the letter, occasionally punctuated by laughter.

After five minutes...

"I see! I see! I understand now, hahahaha!" The man burst into laughter before closing the letter.

"Leon... Oh, Leon... I never imagined you'd meet your d like this... It appears your luck has run out, hasn't it?" The more he contemplated it, the more laughter bubbled up from within him.

"The war in a few days against the Demon race and the return of the Zith Holy Sword to the hall of heroes... Isn't it obvious that Emperor Velix intds to capitalize on this momtum for my befit?" A smirk adorned his face as he whispered softly.

His gaze lifted towards the night sky, and suddly, a holy power, reserved only for heroes, surged forth from his body.

The intsity of the holy power emanating from him was so immse that it caused the suring area, within a one-kilometer radius, to tremble and convulse violtly.

The man stood serely, akin to a deity, as the holy power illuminated his body.

With a cold expression and a proud grin, he fixed his gaze on the night sky.

"From this momt forth, there shall be no more Leon Kruger, the sword hero. For in this era, the fate of the sword hero belongs solely to me, Gur Lewyn!"


Echoing the man's shout, an unbelievably pott surge of holy power condsed, exploded, and radiated into the night sky.

The once-darked heavs now blazed brilliantly, prompting all the capital's people, whether asleep or awake, to hastily run and turn their gaze upwards.

"What's that light!? It's blinding!"

"That light... It's the holy power of a hero!"

"Heroes? Could this be the work of a hero? But which one? Is it Hero Leon Kruger, or perhaps one of the other two heroes?"

"Could it signal an impding attack by the demons? Someone, please inform us!"

The discussion swiftly reverberated throughout the capital, while several nearby small towns witnessed the piercing light that illuminated the sky.

Meanwhile, within the Holy Hall of the Three Heroes of Mankind, beath the towering statues of the three heroes, the Zith Holy Sword, previously dormant, suddly quivered and emitted a brilliant light, seemingly triggered by an unknown force.

The light gleamed for a fleeting momt before gradually fading away...

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