Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 99: Chapter 99: Went out

A guy approached the group of girls, plopping down beside them.

"Stop wasting your time on that poor guy," he sneered, glancing over at the photo they were fawning over.

"You're just jealous, brother!" one of the girls shot back, rolling her eyes.The guy scoffed, his expression smug.

"Me? Jealous? Not a chance. I may not be as handsome as him, but at least I've got money. Unlike that guy, who's eating noodles at a convice store earlier"

"He is?!" the girls exclaimed in unison, shocked.

The guy smirked but didn't bother to answer. Instead, he pulled out his phone and oped a video from Terratube.

On the scre was a video of a man with long hair, fighting alongside a Cerberus and a Hydra against a massive Ctipede Que.

The man moved with incredible speed and grace, his every motion precise as he battled the monstrous creature. The sce was intse, filled with flashes of power and the roars of the beasts.

As the elevator reached the rooftop, Alexa inhaled deeply, joying the fresh air.

"Oh, the air feels so good," she sighed, relaxing as the breeze brushed her face.Wh she oped her eyes, her gaze fell upon an astonishing sight.

A man was performing push-ups, but instead of using his hands, he was balancing on one finger, his body perfectly aligned in an upside-down position.

"Who is that?" Alexa exclaimed, her eyes widing in disbelief.

Alex, noticing her reaction, couldn't help but laugh. He quickly set down the bags of groceries and whipped out his phone. As he started snapping pictures, Alexa's confusion turned into panic.

"Wait! Ahh! What are you doing, brother?!" Alexa protested.

"Taking photos?" Alex chuckled. "Hahaa, can't you recognize him? Who else do you think is living here?"

Alexa's eyes wided in shock. Realization hit her, and she covered her mouth with her hands, walking slowly towards the man. As she approached, she saw it was Seojun, performing his exercise with ease and strgth.

Seojun noticed her and stopped, gracefully transitioning from his push-up position. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his shirt, revealing a fit and muscular physique. He was not the chubby guy they had imagined he'll be; instead, he looked strong and well-defined.

"You're here," Seojun said quietly.

Alexa, still stunned, sat down and stared at Seojun. "Impossible," she whispered.

Seojun's body was the exact opposite of what they had expected. Instead of being overweight, he was lean and muscular. His abs were clearly defined, and his physique was impressive.

Alex continued to take photos, joying the momt. "Looks like someone's a bit star-struck," he teased.

As Seojun looked at Alexa, a small smile crept onto his face. "This is the second time I've se that reaction,"

Alexa's face turned crimson. She quickly turned away, her embarrassmt evidt. "S-shut up! You think you look good?! You're so fucking ugly!" she yelled, before storming inside and slamming the door behind her.

Alex chuckled and shook his head, watching the whole sce unfold. "You really don't fail in making my sister shy. She was so down earlier."

Seojun raised an eyebrow, taking a bottle of drink from the grocery bags Alex was carrying. "Did something happ?"

"I'll tell you later," Alex replied. "By the way, here's your one week's groceries. What we brought before was ough, right?"

"Perfect timing," Seojun said, nodding. "I just finished the last of the groceries earlier and wt out to eat. Let's head inside."

The two of them tered the apartmt. Alexa was on the sofa, her arms crossed, staring at the TV scre with a scowl.

Alex looked at her and th turned to Seojun. "What did you eat outside?" he asked.

Seojun glanced at Alexa, who was still fuming but clearly trying to focus on the TV.

Earlier that day, Seojun had just finished eating his breakfast. He let out a small sigh as he got up from the table, grabbing Huno's leash. As soon as Huno saw the leash, he barked excitedly, circling a Seojun's legs.

[I'm glad you're going out, Host.]

"Yeah, right," Seojun replied in a bored tone, rolling his eyes slightly. Finally going out of his apartmt. With Huno still wagging his tails in excitemt, Seojun clipped the leash onto his collar.

He made his way out of the apartmt, Huno obeditly following beside him. The elevator was only a short walk away, and Seojun pressed the button to call it. As he waited.

Wh the elevator arrived, Seojun and Huno stepped inside. Seojun pressed the button for the gym floor, leaning back against the wall as the elevator began its desct. The ride was quiet, save for the occasional hum of the elevator and Huno's soft panting.

As the doors slid op on the gym floor, Seojun stepped out, scanning the area. The gym was moderately busy, with a few people already gaged in their morning routines. Seojun was about to head straight to the workout area wh he noticed a small desk near the trance.

"Oh, right," Seojun muttered, realizing he hadn't gone through any formal process wh tering the gym. He approached the desk, where a staff member sat, grossed in something on her computer.

"First time here?" the staff member asked, barely looking up from her scre.

"Yeah," Seojun replied, feeling a bit out of place.

The staff member finally glanced up and noticed Huno. "Uh, you'll need to check in first," she said, trying to maintain her composure. "And... Is that a Dog?"

Seojun look at the staff frowning why a dog shock her, The staff notice Seojun serious stare she feels goosebump and gave a card "I didn't speak the pets lobby will be able to use... Anyway Sir, This is the card for the Pet's lobby so your dog can roam there."

Seojun nodded and handed over his details as requested, filling out the necessary forms. It felt odd, going through such a mundane process after everything he had be through, but he wt along with it. After a few minutes, he was giv a keycard for future visits.

"Thanks," Seojun said, taking the card. He th turned his atttion to Huno, who was curiously sniffing a. "Come on, let's check out that pet area first."

The staff member pointed him in the direction of the pet area, a section of the gym designed for pets to exercise and socialize. It was a spacious, well-lit area but there's no any pet, Seojun shrug and Huno barked happily as he unclipped his leash, letting him run free along.

After leaving Huno in the pet area, Seojun walked back to the main gym and started his exercises. The staff at the desk watched him for a momt, thinking, 'Is he a new tant?'

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