Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 98: Chapter 98: Visiting Seojun

Alexa started combing her hair with her fingers, a pout forming on her lips. "I stayed up late last night, so I woke up at 9. Th Seo-ha just dragged me into the meeting without any warning. Hmph."

Alex sighed, the sound half fond and half resigned. "That's fine. I already bought his groceries and a few other things he might need."

"Wait, you did?!" Alexa asked, shocked. "Th why did you ask me if I brought them over? You already knew I didn't! Damn you, brother."

Alex's laughter filled the car, a playful grin spreading across his face. "I just wanted to mess with you. Don't be so serious."

Alexa shook her head, though a small smile tugged at her lips despite herself. "You're impossible."

They continued down the road, the city gradually fading into the distance as they drove towards a quieter part of town. Alex's tone shifted to a more contemplative one. "How do you think Seojun looks now? He's be staying home so much—it's not like him."

Alexa smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Ha! He's probably gott chubby by now, with a belly full of foods."

"Isn't that better, though?" Alex mused as he turned a corner. "Before, he was so thin that ev his bones were showing. He was as light as a feather."

"That was before," Alexa agreed, her voice softing as she thought about their brother. "But now that I think about it… He still hasn't told us where he was that week he disappeared. And wh he came back, he had money and gained weight…"

Alex's thoughts drifted back to the changes they had noticed in Seojun. "You know," he said, almost to himself, "he's be so strange since th."

Alexa leaned back, crossing her arms. "Well, gaining weight looks good on him," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Alex glanced at his sister through the rearview mirror, a grin forming on his lips. "Yeah, but do you remember wh you didn't ev recognize him and tried to get his number? That was hilarious!"

Alexa's cheeks turned a deep shade of red, and she reached forward, playfully slapping her brother's shoulder. "Stop it, brother! I didn't know it was him! He changed so much! I was used to him with those bangs covering half of his face, bones sticking out, and pimples everywhere."

Alex smirked, joying her embarrassmt. "But you can't dy that you had a crush on Seojun that time."

Alexa sputtered, her blush intsifying. "I-I'm not! There you go again, teasing me! If you don't stop, I'm going to kick this car door op!"

Alex burst into laughter, shaking his head. "Okay, okay, chill, sis! I'm just messing with you."

Alexa huffed, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Despite her protests, she couldn't help but think about how differt Seojun had become. The shy, frail boy she once knew had transformed into someone almost unrecognizable. She wasn't sure if it was just the physical changes or something deeper, but it left her feeling unsettled.

The car rolled to a stop at a red light, and Alex took the opportunity to glance back at his sister, his expression softing. "But really, it's crazy how much he's changed. I almost don't recognize him sometimes, either."

Alex chuckled softly to himself. "But seriously, you trying to get his number... That's going in the family history book."

Alexa groaned, covering her face with her hands. "Ugh, I'm never going to live that down, am I?"

"Not a chance," Alex replied with a grin and they become quiet Alex smiling.

Alexa sighed deeply, resting her chin on her hands as she leaned forward, her elbows propped on her knees. "It's a shame that he'll become a chubby guy," she mused, her voice tinged with regret. "What a waste of his looks."

Alex nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on the road ahead but his mind clearly elsewhere. "Yeah, it's strange, isn't it? He's changed so much. I mean, Seojun was always the hardworking type—juggling three jobs at once, never sitting still without something to do. And now… now he's be holed up in that apartmt for a month without stepping outside."

Alexa straighted up in her seat, her gaze fixed out the window as if trying to piece together a puzzle that refused to make sse.

"Seojun didn't know about the Tower," she said slowly, her voice thoughtful. "Where all the returnees wt. Just where was he during those five years? I hope he didn't suffer… and I really hope he won't turn out like those other returnees, Arrogants"

The car came to a smooth stop in front of the apartmt building. Alexa glanced outside and blinked, slightly surprised. "Oh, we're here?"

"Yep," Alex confirmed as he turned off the gine and stepped out of the car. "It's be two weeks since we last visited Seojun. Hope he miss us" Alex chuckles and He made his way to the trunk and began unloading the bags of groceries they had brought.

Alexa quickly joined him, grabbing a few bags herself. As they tered the apartmt building, the staff at the front desk immediately greeted them with polite smiles.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Alexa, Mr. Alex!"

"Good afternoon," Alexa replied warmly, while Alex gave a nod of acknowledgmt.

One of the staff members moved forward, offering to help with the bags, but Alexa waved them off with a smile. "We've got this, thank you."

The staff nodded and stepped back, allowing the siblings to continue on their way. As they passed through the lobby, they could feel the curious gazes of the other residts and visitors resting on them. A few girls sitting on a couch in the corner whispered among themselves, their eyes fixed on Alex.

"Isn't Alex so handsome?" one of the girls murmured, her voice filled with admiration.

"He's so my type!" another replied, her tone wistful. "But he's too rich for me. Huhuu..."

"Yeah, right? Can't believe they bought this building just for their useless frid!"

Alexa's jaw clched slightly at the last commt, but she and Alex kept their heads held high, ignoring the murmurs as they headed towards the elevator. The rumors and whispers were nothing new to them; they were used to it by now. Still, it never failed to irk Alexa how people could be so judgmtal without knowing the full story.

As they stepped out of the elevator on Seojun's floor and another group of girlsapproached those in the lobby,One of them was practically squealing with excitemt.

"Oh my god girls, look at this guy! He's so hot!" she exclaimed, pointing at the scre where she had tak a photo of a guy with a toned body and abs, messy short brown hair, and striking blue eyes.

"Wow, who is that?" another girl asked, her eyes widing as she leaned in for a closer look.

"We crossed paths in the gym earlier," the first girl said, barely able to contain her thusiasm. "Just look at his abs, especially those blue eyes and that messy hair!"

"Is he a new tant?" one of the girls asked, still staring at the photo.

While the others sighed viously, another girl finally spoke up, her tone resigned. "What a waste. He's not an awaker. Seeing him in this building just proves that."

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