Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 100: Chapter 100: Infinite Gold Coins

After a long run, he finally slowed down, letting the treadmill come to a stop. He hopped off, feeling ergized rather than tired, and stretched his arms. The system's congratulation echoed in his mind, reminding him that he was only getting stronger.

As Seojun finished his workout, he suddly felt a hunger. Just as he was about to leave the gym, the system's voice echoed in his mind.

Seojun made his way back to the main gym area. He found a quiet corner and began his warm-up, stretching his muscles and preparing for the routine ahead. His mind drifted for a momt, recalling the old days wh he would train alone, pushing himself to his limits without much thought of rest. The gym floor wasn't as quiet as the places he was used to, but it was still a place where he could focus.

While he was wiping the sweat from his face, Seojun heard a soft *click*. He looked up and saw a girl quickly turning away, her face bright red. She had tak a picture of him but tried to act like nothing had happed.

He just shook his head, amused, and wt back to his exercises, letting the momt pass.

Seojun stepped onto the treadmill, starting at a steady pace as the belt moved beath him. The gym was busy, but he was focused on his run. His breathing was steady, and his body moved with ease.

[Host, I advise you to go out and eat since you finished what was left earlier.]

Seojun paused for a momt. "Ah, right," he muttered, realizing he had eat the last of his food earlier in the day. With nothing left to cook at home, he decided it was a good idea to head out for a meal.

He picked up Huno from the pets area, attached the leash, and made his way out of the gym. "Let's go, Huno," he said as they stepped outside, both ready to find something to eat.

As Seojun left the gym, the staff who had noticed him earlier watched him go. Another staff member walked up and asked, "It's the first time I've se him?"

"Yeah, it's his first time here. He might be a new tant," she replied, still a bit surprised.

Stepping outside, Seojun looked a. The streets were quiet but filled with people walking by. The area had a calm atmosphere, with the sun setting behind tall buildings. He noticed a small park nearby where kids were playing, and people were sitting on bches, joying the eving. The sce felt peaceful, a nice contrast to the busy city life.

As he continued walking, Seojun spotted a convice store at the corner of the street. which looked like conviie store a typical 7-Elev. The bright, neon sign glowed in the eving light, and the large windows showcased rows of neatly stocked shelves.

As he stepped inside, the cool blast of air conditioning greeted him, a nice relief from the warm eving air. The interior was well-lit, with aisles filled with instant noodles, chips, sandwiches, and other quick bites. The sound of soft music played in the backg, adding to the cozy atmosphere. Seojun grabbed a basket, deciding to pick up a few things while he was here.

Huno, being well-trained, sat by the trance, patitly waiting.

Seojun browsed the shelves, picking up some ram, a couple of drinks, and a few snacks. As he made his way to the counter, the cashier gave him a fridly nod.

Wh he took out Alex's black card, the cashier said, "The total is 65 Gold coins."

Seojun was surprised and asked, "Gold coins? "

Seojun was shocked wh the cashier said the total was 65 gold coins. "Wait, it should be in won," he said, confused.

The system's voice in his head explained, [Four years ago, the currcy in every country changed from dollars, y, piso, won to gold coins.]

The cashier looked at Seojun, puzzled, and th at the black card he held. "Are you paying with a card, sir?"

Seojun nodded and handed over the black card. The cashier swiped it, and the transaction wt through smoothly.

Seojun and Huno settled into a small seating area near the back. Seojun set down the bags and began unpacking their food, eager to dig into their meal.

He oped the instant ram cups and poured hot water from the dispser, letting them sit for a few minutes. As he prepared the food, he inhaled the rich, savory aroma of the noodles. A nostalgic smile spread across his face.

"I miss this" Seojun said, taking in the comforting smell.

Huno looked up with interest as Seojun oped the drinks and snacks. Seojun served the ram and started eating, savoring the taste of the familiar dish. Huno happily munched on his snacks, contt with the treats.

After finishing their meal, Seojun drank some water and felt satisfied. Curious about his financial status, he oped his status scre and navigated to the Wallet . He saw a horizontal figure 8 symbol.

'Isn't that a Infinity Symbol?' He thought

[Yes, Host. Your balance is currtly Infinite, meaning unlimited. Would you like to make a card?]

Seojun thought for a momt and replied, "Hmm, yeah. Better than using Alex's money."

[Processing the creation of your card. Please wait a momt.]

Initializing Card Creation…

Design Parameters: Selecting sleek and shimmering design.

Security Protocols: Implemting high-level cryption and authtication.

As Seojun waited, he noticed a group of girls taking pictures nearby while some boys glared at him. He thought, This neighborhood seems normal.

[This neighborhood is designated for Non-Awaked individuals. Awakers are forbidd from using their skills or powers here.] His system spoke while in his scre is showing the process.

Linking Account: Connecting card to Infinite Balance.

Gerating Card: Creating virtual card with unique idtifiers.

Final Verification: Ensuring all details are accurate and secure.

The notification th chimed, [Card creation complete. Your card is now available for use. It is loaded with billions of Gold coins. If the balance ever becomes depleted or the card is lost, you can create a new one at any time.]

Seojun glanced a, and the system chimed in, [The card is now securely placed in your pocket to avoid any suspicion.]

He reached into his pocket and retrieved a sleek, black card with an aura of dark elegance. It bore the emblem of an twined serpt and dragon with a infinity symbol and word ABYSS.

The card displayed the following details:

Card Number: 7394 560 845 37

Expiration Date: No Expiration

Card Holder: Han Seojun

The system th notified him, [This Abyss card can be used at any bank or financial institution. It is universally accepted and carries unlimited access to your account. Use it as needed without concern for limitations.]

Seojun looked at the Abyss card with a thoughtful expression. "System, Explain exactly how the gold coins work."

[Okay Host,] the system replied. [Here are a few examples to illustrate the value of Gold Coins in practical terms]

Basic Meal: A meal at a mid-range restaurant cost is 500 Gold Coins.

Monthly Rt:The average monthly rt for a one-bedroom apartmt in a city cter In Gold Coins is 0,000 Gold Coins.

Luxury Car: A high-d sports car typically would be million Gold Coins.

Luxury House: A luxurious house is 50 million Gold Coins.

Education: A year's tuition at a prestigious university could be about 500,000 Gold Coins."

[This should give you a clear understanding of how Gold Coins convert to real-world costs.]

'Hmm Nice' Seojun muttered.

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