Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 101: Chapter 101: Mom is in US? How?

Back to prest. Alex stood in the kitch, arranging the groceries they had just brought back. The smell of fresh ingredits filled the air, reminding Seojun of the simple pleasures he had missed over the past few years. Alex paused, turning to Seojun with a grin.

"You missed Ram, huh? Don't you want to eat like those in the restaurant?" Alex teased, his tone light.

Seojun, who was helping put away the food, hesitated, his eyes flickering towards his sister, Alexa, who sat on the sofa, staring at the TV scre. The silce in the room was thick, the unspok tsion betwe them almost palpable.

"Stop forcing him, Alex," Alexa said firmly, not taking her eyes off the scre. Her voice carried a gtle reprimand, protective yet understanding.

Alex chuckled, undeterred. "Still shy, sister?" he asked, moving to the refrigerator to store the rest of the items. Seojun remained quiet, his hands busy but his mind elsewhere.

"Come on, Seojun," Alex said, this time softer, almost coaxing. "You'll start going out now, right?"

Seojun nodded siltly, a small but significant gesture that spoke volumes. It was a step forward, however small, and both Alex and Alexa understood its importance.

"Can you two hurry up?!" Alexa called out, her patice wearing thin as she looked back at her brothers. There was an urgcy in her voice, something more pressing than just the TV show she was watching.

Alex nudged Seojun gtly towards the sofa, guiding him to sit next to Alexa. He joined them, ssing the shift in the atmosphere. Alexa turned the volume down on the TV, her eyes now focused on Seojun.

"We found Auntie Seoyang," Alexa said softly, her words cutting through the room like a knife. The weight of her statemt hung in the air, heavy and filled with emotion.

As Seojun processed the information, the room fell silt.

Seojun stood up abruptly, the news hitting him harder than he had anticipated. Without a second thought, he grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair, determination etched on his face.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked, his voice laced with concern as he watched his younger brother prepare to leave.

"To Mom," Seojun replied firmly, his eyes focused and resolute. "I'm in a good state now, so resting days are over."

Before he could take another step, Alexa reached out and grabbed his arm, her grip tight. "Wait!" she exclaimed, her voice urgt. "It's not exactly that we found Auntie."

Seojun frowned, confusion clouding his features. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration. The clarity he had just momts ago began to slip away, replaced by uncertainty.

"Let's sit down," Alex suggested, motioning towards the sofa. He tried to keep his tone light, adding, "Come on, sister, you should stop doing that. What if Seojun gets pissed?" He chuckled softly, but his laughter died away wh he noticed the seriousness in Seojun's eyes.

"Mom is an important matter," Seojun said quietly, his voice steady but carrying the weight of his emotions. "So don't joke a"

Alexa nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'm sorry," she began, her voice softing.

Seojun hesitated but evtually sat down, his eyes fixed on Alexa, waiting for her to continue. Alex joined them, his usual carefree demeanor replaced by a rare seriousness.

"We didn't find her, exactly," Alexa explained, choosing her words carefully.

"So where is she?" Seojun asked, his voice steady, though a hint of impatice seeped through.

"She's currtly in United States of America" Alex answered.

Alex leaned back on the sofa, running a hand through his hair as he gathered his thoughts. He knew the news he was about to deliver would be a shock to Seojun, but there was no easy way to say it.

"She's currtly in the US," Alex finally said, his voice steady but cautious.

Seojun blinked, stunned by the revelation. "The USA?" he repeated, his mind racing. "How did Mom d up in the USA?"

He had expected their search to lead them to a nearby city, maybe ev another country in Asia—but the other side of the world? His mother felt ev more distant now, the vast ocean betwe them only adding to the weight on his shoulders.

Alexa, noticing the confusion and worry in Seojun's eyes, quickly stepped in to explain further. "We don't know all the details yet," she said gtly. "We're still trying to find the exact location where Auntie is. But don't worry, we'll know for sure in a week."

Alex and Alexa exchanged uneasy glances as they observed Seojun, who had fall into a deep silce after the revelation about their mother. He seemed lost in thought, his expression unreadable. It wasn't like Seojun to retreat into himself like this, and it made the twins uncomfortable.

While Alex and Alexa struggled with their growing concern, Seojun was focused inward, calling out to the presce that had be with him for as long as he could remember. Zyraa, you heard that?

Yes, Master! Zyraa's voice echoed in his mind, always sharp and ready. I'm going to start finding her right away.

Seojun nodded subtly, his confidce rewed. If Zyraa was on the case, finding his mother would be a much easier task. It's only a matter of time now, he thought, already planning his next steps. Time to start wrapping things up.

"Seojun?" Alexa's voice broke through his thoughts. He blinked and looked up, finding both Alex and Alexa watching him with worry in their eyes.

"You okay?" Alex asked, his usual carefree tone replaced by something more serious.

Seojun gave a small nod, but his mind was already moving to a new topic. He sat back on the sofa, his expression unreadable. "Let's talk about your curse," he said suddly.

The twins stared at him, caught off guard by the abrupt change in conversation. Alexa's eyes wided in shock, while Alex looked momtarily puzzled.

"Why?" Alexa asked, her voice edged with defsivess. "It's not like you can help us."

"Just tell me," Seojun insisted, his gaze steady as he leaned back into the sofa, waiting for an answer.

Alex sighed, realizing that Seojun wasn't going to let this go. He exchanged a look with Alexa, who seemed hesitant. But Seojun's seriousness and determination left them little choice. If he wanted to know, they would tell him.

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