Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 102: Chapter 102: Alex and Alexa Curse

"It happed a year ago," Alex began. "We were training some of our guild members in a D-rank dungeon. It was supposed to be easy, but everything changed wh we reached the boss room."

"The dungeon turned on us," Alexa added, her voice shaky. "The boss was gone, replaced by a specter—a powerful, cursed tity."

"The systems glitched," Alex continued. "The dungeon's rank suddly spiked from D to A and The specter hit us with the *Specter Grasp* curse. We tried to fight back, but the curse drained our ergy every time we used our skills. We couldn't stop it."

Alexa's eyes filled with sorrow. "All our guild members died in that dungeon. We were the only ones who made it out, but we didn't escape unscathed. The curse followed us. It's be draining us ever since."

"Our gods… they abandoned us," Alex said, his voice heavy. "After that day… nothing. It's like they turned their backs on us."

"We've tried everything to break the curse," Alexa added. "But nothing works."

Seojun leaned back on the sofa, deep in thought. After hearing Alex and Alexa's story, he knew he needed more information to help them. Siltly, he called out in his mind, "System, can you analyze their curse?"

The system's voice responded quickly. [I'll try, host.]

Seojun felt a faint hum in his mind as the system began its analysis. A soft sound filled the air, but only Seojun could hear it. The twins, Alex and Alexa, noticed Seojun's sudd silce and exchanged confused looks.

"Seojun?" Alex asked, leaning forward slightly. "Is something wrong?"

Seojun didn't respond immediately. He was focused on the system's work, waiting for it to complete the analysis. The twins grew more uneasy, unsure of what was happing.

"Seojun, are you okay?" Alexa asked softly, concern in her voice.

"Just give me a minute," Seojun replied calmly, still conctrating on the system.

Finally, the system's voice returned. [Analysis complete.]

A blue hologram suddly appeared in front of Seojun, visible only to him. It displayed information about the curse that had be placed on the twins.

[Specter's Grasp - Rank: S]

Curse Type: Soul-binding.

Effects: Drains ergy and blocks the use of skills. The curse feeds on the victim's strgth, keeping them weak.

Origin: A rare and powerful curse that can alter the rank of a dungeon. It binds itself to the soul, making it extremely difficult to remove.

Weakness: The curse can be weaked by disrupting the Specter's connection to its victims. Finding and destroying the Specter's core is the key to breaking the curse.

Seojun read the information carefully, his eyes narrowing as he absorbed the details. The Specter's Grasp was a Rank S curse, one of the most dangerous types. It wasn't going to be easy to break, but at least he now understood what they were dealing with.

Seojun looked at the blue hologram, deep in thought. After absorbing the details about the Specter's Grasp, he turned his atttion back to the system. "System, is there another way to break the curse?" he asked.

[Yes, host. There is another method.]

A new option appeared in the hologram:

Summon the Host Specter Phantom: To undo the curse, you need to summon the Host Specter Phantom. This process involves a special ritual to call forth the very Specter that cast the curse. Successfully summoning it allows for a direct confrontation and pottial reversal of the curse.

Special Ore: Find and use a rare ore known for its curse-breaking properties. This ore can neutralize the Specter's influce wh used in the right magical process.

Seojun read the information carefully. Summoning the Host Specter Phantom was a risky but pottially effective method. It would involve directly gaging with the Specter that created the curse, which could be dangerous but might offer a chance to break the curse.

Seojun stared at the two and Suddly, Alexa shivered and wrapped her arms a herself, as if trying to ward off an invisible chill. Her eyes darted a the room, clearly unsettled by the sudd cold.

"Stop staring at me!" Alexa snapped, her voice trembling slightly. "Brother, what's wrong with Seojun? Have you finally realized how gorgeous I am?" She turned her atttion to Seojun with a teasing glint in her eyes.

Seojun, slightly tak aback by the sudd change in the conversation, replied calmly, "I'm figuring out how to break your curse."

Alex chuckled softly and placed a hand on Alexa's shoulder. "Ar't you a bit too proud of yourself, sis? Seojun isn't likely to suddly become interested in you just because of a chill."

Alexa's cheeks flushed with embarrassmt and irritation. She punched Alex in the stomach, causing him to cough. "I said stop teasing me!" she huffed, crossing her arms.

Alex winced but to laughed while holding his stomach. "Based on my levels, I don't think I can summon the Specter," Seojun thought .

[You are correct, host. Skills Eldritch Convergce is currtly locked due to this, summoning process will be impossible.]

Seojun sighed and nodded and he op his Invtory and the system automatically showed the ore choices with curse-breaking properties. Suddly The system displayed three choices, each with its own unique characteristics.

Ore Options:

Eclipsium Shard

Description: A rare black ore that absorbs and negates dark ergies. It is known for its high efficacy against curses that involve shadow or soul-binding.

Properties: Neutralizes spectral influces and hances protective wards.

Luminite Crystal

Description: A radiant crystal that emits a soft, purifying light. It is prized for its ability to counteract curses that drain vitality and obstruct skills.

Properties: Provides a healing effect and can weak dark curses over time.

Aetherium Fragmt

Description: A shimmering, otherworldly fragmt that harnesses the essce of pure ergy. It can disrupt and dismantle magical bonds and curses.

Properties: Effective against ergy-draining curses and has a high success rate in curse reversal rituals.

[Host, I recommd choosing one of the following ores based on their properties and the specifics of the Specter's Grasp curse. Each has its strgths in breaking differt aspects of the curse.] Seojun examined the choices carefully.

"System, which ore has the best chance of breaking the curse while suring it doesn't harm them?"

[The Luminite Crystal has the highest probability of breaking the curse without causing harm. Its healing properties and gradual effect make it the safest option.]

As the system confirmed its recommdation, the Luminite Crystal appeared in Seojun's hand, glowing softly with a purifying light. He examined it closely, feeling reassured by its gtle radiance.

Alex's teasing Alexa stop wh he noticed "Where did that come from?" he asked, his eyes widing in surprise.

"Wait! Is that—" Alexa began, her expression changing from playful to astonished. She immediately reached into her own Invtory, pulling out a similar glowing crystal.

"This is a Luminite Crystal! It's the same kind of ore used for high-level purification rituals, Where did you got this?!" she said, her voice filled with both surprise and awe.

Seojun furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "That's also exist here?"

The system's voice responded promptly, clearing up the confusion.

[Since the arrival on Earth, all items in the Invtory have be transformed to match local types. This is to avoid discrepancies and sure compatibility with the vironmt and magic of this world. It sures that objects and materials remain usable and effective in their new vironmts.]

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