Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Wyrmfield

"System?" He muttered then, A sudden roar of a growl made him flinch. Peering out cautiously, he saw the monstrous entities clearly for the first time. The smaller demons resembled twisted, shadow wings and eyes glowing a menacing red.

Their skin was a mottled mix of dark greys and purples, and their sharp claws clattered as they moved. The massive demon, however, was even more horrifying. It stood at least eight feet tall, its body covered in dark, rough scales that looked as if they could deflect any attack. Its wings were enormous and leathery, giving it an imposing presence.

Its eyes blazed with a fierce, hungry glow, and its mouth was filled with rows of sharp, jagged teeth. The massive demon let out a furious shout, "Where's the food?! Are you playing with me?! Where is it?!"

One of the smaller demons, its voice trembling with fear, protested, "I'm not playing with you My lord... I swear I smell food!"

Seojun watched as the smaller demons began to argue among themselves, their voices rising in panic. The towering demon's rage only intensified.

"Playing with my hunger, are you? You'll pay for this!" it roared.

In a terrifying display of strength, the massive demon seized the smaller one who had claimed to smell the food. With a horrifying screech, it ripped the smaller demon apart and devoured it in a brutal frenzy. The sounds of tearing flesh and the smaller demon's final, desperate screams filled the air. Seojun's body trembled uncontrollably, his eyes wide with horror.

The scene was the most grotesque and violent Seojun had ever seen. Huddled inside a bush, the alarm's sound was faint and muffled by the leaves. His breath was heavy with fear, and he hoped his stealth skill would keep him safe.

"Please let this work," he whispered, watching the horrifying scene and praying not to be noticed.

As the massive demon finished its meal and the smaller demons began to leave, Seojun pressed deeper into the bush, holding his breath. Gradually, as the growls faded, he started to relax, realizing the immediate danger was passing.

But then, he noticed the biggest demon hadn't left yet. It lingered, sniffing the air suspiciously, as if sensing something was off. Seojun's fear spiked again, and he remained completely still, hoping not to be discovered.

A screen popped up in front of Seojun's eyes, showing the demon's stats.

[Appraisal Activated]

Greater Hellhound

Level: 856

Type: Demon (Elite)


[Bloodlust Frenzy]:Boosts strength and speed when enraged.

[Infernal Roar]: A roar that causes fear and paralysis.[Devour]: Gains power by consuming others.

[Dark Flame]: Breathes a deadly black fire.

[Void Step]: Can teleport short distances.


Hungry: Low energy, extremely aggressive.

Warning: High risk of attack; stay hidden.

Seojun's stomach dropped when he saw the demon's level. 'Level 856' his heart raced, knowing that the demon was both hungry and dangerously strong.

The demon's eyes scanned the area, its nostrils flaring as it sniffed the air near Seojun's hiding spot. He held his breath, praying that the stealth skill would keep him hidden. The demon stared at the bush for a moment, but after what felt like an eternity, it snarled in frustration. Finally, it spread its huge wings and leapt into the sky, disappearing into the night.

Seojun didn't move for several minutes, too scared to even breathe. When he finally felt safe enough to emerge, he whispered to himself, "I need to get stronger... much stronger."

Seojun moved cautiously through the strange, desolate landscape, his senses on high alert after barely escaping the Greater Hellhound. The eerie silence around him made every small sound seem louder, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.

Suddenly, a soft chime echoed in his mind.

[System Notification]

Location Identified: Wyrmfield

Planet: Ragnis V - Surface Level

*Wyrmfield?* Seojun thought as he scanned his surroundings. The name alone sent a chill down his spine. This wasn't a typical forest; there were no trees here, only scattered bushes that barely reached his waist. The ground was uneven and covered in a thick, glowing moss that gave off an eerie, greenish light. The sky overhead was a dull, oppressive gray, adding to the unsettling atmosphere.

"This place looks deserted," Seojun muttered to himself, though he didn't truly believe it. The sparse, alien landscape made him feel exposed, but he pushed forward cautiously, knowing he had to stay on his guard.

As he moved through the Wyrmfield, something caught his eye. A slight movement in the underbrush made him freeze in place. He watched as a small, dark shape wriggled out from beneath a bush. His heart skipped a beat as the creature came into view.

It was a worm, but not like any worm Seojun had seen before. This creature was the size of an adult cat, its segmented body shimmering in shades of dark green and purple under the dim light. Its slimy skin glistened as it moved, and its head, round with tiny black eyes, opened to reveal a mouth full of sharp, needle-like teeth.

The worm slithered across the ground, its movements slow and deliberate, seemingly unaware of Seojun's presence.

[Appraisal activated]

The familiar screen appeared before him, giving him the details of the creature.

[Appraisal - Target: Abyssal Wyrm]

Level: 230

Type: Monster (Lesser)


[Toxic Bite]: Injects a paralyzing toxin into its target.

[Burrow]: Can dig underground quickly to escape or ambush.

[Regeneration]: Heals itself over time, making it difficult to kill.



Passive: Non-aggressive unless provoked.

Warning: Will attack if injured.

Seojun stared at the information, his mind racing. 'Level 230… That's way stronger than me.' The thought sent a wave of anxiety through him. Even though the Wyrm wasn't attacking, knowing it was so much stronger than him made him feel incredibly vulnerable.

'It's not attacking because it doesn't see me as a threat' he reassured himself, but the knowledge that it could easily turn hostile kept him on edge. He took a careful step back, making sure not to disturb the creature, and slowly began to put more distance between them.

Seojun moved carefully through the eerie Wyrmfield, his thoughts racing. The memory of the Greater Hellhound was still fresh, and the idea of facing it again filled him with dread.

"What am I supposed to do, System?" he asked aloud, frustration creeping into his voice. "If I have to defeat that Greater Hellhound to leave this place… there's no way I can do that."

There was no immediate response, just the unsettling silence of the Wyrmfield. Seojun felt a wave of hopelessness wash over him. This place felt like a trap, with dangers lurking everywhere, and he didn't know how he could survive it.

As he walked, he spotted a large rock and decided to take a break. He sat down heavily, resting his elbows on his knees and burying his face in his hands. He sighed deeply, feeling the weight of his situation pressing down on him.

A soft chime made him look up. The holographic screen appeared in front of him

[Host, take a breath. You're not alone.]

"Well, I am alone. "He took a deep breath, letting the tension in his body ease slightly and start thinking about his mother.

But just as he started to feel more at ease, another chime sounded. A new screen popped up, and Seojun's eyes widened as he read it.

[Side Quest: Survive the Wyrmfield]

Objective: Defeat 10 Abyssal Wyrms.

Reward: Experience boost and a special item.

Time Limit: 24 hours.

Seojun stared at the screen in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?" he muttered, the comfort he had felt disappearing in an instant.

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