Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The Emberfall Domain

As Seojun walked through the Abyss Realm, he was surprised by how peaceful it seemed.

"I didn't think the Abyss Realm would be this calm," he muttered, watching the small slimes crawling around. They looked harmless, which was a stark contrast to the realm's reputation.

He checked the system screen and asked, "How far is the Emberfall Domain?"

The display showed, "Approximately 15 miles to the Emberfall Domain."

Seojun nodded, noting, "Still a good distance to go."

As he walked, he felt an unusual sense of calm but also loneliness. The quiet made him realize how alone he was. His thoughts wandered back to the recent quest.

"Why did I get a quest to stop the Red Slime? There are many slimes competing for dominance. What made the Red Slime so special?" he asked the system.

The system replied by the hologram, [The quest was because the Red Slime was using unfair tactics to gain control. It was exploiting weaknesses in other candidates, which disrupted the normal competition.]

"Unfair Tactics? Why? Is there a rule here of being fair?" Seojun asked because he didn't understand but he know one thing It's Survival of the fittest.

[Yes Host, The Red Slime uses a toxic miasma to weaken other slimes and corrupts weaker ones to do its bidding. The Abyss Lord established a rule of fair dominance in the Shadowed Ravine—candidates must only engage in one-on-one battles with other candidates. Most slimes gain strength through absorbing ambient mana, training, or battling non-slime creatures.

However, the Red Slime violates these rules by attacking innocent slimes, especially the young ones, to eliminate future threats and gain an unfair advantage.]

Seojun understood now. The Red Slime's tactics had felt unfair and made the battle easier than expected.

A few minutes later, Seojun was surprised to find he didn't feel tired or hungry. "Why do I feel this way?" he wondered aloud.

The system responded, [Goddess Zyraena has granted you a blessing of protection. This means you won't feel tired, hungry, or age while under her protection.]

Seojun took this in, feeling a sense of relief. He continued walking in silence, enjoying the serenity. From a distance, he spotted a bright blue circle. As he approached, a system notification popped up:

[Appraisal Activated]


Type: Magical Portal

Description: A portal that provides quick travel to different locations. It glows with a bright blue light, indicating it's active and ready for use. Stepping through will transport you to another realm or area, depending on its destination.

Seojun stood in front of the bright blue portal, its glow casting an eerie light on his face. The system's hologram broke the silence.

[You have arrived at thee portal.]

He sighed, feeling the weight of the journey. Glancing back at the path he had traveled, he muttered to himself, "I thought the Dark Slime would follow. It had 80% favorability, after all. But I guess not."

The system seemed to sense Seojun's disappointment. A holographic display appeared before him, explaining, [The Dark Slime decided not to follow because it has chosen to run as a Lord Candidate. This decision is motivated by its wish to honor its deceased parent, who desired for the Dark Slime to become the lord of the Shadowed Ravine.]

Seojun absorbed this new information. It made sense now why the Dark Slime had not joined him. Its personal quest and the legacy of its parent were guiding its choices.

He took a deep breath and turned back to the portal. The next step in his journey awaited, and despite the unexpected turn of events, he felt a renewed determination to press on.

As Seojun stepped through the portal, he was instantly floating in space. It felt like he was drifting in the middle of a galaxy. Stars and colorful nebulae surrounded him, creating a dazzling, cosmic scene. There was no visible ground, and he floated effortlessly among the glowing stars and swirling colors.While taking in the breathtaking view, a system notification sounded


Welcome to the Emberfall Domain

Description: The Emberfall Domain is a magical realm set in space, with floating platforms and a starry sky.


Floating Islands: Platforms and islands drifting through space.

Nebula Trails: Glowing paths that guide or block your way.

Starfall Chambers: Special areas where you can find rare items and powerful resources.

Gravity Zones: Areas with changing gravity, so be careful not to drift into hazards.

Objective: Explore the Emberfall Domain to find its secrets and complete your quests. Watch out for changing gravity and magical traps.

Seojun floated weightlessly through the Emberfall Domain, his eyes wide with wonder as he admired the cosmic vista. Suddenly, a harsh red system notification interrupted the serenity


Danger Alert! Numerous unknown entities are approaching your location!

The alarm blared loudly, and Seojun's heart began to race. He tried to move, but his attempts were clumsy and ineffectual in the zero-gravity environment. His body floated erratically, and he struggled to orient himself.

"What's happening?!" Seojun muttered, his voice shaky.

"How do I move?!"He flailed his arms and legs, but the effort only made him drift further away from any sense of control. The blaring alarm seemed to intensify, its sound piercing through his panic.


Action Required: Hide immediately to avoid detection.

"Hide? How can I hide if I can't even control myself?!" Seojun shouted, trying to grasp at the air as if it could help him stabilize. His attempts only made his situation worse.


Initiating Gravity Surge

Suddenly, without warning, Seojun felt a forceful, unseen push, sending him plummeting toward a solid surface below. He gasped as the sensation of floating abruptly shifted. The ground felt solid beneath him, and gravity seemed to return.

"What—what's happening?!" Seojun exclaimed, stumbling as he hit the ground. He looked around in confusion, the blaring alarm still ringing in his ears. His movements were disjointed, his limbs unsteady as he tried to adapt to the new gravity.


Action Required: Hide immediately to avoid detection.

He spotted a peculiar bush nearby, its leaves shimmering with strange hues. With a surge of urgency, Seojun crawled toward it, his movements slow and deliberate as he tried to evade the looming threat.

"I need to get out of sight," he murmured to himself, desperately pushing himself into the bush's cover.

"Please let this work." As he huddled inside the strange bush, the alarm's sound became a distant throb, muffled by the foliage. Seojun's breathing was ragged, his mind racing with fear and confusion as he tried to calm himself and wait for the danger to pass.


Initiating Stealth Skill

A cool sensation enveloped Seojun as the skill took effect. His presence, including his scent, was now concealed. He looked at his body and noticed that he had become nearly invisible, the world around him seeming to shimmer and distort as he blended into his surroundings. He strained to hear over the pounding of his own heart.

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