Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Pure Luck

As Seojun and the Young Shadow Slime approached the cave, the oppressive darkness seemed to grow denser. The jagged entrance of the cave loomed ahead, casting long, ominous shadows. Seojun's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and dread.

The Young Shadow Slime slithered ahead, its dark form merging seamlessly with the shadows. Seojun followed closely, gripping his makeshift weapon. The cave's interior was dimly lit, with every step echoing loudly, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, Seojun's footsteps reverberated through the cavern. The air grew warmer and more oppressive. They soon reached a large cavern where the Red Slime awaited. Its massive, crimson form pulsated with a sinister rhythm, partially submerged in a pool of thick, dark ooze. The Red Slime's eyes glowed ominously.

Suddenly, a system notification pinged:

[System Notification]

You have entered the Red Slime's Lair.

Seojun's heart pounded. This was the moment he had been preparing for. The Red Slime's presence was intimidating, but Seojun knew this was their chance.

The Young Shadow Slime, now more confident, moved to a position behind Seojun, ready to assist. Seojun tried to provoke the Red Slime, making himself visible and shouting to attract its attention. The Red Slime's eyes narrowed, and it began to move toward him, its massive body creating tremors in the ground.

Seojun ducked and dodged as the Red Slime lunged, its attacks powerful and fiery. The heat from the creature's strikes was intense. Meanwhile, the Young Shadow Slime used its Dark Pulse ability to strike at the Red Slime, causing it to stagger and writhe in pain.

he took a moment to reflect on the battle. The Red Slime had been incredibly powerful, but Seojun couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The creature's movements had been sluggish, and its attacks had lacked their usual ferocity. The Red Slime's defeat had come more easily than he expected, which made him wonder if it had been at less than full strength.

Seojun's thoughts. 'This Red Slime was probably in a weakened state, It must have fought with other lord candidates before we arrived.'

Seojun took advantage of the Red Slime's weakened state. He continued to press the attack, targeting vulnerable spots as the Red Slime's movements grew more erratic. The Young Shadow Slime kept using Dark Pulse to disrupt the Red Slime, making it harder for the creature to defend itself.

After a prolonged struggle, Seojun managed to deliver a decisive blow. His weapon pierced through the Red Slime's defenses, and with a final, agonized scream, the creature collapsed into a pool of goo. The cave fell silent, the oppressive heat dissipating.

As the Red Slime's body deflated, Seojun breathe heavily and fall down he threw look at the weapon he pick up before and thought. 'Just what kind of bone is this? I thought it will break'. Ahhh If the Red slime is not injured , We're doomed. What a luck.' Just then a system notification appeared:


Congratulations! The Red Slime has been defeated!

Quest Complete: Prevent the Red Slime from claiming dominion over the Shadowed Ravine.


Acquired Fire Skills:

Flaming Strike: A powerful melee attack imbued with fire, capable of burning enemies over time.

Fireball: A ranged spell that launches a fiery projectile, causing explosive damage upon impact.

Inferno Shield: A defensive ability that surrounds you with a protective barrier of flames, reducing incoming damage and burning nearby enemies.

Gold Coins: 5000 Gold Coins

Blazing Essence: This item can be used to imbue your weapons with fire attributes, increasing their effectiveness in combat or to craft powerful fire-based potions.

Flame Dagger: A weapon dropped by the Red Slime, featuring enhanced fire damage and a chance to ignite enemies.

[System Notification] Level Up!

Congratulations, Host! You have reached Level 123!

Your stats have increased, and new abilities and skills may be unlocked.

Young Shadow Slime's Level Increased: The Young Shadow Slime has leveled up and gained new abilities, now a Lord Candidate.


Fire Skills: You can now harness the power of fire to enhance your combat abilities. These skills provide both offensive and defensive capabilities, making you more versatile in battle.

Gold Coins: Use these coins to purchase items, upgrades, or services in various markets and shops.

Seojun took a deep breath, feeling a rush of relief and accomplishment. He glanced at the Young Shadow Slime, which now appeared more vibrant and confident. Seojun spotted a glowing monster core lying among the remains of the Red Slime. He picked it up, but a system notification appeared:

[Appraisal Activated]


Type: Monster Core

Level: 685

Abilities: Incendiary Burst Enhancement, Flame Aura Boost, Regeneration Acceleration etc...

Benefits: Enhances Fire Elemental Abilities, Increases Fire Damage Output, Improves Health Regeneration

Potential Use: Can be used to craft powerful fire-based items, upgrade gear with fire attributes, or enhance fire-related skills. Edible.

"Let me guess, I can't consume this because my level is low." he muttered and tried to take a bite then a system notification appeared.


Cannot consume Monster Core. Level too low, Risky to consume

Seojun sighed in frustration, knowing he couldn't use the Red Slime Core himself due to his level. However, an idea struck him. He turned to the Young Shadow Slime and, with a nod, offered the core maybe it can consume the core? But it's level is lower than me let's try.

The Young Shadow Slime hesitated for a moment, then absorbed the Red Slime Core. A surge of fiery energy mixed with the existing dark power enveloped the slime. Its form began to shimmer and expand, shifting between shadows and flames. The core's energy infused the Young Shadow Slime with new attributes, and its appearance transformed dramatically.

A new system notification appeared:


Young Shadow Slime has absorbed the Red Slime Core.

Status: Evolving…

Congratulations! The Young Shadow Slime has evolved into a dual-elemental Lord Candidate!

Type: Shadow Fire Elemental Slime

Level: 140

Abilities: Shadow Manipulation, Dark Pulse Absorption, Incendiary Burst, Flame Aura etc...

Threat Level: High

The Young Shadow Slime's new form glowed with a combination of shadow and fire. The slime's power had clearly surged, and it now radiated an intimidating presence. Seojun's jaw dropped as he read the system notification.

"Wait a minute... It's level is 140?!" Seojun exclaimed. "How is it higher than mine?"

He was stunned. The Young Shadow Slime had gained significant power from absorbing the core, surpassing his own level. The transformation was impressive and surprising, adding an unexpected advantage to their journey. Seojun marveled at the slime's newfound abilities, realizing that their partnership had become even more formidable.

Seojun marveled at the fact that the slime, once at level 50, had risen to level 140—surpassing his own level. But Nevermind, he thought.

"Well, look at that," Seojun said with a grin. "You've really leveled up."

The Young Shadow Slime, now more majestic and confident, looked at Seojun with a satisfied "Kyuuhh." Seojun knew this was a turning point but he don't understand how is the slime able to consume the core when it's level is also low? We are just few levels apart. Then suddenly system notification beeped loudly.

[System Notification]

Congratulations! You have completed all objectives in the Shadowed Ravine.

You are now cleared to leave the Shadowed Ravine and proceed to the next area: the Emberfall Domain.

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