Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Never Giving up

The idea of fighting ten Abyssal Wyrms was overwhelming. He had barely avoided the one he saw earlier, and now he was supposed to hunt them?

He groaned in frustration. This was not what he wanted to hear. But he knew he didn't have a choice. If he wanted to get out of here alive, he had to do what the system asked.

With a heavy sigh, Seojun stood up, determination setting in. "Alright," he muttered to himself, "let's get this over with."

Seojun stood on the barren ground of the Wyrmfield, the recent side quest still fresh in his mind. He knew he had to take action, but the thought of facing the Abyssal Wyrms made his heart race. He needed an edge—something that could help him stand a chance against those dangerous creatures.

With that in mind, he opened his inventory and scrolled through the items he had collected. One, in particular, caught his eye: the Flame Dagger. He hadn't used it yet, but now seemed like the perfect time to give it a try.

"I should try this Flame Dagger," he muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper.

With a thought, he summoned the dagger into his hand. The weapon materialized instantly, its blade glowing with a faint, fiery light. Seojun couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship; the blade was sleek and sharp, with flames flickering along its edge as if the fire was alive. The hilt was comfortable in his grip, wrapped in a dark, heat-resistant material.

[Appraisal activated]

A screen appeared before him, displaying the details of the dagger.

[Appraisal - Flame Dagger]

Level: 250

Type: Weapon (Rare)

Damage: High


[Flame Strike]: Ignites the blade with intense fire, causing extra damage and a chance to burn the target.

[Heat Resistance]: Protects the wielder from fire-based attacks and heat damage.

[Quick Slash]: Increases the speed of attacks, allowing for rapid strikes.


Durability: Excellent

Effectiveness: Increased against cold or dark creatures

Seojun studied the information, his grip tightening on the hilt. The dagger was powerful—exactly what he needed. The skills it offered could give him the advantage he desperately sought.

Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for what was to come. "Wish me luck, System," he muttered under his breath, his voice carrying a mix of determination and nervousness.

[You got this, Host,] the system responded, its tone encouraging and confident.

Seojun couldn't help but shake his head with a small, bemused smile. "You're really getting weird," he muttered, he sheathed the Flame Dagger and started moving, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the Abyssal Wyrms.

After a while, he spotted movement. A large, dark shape was slithering across the ground, its body shining in the dim light. It was an Abyssal Wyrm, even bigger than the one he had seen before. The creature moved with a creepy, smooth motion, getting closer to him.

Seojun's heart raced, but he tried to stay calm 'I can do this', he thought, gripping the dagger tighter. He knew he needed to strike first if he wanted any chance of winning.

As he got ready to attack, he quickly activated his appraisal skill.

[Abyssal Wyrm]

Level: 245

Type: Monster (Lesser)


[Toxic Bite]: Injects a paralyzing toxin into its target.

[Burrow]: Can dig underground quickly to escape or ambush.

[Regeneration]: Heals itself over time, making it difficult to kill.

[Tail Slam]: This attack is capable of sending opponents flying with significant force, causing both impact damage and a high chance of disorientation.

[Coiling Assault]: The Abyssal Wyrm coils its massive body and then strikes with overwhelming force. The attack combines both a powerful physical impact and a rapid, spinning motion.


Passive: Non-aggressive unless provoked.

Seojun read the details, feeling a bit more confident but still cautious. He knew this fight wouldn't be easy.

He charged forward and slashed at the Wyrm's side with the Flame Dagger. The blade flared with fire as it cut into the creature's thick, slimy skin. For a moment, Seojun felt a spark of hope—maybe he could actually beat this thing.

But the Abyssal Wyrm was faster than he expected. It recoiled and then struck back with incredible speed. Before Seojun could react, the Wyrm's powerful body slammed into him, sending him flying through the air. As he tumbled, his mind raced. 'What just happened?'

He hit the ground hard, sliding to a stop. Pain shot through his body, leaving him dizzy and confused.

A familiar chime rang in his ears, and a system hologram appeared.

[Host, it seems you underestimated the Wyrm's counterattack. Did you really think it would just sit there and take it?]

Seojun groaned, feeling embarrassed and frustrated. 'Even the system is mocking me now,' he thought as he struggled to get up. The Abyssal Wyrm was already coming toward him again, its dark eyes fixed on him like a predator hunting its prey.

Despite the pain, Seojun forced himself to stand. He couldn't afford another mistake. This fight wasn't over, and he had to figure out a way to turn it around. But for now, his focus was just on surviving.

"Alright, let's try this again," he muttered, gripping the Flame Dagger as he prepared for the Wyrm's next attack. This time, he wouldn't underestimate his opponent.

Seojun struggled against the Abyssal Wyrm, his repeated attempts to defeat it ending in failure. Each charge with the Flame Dagger was met with a fierce counterattack that sent him flying through the air. Each impact left him more battered, but he refused to give up.

During one of these attempts, the Wyrm's massive tail struck his arm with brutal force. He felt a sickening crack as his arm broke. Biting his lip to stifle a cry, he lay on the ground, the pain excruciating.

Moments later, he noticed the pain fading and his arm starting to heal. His eyes widened in surprise.

"This is some kind of goddess's blessing, isn't it?" he muttered, astonished.

[Yes, Host,]the system confirmed.

Feeling the pain ease, Seojun got back up, determined to continue. Despite his exhaustion, he pressed on, making more attempts to defeat the Wyrm. Each attack was met with fierce retaliation, but he kept fighting with all his remaining strength.

After more than two hours of grueling combat, Seojun made one final, desperate strike. The Flame Dagger slashed through the Wyrm's tough hide, flames spreading and causing critical damage. The Wyrm roared in pain and finally collapsed, defeated.

Breathing heavily, Seojun dropped to his knees, his body aching but relieved. A triumphant chime signaled the end of the battle, and a notification screen appeared.

[System Notification]

Congratulations! You have defeated the Abyssal Wyrm.


- 1000 Coins

- Experience Boost

- Wyrm Core

- Rare Healing Potion

Level Up! You have reached Level 200!

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