In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 43: Torture [II]

Luna watched the hooded m with her fierce gaze, her black hair camouflaging her well in the darkness of the cave, but her extremely pale skin was a beautiful contrast.

However, the hooded m did not see her beauty, no, they saw an emy they had to kill at all costs… "She came with that monster; maybe if we take her hostage, we can save ourselves," said one of the hooded m, and everyone nodded in agreemt.

Because of the fear Theos had caused them, they regained some of their intelligce, but they were still not giuses ough not to say their plans out loud…

"Don't worry, I'll go," she said with a gtle smile, moving across the g with great skill to approach the hooded m.

'Afraid of them, was she really afraid of them? I am currtly talking, joking, flirting, following, and being well-known to the person I currtly fear the most. A monster among monsters,' she concluded with a smile.

With her elegant movemts, she managed to get close ough to one of the hooded m, who defded himself with a sword against Luna's dagger, which bounced off the defse.

But she didn't care, she continued to attack and slash, ev though the cuts were too shallow for the emies.

The other hooded m?




The piercing screams shook ev the body of the hooded man fighting Luna, who refused to turn a to see how…. Each of his companions was slaughtered and tortured by Theos.

His fear increased ev more as he ssed the inevitable torture he was about to experice… Fighting Luna and buying time to prolong his life was the only thing he could do.

Until what… "Now it's your turn," a chilling voice made the hooded man's scalp bristle; he couldn't ev turn a to see who was whispering in his ear as he felt all his bones brok… Ev his teeth, his tongue cut out… All this happed in a measly second.

"Aahhh," his vocal cords failed to produce a voice; he lost his balance completely and collapsed to the g.

"How did you do that?" asked Luna curiously, turning to Theos who was completely drched in blood.

"Simple, simple, I stuck his hand in his stomach and did it all in one second," Theos explained, raising his hand to show his whole arm full of blood.

And with his other hand, he pointed to the hole in the hooded man's stomach.

"That's disgusting," she laughed, to which Theos responded with a smile.

"Thanks for the wolves; you've improved a lot; they were a big help."

Flashing a grateful smile, Luna momtarily lost himself in this smile. "Mmm? Hello?" tried to wake her up. Theos pinched her shoulder, causing her to react.

"O-Oh yes, hello," Luna stammered, now she just wanted to get in a hole to hide, her little face blushing in embarrassmt. 'Again, again she shamelessly stared at him,' she inwardly scolded herself.

Unbeknownst to her, Theos smiled ev wider, amused at her reaction. "You're cute like that," he said briefly, turning to walk away.

"What?" she was tak aback. Her face not only turned bright red, but her ears, neck, and ev her breath steamed out.

'He told me I'm pretty…. 'He said so,' she repeated in bewildermt, as she had always stayed away from family gatherings or noble banquets. So their conversations had always be few.

For this reason, she had always be suspicious of everything a her, causing her to develop a kind of mild paranoia that affected her little by little.

'No one had ever called me that,' She recalled without remembering a single time she had be called cute, or ev charming.

She had always be called weird, strange, scary…. But never cute.

After leaving Luna stunned by his words, Theos proceeded to torture each of the hooded m.

For Luna not to get out of her world of happiness and dreams of a happy family, Theos empathically decided to protect her ears with a barrier of negative Mana.

With everything ready, Theos decided to torture all the hooded m… Breaking bones, gouging out eyes, sticking stones in their ears, making them eat each other…

He did everything imaginable for him, receiving rewards all the time.

[The host has caused too much psychological damage to an extra character in the novel, you receive 00 negative mana].

[The host has caused too much psychological damage to an extra character from the novel, you receive 00 negative mana]

[The host has caused too much psychological damage to an extra character from the novel, you receive 00 negative mana]

Every notification was a song to Theos' ears, but what was ev more beautiful to him was the sounds of desperation from the hooded m who, despite telling everything they knew, did not stop, nor did he show mercy.

He quietly killed hundreds of hoods before, but it was on his first day of transmigration, a week had already passed, a week where he was not idle at all.

He changed his mtality, knowing that scaring a character in the novel is not everything; he should go further, and he must squeeze the full pottial of the Negative Energy to the maximum.

He concluded… "Destroy every emotion of my emies, destroy ev their will to live, that I remain only an empty shell, a total waste that I won't be able to draw any more power from," Theos siltly declared, still torturing the hooded m.

"Please, the boss, the only boss who runs this side of the cult is in this very cave at the d, please let me go!"


The minutes passed in extreme torture where Theos only stopped wh he saw them as totally dead.

Regrets? No, not in the least. Not that he was a heartless monster, he knows he is an evil person, but at least he would have morals and principles like not torturing the undeserving.

'In their case, they deserved it,' he thought as he remembered how, in the original novel, they had slaughtered countless people, eat humans alive, and countless other horrors.

"But it's not time to think about that, there's one last hurdle left to get us out of here."


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