In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 42: Torture

Dozs of footsteps echoed in the cave, causing Theos and Luna's atttion to focus on the figures emerging from the darkness.

From there, 5 hooded subjects came out from head to toe, each one measuring more than six feet tall. The shortest was about 6'", and the tallest was about 6'".

Their hulking, tall bodies made them quite intimidating, but Theos showed nothing but indifferce, looking at them like apes.

"Did they warn the whole cult?" he asked approaching the hooded m who didn't move an inch.

They did not respond, their mouths completely closed... And they had continued like this forever until they felt death itself upon them.

As the very embodimt of death, Theos released not only his Negative Mana but also his Death Mana, causing the hooded ones to feel the terror of death.

"Yes..." they responded briefly to Theos' question, who frowned.

"You know, it's not polite not to answer a question. They had to force me to use their force to make them talk," he commted with a small sadistic smile.

"So you wouldn't mind a little punishmt, would you?". With every word that left his lips, the hooded m trembled slightly.

But still, they said no more of that, as if they had already accepted their death; they pulled their weapons out of their hoods; some had axes, swords, daggers ...

'They are all short-range weapons,' Theos quickly observed; without wasting any more time, he approached them this time at maximum speed.

"Ark," the voice of the hooded m changed completely, now with a bestial roar, each one as if they were marking their territory.

As if they had lost any ability to think or feel anything, they began to run with terrifying speed towards Theos.

And to all these evts... And Luna?

"There is no one else but them in the vicinity," she muttered as she used the shadows of the hooded m as a support to use her ability, Shadow Vision.

The first thing for her to do was to make sure there were more emies in the vicinity; unlike Theos, who had ough strgth to fight them all alone, she had no such ability, so she had to make sure.

'Shadow summoning,' she chanted mtally, her hand gathered in her hands which made differt positions to control her own shadow.

From there, two wolves came out, unlike the ones summoned a week ago, the currt ones seemed a bit bigger and stronger.

'It was worth getting my Way in all this week,' she thought, pulling a dagger from her robes.

Fear? Yes, she had plty for now to fight her psychological traumas.

But was she going to hide? No! She couldn't hide while the man in front of her was facing off against dozs of emies.

'I still have the strgth to help him,' she concluded, running towards the fight with her two wolves following her.

"It's good to have her here, as I thought of my subordinate, she defies her very fears with complete confidce," Theos muttered without paying the slightest atttion as he watched an axe come within inches of impacting with his head.

"Too slow," he declared disappearing like a blur, his speed not ev the dozs of hooded m couldn't keep up with them.

"Scared, are you feeling scared?" he said, watching the hooded man, but dozs of guns were pointed at him from all directions.


Expelling a large amount of negative Mana from his body, the same wave of Mana drove away all the hooded m at once.

Theos' eyes swept over all the hooded m, his left eye glowing with ecstasy as he observed how much negative ergy he could gain.

And Theos is just as ecstatic.

"The week before, I couldn't think clearly; that's why I killed so many; I hadn't thought through my actions," Theos began to chatter Theos with a kind and warm smile, startling all the hooded m.

Ev Luna stopped her sprint, in total shock, unable to believe the words he said.

But that angelic smile of Theos' suddly turned into a sinister grin, like a sadistic maniac, he licked his lips with delight.

"But calm down," he began. "This will not be the case... I will torture you, I will make you feel the most horrible horrors in the world, I will make you feel fear, panic, despair, madness... I will make you suffer unimaginable feelings."

With these words, Theos' Mana began to increase until it reached the power of an Advanced Peak in his Path.

"Ark," despite the fear in their hearts from Theos' words, released their Mana to fight; they could not succumb so easily...

It wouldn't be fun for him.

Theos' grin wided; in one instant, it disappeared like a blur, and in the other...

"Agh," the sound of breaking bone echoed throughout the cave to subsequtly hear the screams of a hooded man writhing in pain on the floor.

His two legs unnaturally protruded from his body, making a disgusting sight, but to the younger hooded man, his old companion, now fall into uselessness, looked like the best meal in the world.

The two red eyes under the hood lit up, moving closer to his fall companion who was writhing in pain.

"Aghhhh", but as the same result, both his legs were brok in an instant by a shadow. He couldn't resist the pain falling to the g just like his companion.

"United," said the remaining ones in unison, not caring in the least about the breath in front of them.

After seeing with their own eyes how their starving companion had ded up, they no longer wanted to challge that trap.

The remaining hooded m gathered at the same spot, unaware that from the shadows two wolves black as ink were coming out with ferocity.

"Arrkhj," another hooded man fell as he felt one of his legs not break, but was directly ripped from his body.

Looking down, they noticed the wolves, and looking a, they noticed the owner.

Luna with a look of determination.


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