In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 44: Main Event

The duo walked together through the cave. Because of the darkness of the cave, normal people would have recoiled from seeing nothing, but it was not a problem for Theos, with his left ey,e, and Lu,na, with her high affinity for shadows, so that her shadow could observe the surings.

After tering the cave, she, for some reason, could now see more shadows, so she used her ability as efficitly as possible.

Thus they continued deeper and deeper into the cave.

"Hey, Theos, do you see that?" asked Luna, pointing to the front, where a small light was getting bigger and bigger as it approached her.

"Yes, I see... We are close to the final evt," Theos declared, preparing his storage ring that contained his most powerful weapon.

Luna also put on a serious expression, preparing her Mana for any situation. "Hey, you never told me it would be the main evt... What is it finally?" She asked curiously, turning her gaze to Theos.

"Simple, we're going up against the head of this crappy organization," he confessed turning his atttion to Luna. The two pairs of eyes stared at each other. "And you know how to destroy the cult? It's using eliminating the boss; most of their cult members were eliminated at the banquet, and what's left alive are possibly on missions outside. Therefore, we must take advantage now."

"Wait, but didn't the Church have something to do with all this? If she's still a are we going to do this to ourselves for nothing?" said Luna, who was a little worried and confused by the situation.

"Do you think the Church is that easy, do you think they are really what they are? You need to op your eyes more, Luna." Theos' words fell to Luna's heart, who felt like a fool.

But Theos smiled a fridly smile again. "Don't worry, you are still young. I will teach you to op your eyes to this world... To this cruel world, where ev the church, something harmless, may be the greatest danger facing Zeifer's history... The natural emy of the world", he declared with a passionate smile, as if he was excited about what was going to happ in the future.

"I see, ev the smallest ant can be a hidd dragon, can't it?" Luna perked up at her first glimpse of a passionate Theos. An unconscious smile rose on her face.

"Precisely, but I'll explain later, for now, we must win... It won't be an easy battle," he said to draw the sword, Death Fragmt, from his storage ring.

By using the sword for several days, Theos learned how to control the weapon's intse and massive killing intt.

It was not an easy task, as a Legdary weapon, Theos had to work much harder to master it, and although he had not yet mastered it completely, he could already control all those emotions of the sword.

Luna also pulled out her daggers again, one in each hand, while the shadow wolves were already forming from her own shadow.

The light grew larger and larger, and it wasn't long before the image was fully revealed... A giant room.



The two stared at each other, letting out a sigh. She already knew what his eyes meant: trust, she shouldn't stop trusting him.

And Theos knew the feeling in Luna's eyes: concern and determination, concern for the battle, for risking their lives in it, but determination to win and come back alive.

"This is quite a date, don't you think?" sighed Theos with a chuckle.

"Indeed, it's turning out to be a great date," Luna smiled happily, giving him a playful punch on his shoulder.

The two laughing at their playful banter, they took the first step into the room, taking in the whole place... Empty.

Well, there was only one thing.

"What the fuck is that?", with total shock Theos observed a high-tech capsule with liquids inside... Among all that liquid, a humanoid figure stood out.

With his eyes closed, he was sleeping soundly in the capsule; his features were extremely normal for a person: neutral and forgettable face, slim body, an average height, but...

"That thing in his head, what is that Theos?" asked Luna with total innocce.

Instead, for the first time in all his transmigration, he felt real fear and panic.

"Let's get out of here fast, quick!" shouted Theos, grabbing Luna's hand and boosting his body with negative Mana to get out of the cave as fast as possible.


But without ev starting to run, a large boulder crushed the only exit and trance to the room, leaving it completely blocked and with no way out.

"What?" in confusion, he swung his head from side to side to look for a way out of the room.

Theos' look of confusion gradually turned to panic, th to coldness, and th complete indifferce. 'There's not a single way out, and that rock is too big, as if that wasn't ough, it's made of a very resistant material,' he thought now with a cool head.

"Well, this wt from difficult to almost impossible," Theos commted, letting go of Luna's hand. "I'd ask you to hide, but ev I'm not sure I'd make it out alive if I fought alone," he confirmed with complete honesty and sincerity, surprising Luna herself.

"Theos, but... what's the problem? The only thing I see is that man with..." Before Luna finished speaking, the capsule oped slightly, and the blue liquid escaped quickly.

All the liquid that was expelled fell to the g, emptying the capsule and slowly making the man inside the capsule touch the g.

The large piece of flesh on his head suddly began to beat as if it were a heart, beating desperately and causing the man's veins to bulge.

Slowly, he oped his eyes, his eyes the color of blood red without ev having pupils, and ev Luna herself was startled with fear at the sight of him.

However, Theos did not stand by and watch this whole process.

A wave of conctrated negative Mana wt like lightning towards the newly awaked man, a being half human and half... Damn it.


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