I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 92: Chapter No.92 Showdown (12)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

The sudd knock on the door and the familiar voice st a jolt through both of us. Clarissa's eyes wided in surprise, while I quickly masked any visible reaction.

"Mother..." I muttered under my breath, already ssing the disruption she might cause to the carefully laid plans.

The door swung op before I could respond, and Elysia Ashwood, my mother, stepped into the room with her usual happy-go-lucky smile as she jumped into my arms with practiced grace, embracing me tightly. Her snow- hair cascaded over my shoulder as she pulled me close, her eyes sparkling with warmth and a hint of mischief.

"Samael, my darling," she purred, her voice soft and affectionate. "I've missed you."

I returned her embrace, though my mind was racing to keep up with the abrupt shift in the situation. Elysia Ashwood was many things—fierce, unpredictable, and incredibly powerful—but subtlety was not her strong suit. If she ssed the tsion in the room, she didn't show it.

"Mother," I greeted, managing a smile, "I'm in the middle of an important discussion."

Elysia pulled back slightly, her eyes flicking to Clarissa, who was doing her best to appear composed despite the sudd intrusion. My mother's gaze sharped, and I could tell she was sizing up the situation with the same ke instincts that had kept our family safe for years.

"Oh, I see," Elysia said, her tone shifting from playful to serious. "I didn't mean to interrupt, darling." She turned to Clarissa, her smile warm but her eyes calculating. "You must be Clarissa. That pig's eldest daughter, What are you doing here?"

Clarissa stiffed at my mother's words, her composed facade momtarily cracking. The tsion in the room thicked as Elysia's gaze bore into her, assessing and judging with the same ruthless efficicy she applied to everything in her life.

"Mother," I said sharply, stepping betwe them, "Clarissa is here as an ally. We're working together to stop her father."

Elysia's eyes didn't leave Clarissa, but her expression softed slightly, though I could still sse the underlying mistrust. "An ally, you say? Interesting." She finally turned to me, her gaze questioning. "But, I can easily squish that pig without any need to ev lift my finger. So why bother involving her?"

Elysia's words hung in the air, a clear display of her overwhelming confidce and disdain for Clarissa's father. It was no secret that my mother held a particular loathing for him, and in her eyes, involving his daughter in our plans must have seemed unnecessary at best, a liability at worst.

"Because this isn't just about brute strgth, Mother," I replied, keeping my voice calm and measured. "It's about strategy. Clarissa knows her father's operations better than anyone. She can provide us with insights that ev you might overlook."

Elysia raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "And you trust her? After all, she's be a part of?"

I didn't hesitate. "I do. Clarissa has prov herself already by coming to us and offering her help. She has as much to lose in this as we do."

My mother regarded me siltly for a momt, her piercing gaze searching my face for any sign of doubt. Th, slowly, she nodded, her expression softing just a fraction. "Very well, Samael. If you believe she's trustworthy, th I'll stand by your decision.

But know this, Clarissa,"—she turned to the young woman, her voice carrying a deadly seriousness—"if you betray my son, there won't be a corner of this world where you can hide from me."

Clarissa met her gaze with a steady calm, though I could see the tsion in her shoulders. "I understand, Lady Ashwood. But I assure you, my loyalty lies with Samael and the cause we're fighting for."

Elysia studied her for another long momt before finally stepping back, the intsity in the room easing slightly. "Good. Th we'll see this through together."

With that, my mother turned her atttion back to me, her earlier warmth returning. "I trust you know what you're doing, Samael. Just remember, your family is here for you." She closed the distance betwe us and whispered, "And your lover too, I can't wait to 'ride' you."

A slight blush crept up my neck as my mother's words took a decidedly unexpected turn. Elysia's mischievous smile only grew wider as she saw my reaction, clearly joying the effect her teasing had on me.

"Mother, please," I muttered, trying to keep my composure, especially with Clarissa still in the room. Elysia's playful antics were nothing new to me, but this wasn't the time or place for them.

Elysia chuckled softly, giving me a light pat on the cheek. "Just remember, darling, life is too short to be all serious and no fun." She glanced over at Clarissa with a wink. "And don't worry, dear. I'll make sure not to interrupt again. For now."

"Mother, Take these files. They contained some evidce of experimts performed by Clarissa's father on innoct people. You might find them useful." I handed the files to Elysia, who accepted them with a raised eyebrow.

I continued, "The black file with no tag contains some 'special' project by him on Xandros Blackthorn..."

"The dead youngest prince? wasn't he announced dead years after his birth?"

"Yes," I replied, my voice laced with tsion. "But there's more to it than what the public knows."

Elysia's eyes narrowed as she oped the black file, her usual playful demeanor replaced by a grim seriousness. The room felt charged with the weight of the revelations contained within those pages. Clarissa remained silt, her eyes fixed on the floor, the reality of her father's actions hanging heavily in the air.

Elysia flipped through the pages, her expression growing darker with each passing momt. The file detailed experimts that were inhumane and horrific, conducted on Xandros Blackthorn—who was supposed to be dead. The truth was far more sinister. It revealed that Xandros had be kept alive in secret, subjected to gruesome experimts that twisted and distorted his very essce.

His body was used as a vessel to hance Clarissa's father's dark ambitions, a fate worse than death.

"This is… monstrous," Elysia murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I knew he was a cruel man, but this…"

Her words trailed off, unable to fully capture the depth of her disgust. She closed the file with a snap and looked at me, her eyes blazing with a mix of fury and determination. "Samael, we cannot allow this to continue. This—this atrocity must be brought to light."

"That's why we need Clarissa," I explained, my voice firm. "She has access to places and information we wouldn't otherwise have. With her help, we can expose her father and put an d to his madness."

Elysia turned her gaze to Clarissa, her expression softing slightly. "I underestimated you," she admitted, her tone sincere. "It takes great courage to stand against your own blood, especially wh they wield so much power."

Clarissa met Elysia's gaze with a mixture of defiance and resolve. "It's not just courage," she said quietly. "It's desperation. My father's actions have affected countless lives, and I can't stand by while he continues this madness."

Elysia nodded slowly, acknowledging the gravity of Clarissa's words. "I understand. We will need to tread carefully. This is more than just a matter of exposing his actions; it's about dismantling a dangerous network that has infiltrated many aspects of our kingdom."

"Oh! right, what about your remaining family? are they aware of the situation?" I asked Clarissa the question with a tone of concern.

"Yes, I told them to try and keep them out of father's reach. But it seems I was too late," Clarissa's voice faltered, and her eyes clouded with a hint of shame. "Alexandra and Raine were involved with my father helping him gather subjects to experimt on. My sisters were already tak to the safe house by my father and only my mother...

she had be in coma for quite a few years so at least she was safe." Clarissa's revelation weighed heavily on the room. Elysia's expression harded further as she processed the implications of Clarissa's words.

"I understand," I said, trying to keep the situation in perspective. "But we still have a chance to interve. We need to locate your family and make sure they're safe, especially if they're still under your father's influce or at risk from his machinations."

Clarissa nodded, her determination rewed. "I'll provide you with whatever information I have about their locations and any pottial threats. My father's network is extsive, but we have to act swiftly."

Elysia turned her focus back to Clarissa, her voice resolute. "We will make this a priority. Protecting the innocts and dismantling the corruption within our kingdom is crucial. If your family is in danger, we'll need to plan a rescue and sure their safety."

Clarissa's eyes brighted with a glimmer of hope. "Thank you. I appreciate your support more than you know."

Elysia gave a firm nod. "We'll start by securing the safe house and any other locations where your family might be. Samael and I will coordinate with our contacts to sure we cover all possible angles."

I glanced at Clarissa, th back at my mother. "We should also consider the possibility of further traps or manipulations from your father. He won't hesitate to use his remaining resources against us."

Elysia's eyes sparkled with a fierce determination. "Th we'll outmaneuver him at every turn. This ds now."

As the discussion turned to detailed plans and strategies, the tsion in the room began to dissipate, replaced by a shared sse of purpose. Clarissa, though visibly exhausted, stood tall, her resolve steeled by the urgcy of our mission.

With the files now in Elysia's hands and our course of action clear, we proceeded to map out the next steps. The revelation about Clarissa's family and her father's cruel experimts had shifted the stakes significantly. Our focus was now on a multi-pronged approach: rescuing Clarissa's family, exposing her father's heinous acts, and dismantling his influce within the kingdom.

As we began to outline the logistics and assign tasks, a sse of unity and determination filled the room. The challges ahead were formidable, but with each of us committed to the cause, we were ready to face them head-on.

The conversation continued into the eving, filled with tactical discussions and planning. Clarissa contributed valuable insights about her father's operations and the layout of his strongholds, while Elysia and I worked to integrate this new information into our strategy.

By the time we wrapped up, the room was buzzing with a rewed sse of urgcy. Our next steps were clear, and the path forward, though fraught with danger, was now illuminated by our shared determination to see justice done and protect those who were vulnerable.




[To Be Continued]


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