I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 93: Chapter No.93 Showdown (13)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

"Ready?" I asked as I looked toward Mother who was wearing a skin-tight silver dress fully showcasing her amazing curves and seductive body, her usual playful demeanor replaced with a seriousness that hinted at the gravity of what we were about to undertake. She adjusted the strap on her dress with an air of nonchalance, but her eyes were sharp and focused.

"Always, darling," Elysia replied, her voice a mix of warmth and steely resolve. "I've be waiting for a chance to put that pig in his place. But this time, it's not just for revge. It's about justice."

"So, Here is the plan. I will go try to deal with this Crimson Circle, While you try and rescue Clarissa's siblings. Th we will go together and d Garrick's life once and for all, Any questions?" I said as I tried to scan our surings as we were inside the Rutherford family's territory.

My mother's gaze met mine, and a brief but intse silce settled betwe us. Her lips curled into a smile that held both pride and a touch of nostalgia.

"No questions, Samael," Elysia said softly, her voice carrying a maternal warmth. "You've grown into a fine strategist. Just be careful. The Crimson Circle is no ordinary threat, and Garrick is as slippery as they come."

I nodded, appreciating her concern, but I knew the weight of the mission on my shoulders. The Crimson Circle was a clandestine organization rumored to have its hands in the darkest of magic and the most forbidd knowledge. Their influce was pervasive, extding into the highest echelons of power, and dismantling them would be no small feat.

"Alright, Take the position. I will make my move," I continued, locking eyes with Elysia. "We can't afford any missteps. Once I'm inside, I'll signal you wh it's time to strike. Stay alert, and don't hesitate if things go south."

Elysia gave me a firm nod, her playful demeanor completely replaced by the fierce determination that had made her a force to be reckoned with. "I won't let you down, darling. And remember, we're doing this together. If anything goes wrong, I'll be right there by your side."

With our plan set and our resolve unwavering, we parted ways, each heading toward our respective targets.

"Shadow Magic: Shadow Cloak~"

I whispered the incantation, feeling the familiar pull of shadow magic veloping me. The world a me blurred and darked as I melded into the shadows, becoming nearly invisible to any prying eyes. The Rutherford family's estate loomed ahead, a sprawling mansion sured by a high stone wall and guarded by an array of magical and mundane defses.

I had to be cautious—one wrong move could expose me to both the Crimson Circle's forces and the Rutherford guards.

Navigating through the estate was like walking through a maze of darkness and danger. I slipped past guards and avoided detection spells, my dragon heart pounding with the urgcy of the mission. My goal was to locate and dismantle the Crimson Circle's operations within the estate, gather any useful information, and sure the safety of Clarissa's siblings.



Here goes my cover, I am still not well-versed in shadow Magic. My left hand wt to the hilt of the rusty-looking sword hanging by my belt, like it would fall apart in the next swing.


At least a doz footsteps were approaching rapidly. The sound of boots pounding against the stone floor grew louder, signaling the immint arrival of the Crimson Circle grunts.

I needed to act fast. The Crimson Circle grunts were getting closer, and their presce threated to expose my location. I quickly assessed the surings for a way out or a place to hide. The corridor I was in had several alcoves and side passages that might offer some cover.

I ducked into a nearby alcove, pressing myself against the cold stone wall. The shadows a me seemed to pulse with the tsion of the momt. As the footsteps drew nearer, I held my breath, focusing on the faint sounds of their conversation.

"—reports of an intruder in the east wing. They've already breached the perimeter."

"Dammit! We need to find them before they do any real damage. Double the patrols and secure all exits. No one gets out without clearance."

Their conversation made it clear that the Crimson Circle was on high alert. I had to move quickly but quietly, or risk being caught in a pottially deadly confrontation. With the guards now moving in a more organized manner, my previous escape routes were likely compromised.

"Hey, The device is pointing towards that wall. Ready your weapons, they're close!" one of the grunts barked, causing my heart to race ev faster. The wall they referred to was directly opposite my hiding spot, and it was likely that they were closing in on my position. I had no choice but to take a calculated risk.

Shit! What is this luck? Am I really the Protagonist now?

I screamed in my mind as looked at the system mission I received wh I was talking to Clarissa.

[Ding! A New Mission.]

[Name: Garrick's Ambition]

[Objective: . Defeat or Kill Garrick Rutherford (Incomplete)

. Defeat or Kill The Crimson Circle (Incomplete)

3. Save Clarissa's Siblings (Incomplete)

4. Defeat ??? (Incomplete)]

[Rewards: ???]

The system's mission popped up in my mind, adding a new layer of urgcy to my already tse situation. My previous tactical advantage seemed to evaporate under the pressure of this new information. I had to complete all objectives, including taking down Garrick, the Crimson Circle, and saving Clarissa's siblings, with an additional, unknown target left incomplete.

My mind raced as I considered the implications. If the mission was incomplete, there was something or someone else I had yet to counter. That unknown elemt could be as dangerous as Garrick himself. But I couldn't afford to get bogged down in uncertainties; I needed to act.

Fuck It!

It's Showtime!

I took the quick draw stance, my thumb right under the hilt of my sword. Lightning started to dance a my form.

"Lightning Magic: Thunderclap and Flash!"

My figure vanished from its place leaving lingering lightning in my wake but before the grunts could ev react, I was already out of the alcove and moving swiftly appearing behind them. In the blink of an eye, my sword found its way back into the rusty-looking sheath with lightning arcs dancing a the blade.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

One by one every grunt fell on the g with their heads rolling with a sicking thud. The precision of my strike had left no room for error, and the Crimson Circle grunts lay incapacitated, their faces contorted in shock and pain. I moved swiftly to sure there were no survivors, their bodies already cooling in the cold stone corridor.


But before I could ev collect myself, more footsteps echoed through the corridor. It seemed that my earlier actions had not gone unnoticed, and reinforcemts were on their way. I quickly scanned the area, looking for any pottial escape routes or tactical advantages.

The corridor was lined with several ornate doors, likely leading to various rooms within the estate. One door in particular stood out: it was slightly ajar, and a faint, flickering light escaped from within. It seemed like a promising place to investigate, and it might offer some cover or valuable information.

With a deep breath, I darted toward the door, slipping inside just as the sounds of approaching guards grew louder. I quietly closed the door behind me, and the room was veloped in darkness. My shadow cloak was still active, but I needed to be cautious.

The room appeared to be some kind of master bedroom, but its location being far from the cter of the estate suggests otherwise, As I walked further I saw two more doors. One was likely to be a restroom, while the other seemed to be a large, well-locked storage.

I could hear faint rhythmic breathing from the other side of the large, well-locked storage door. The sound suggested that someone—or something—was inside. I needed to act quickly, but the heavy, iron-clad lock on the door was a significant obstacle.

I approached the door siltly, my ears straining to catch any additional sounds. The rhythmic breathing continued, and I could also detect the faint sound of beeping coming from the other side, my mind raced through the possibilities. The sound suggested that someone inside the locked storage might be injured or otherwise in a critical condition.

The urgcy of the situation demanded immediate action.

"Alright, Samael, focus," I muttered under my breath. My hand moved over the lock, feeling the intricate mechanism beath my fingers. The iron lock was substantial and fortified, but I had a few tricks up my sleeve.

I called upon my Destruction affinity, which responded like an eager child looking to please its master. A crimson cloak veloped my hand, crackling with barely contained ergy. With careful precision, I directed a small pulse of Destruction magic towards the lock.

The air a the lock shimmered as the magic built up, conctrating its force into a pinpoint explosion that shattered the lock with a silt pop.

The door creaked op slightly, revealing the interior of the storage room. The beeping sound was more pronounced now, and I could see the faint glow of a magical device or medical equipmt inside. I pushed the door op fully, slipping inside with a sse of urgcy.

The room was dimly lit, and I quickly scanned it for any immediate threats. It was filled with various arcane artifacts and supplies, but my atttion was drawn to the cter of the room, where a large, reinforced containmt unit stood. The rhythmic breathing and beeping were coming from within it.

I approached the unit cautiously, my sses on high alert. The containmt unit had a transpart panel through which I could see a figure lying inside. The figure was covered in intricate bindings and tubes, connected to a series of magical apparatuses that seemed to be keeping them alive.

"Is that..."




[To Be Continued]


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