I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 91: Chapter No.91 Showdown (11)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]


A system notification goes off in my mind, and a smile makes its way to my face.

'And it seems I can make my move...'

Clarissa looked at me, her eyes searching for any sign of deception or hidden motive. She seemed to sense the shift in my demeanor, the cold resolve that had replaced my earlier skepticism.

"What are you planning, Samael?" she asked her voice barely a whisper, filled with both fear and curiosity.

I took a deep breath, letting the implications of the system notification sink in. The Heavenly Destiny System had been silent for a while, but now it was presenting an opportunity. One that aligned perfectly with the current situation.

"Let's just say," I began, leaning forward, my gaze locking onto hers, "that your father's actions have made him a target of more than just your family's enemies. If he's truly meddling with Time Magic and immortality, then he's crossed a line that can't be ignored."

Clarissa's hands tightened around the cup, her knuckles turning white. "You don't understand, Samael. This isn't just about stopping my father. If he succeeds, it could mean the end of everything as we know it. He's risking the very fabric of time itself."

"I don't get it? Are you kidding me?" I interrupted, my voice tinged with incredulity. "I've faced those abominations myself in the sealed floors of your family's prison. And you're telling me now that this is bigger than just your father's twisted ambitions?"

Clarissa's eyes widened in shock, her grip on the cup faltering. "You've... you've seen them? The experiments?"

"Seen them? I destroyed them," I said, my voice hardening. "All the sealed floors, every last one of those twisted creations. You have no idea what your father's experiments have wrought, Clarissa. I faced the horrors he unleashed, and I made sure they could never be used again."

Clarissa's face paled, her eyes widening in disbelief. "You... you destroyed them? But those were... they were supposed to be..."

"Unstoppable?" I finished for her, leaning back in my chair. "Your father underestimated what he was playing with. He thought he could control forces that no one should ever touch. But he's not the only one who can bend the rules."

She looked at me, a mixture of fear and something else—perhaps a sliver of hope—creeping into her expression. "If you destroyed them, then maybe... maybe there's a chance to stop him. Before it's too late."

I nodded, feeling the weight of the decision before me. The Heavenly Destiny System had offered me a path, one that involved taking a calculated risk. The notification I received wasn't just a prompt; it was a new mission, one that could shift the balance of power in this twisted game.

"I'm going to need your help, Clarissa," I said, my voice firm. "If we're going to stop your father, we need to act quickly and decisively. There's no room for hesitation."

"What do you need me to do?" she asked, her voice steadying, the resolve in her eyes returning.

"First, you're going to tell me everything you know about your father's research, his plans, and anyone who might be working with him," I replied. "Then, we're going to use that information to dismantle his operation from the inside out. But we're going to do it my way."

Clarissa nodded, the fear in her eyes now replaced by determination. "I'll tell you everything. But Samael... if we fail—"

"We won't," I interrupted, my tone leaving no room for doubt. "Failure isn't an option. Not when the stakes are this high."

The system notification flashed in my mind again, confirming the details of the mission. It was clear now: I had to stop her father, not just for the sake of the present, but for the future that he threatened to unravel. Time magic, immortality, abominations—he had to be stopped, and I was the one who would do it.

But I couldn't do it alone. Clarissa might have been a pawn in her father's game, but now, she was going to be a key player in mine.

"Let's start with the hideouts," I said, my tone firm and commanding. "Places where your father is most likely to retreat if things go south for him."

Clarissa hesitated for a moment, her mind racing as she tried to recall every piece of information she had about her father's secretive operations. "He has several... safehouses," she began slowly, her voice betraying the uncertainty she felt. "But there's one place—an old estate outside the city. It's secluded, heavily fortified, and... he's used it for his most dangerous experiments."

"That's where we'll start," I said decisively. "We need to cut off his escape routes, trap him where he feels safest. He won't expect anyone to challenge him on his own turf."

Clarissa nodded, her expression tightening with determination. "He'll have guards, wards, possibly even some of his... creations."

"Good," I replied, my smile returning. "Then he won't see us coming."

I continued, "So we got down to the location part, Now let's move on to the more important part. Who are his accomplices outside the kingdom? Do you have names?

Clarissa hesitated, her gaze dropping to the table as she wrestled with the weight of the information she was about to divulge. After a tense moment, she looked up, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and resolve.

"There are a few," she began cautiously. "My father has always been careful, keeping his most trusted allies in the shadows. But I've overheard names... whispers of powerful individuals who've aided him in his research, people who stand to gain from his success."

"Names, Clarissa," I urged, my tone leaving no room for evasion. "We can't afford any half-truths or omissions. Not now."

She nodded, taking a deep breath. "There is this group of rogue mages and knights banded together doing unspeakable things in the name of power. They call themselves the 'Crimson Circle.' They're not bound by any kingdom or allegiance—just a thirst for forbidden magic and the promise of immortality. They've been working with my father for years, providing resources, knowledge, and... test subjects."

"Crimson Circle huh~ Nah never heard of them," I said while searching for it in my memories of og novel.

"They do their job... effectively. Leaving no survivors which makes them almost impossible to trace," Clarissa continued, her voice tinged with unease. "They operate in the shadows, leaving no evidence behind, no loose ends. Even within their ranks, members are often unaware of each other's identities."

I tapped my fingers on the table, deep in thought. The Crimson Circle... a rogue faction that had eluded even the most vigilant powers in the kingdom. If they were as clandestine and ruthless as Clarissa described, then this was more than just a battle against her father. It was a war against an entire network of power-hungry maniacs.

"And these 'test subjects'?" I asked, my voice lowering as I pressed for details. "What are we dealing with? What exactly has your father been experimenting on?"

Clarissa swallowed hard, her discomfort evident. "Every race... except Angels," She clutched her hand so tight it turned white. "After confronting my... father and before coming here, I checked his room and found the latest report on the experiments." Her voice trembled as she spoke, the weight of her words sinking into the silence between us.

"He's been trying to create something beyond the abominations you destroyed. Something... worse."

"Worse?" I echoed, my mind racing through the possibilities. "What exactly is he trying to create, Clarissa?"

She hesitated, her fear palpable. "He calls them 'Chrono-Wraiths.' They're designed to manipulate time itself, He imparted them with the essence of Xandros's... seeds and the Vampire's immortality aspects from blood rituals. They're not just abominations—they're living paradoxes, entities that defy the natural order.

My father believes that by merging time manipulation with immortality, he can create beings that are unbound by the constraints of reality itself."

The gravity of her words hit me like a cold wave. Chrono-Wraiths. If even a fraction of what she was saying was true, then her father wasn't just a madman—he was playing god, tampering with forces that could unravel the very fabric of existence.

"And he's planning to unleash these... things?" I asked, my voice low and dangerous.

"He's still in the testing phase," Clarissa replied, her voice trembling. "But he's close. He believes that once he perfects the process, he will use it on himself, gaining ultimate power and immortality. It's not just about him anymore. He's planning to unleash these creatures on a grand scale—against anyone who stands in his way, and perhaps even to rewrite history itself."

"Well, he's got the ambition, I'll give him that," I said, my tone grim. "But do you know what's even worse? He's managed to create a situation where the only way to stop him is to dive headfirst into the very heart of his madness."

Clarissa's eyes locked onto mine, her expression a mix of fear and determination. "So what's the plan?"

"We start by targeting his safehouse," I said, laying out the strategy. "We'll need to infiltrate it, gather more intel on his operations, and eliminate his support structure if possible. That means dealing with the Crimson Circle as well."

Knock! Knock!

"Darling~ Mother's back!"




[To Be Continued]


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