I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 90: Chapter No.90 Showdown (10)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

Knock! Knock!

"Samael, someone's here to... meet you," Liliana's voice came through the door, slightly hesitant.

I stirred from my nap, blinking a few times to shake off the remnants of sleep. Liliana's voice had a certain tension to it, something that immediately put me on alert. The Ashwood estate rarely had unexpected visitors, and anyone coming unannounced was bound to bring trouble.

"Who is it?" I asked, already swinging my legs off the bed and standing up. I could feel the lingering warmth from Lily's presence beside me, though she had left the room earlier, saying she needed some time to herself.

Liliana hesitated for a moment before responding. "It's Clarissa Rutherford, She said only you and your mother could help.

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Clarissa Rutherford. Did she really confront her father, as I told her? But I was looking to throw her off my tail.


I sighed, trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever awaited me outside. Clarissa Rutherford showing up at the Ashwood estate was unexpected, and it couldn't be good news. The Rutherfords were a family steeped in dark secrets, and Clarissa's sudden appearance meant that something significant had happened.

"Alright, I'll be there in a moment," I called back to Liliana as I quickly straightened my clothes and ran a hand through my hair, trying to appear composed despite the uncertainty brewing inside me.

As I made my way to the main hall, thoughts raced through my mind. Clarissa Rutherford... The last time we met, I had tried to manipulate her into causing some internal strife within her own family, hoping it would buy me some time. I hadn't expected her to actually show up here, and I certainly hadn't anticipated her asking for help.

Liliana was waiting by the entrance, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "She seems desperate, Samael," she said quietly, her gaze meeting mine. "But I don't trust her. The Rutherfords aren't exactly known for their honesty."

I nodded in agreement. "Neither do I, but we need to hear her out. If she's here, it means something's happened that could be important to us. Keep your guard up, though."

I asked, "Who's keeping her company?"

Liliana hesitated, her eyes narrowing slightly. "No one," she replied. "She's alone. She refused any refreshments and insisted on speaking with you immediately."

That was even more unsettling. Clarissa Rutherford was not someone who did things on a whim, and her refusal of even basic hospitality suggested that whatever had brought her here was urgent—possibly even dangerous.

"Alright," I said, my voice steady but my mind racing with possibilities. "I'll go see what she wants."

Liliana placed a hand on my arm, her grip firm. "Be careful, Samael. We don't know what she's after."

I gave her a reassuring nod, though I knew her concern was warranted. The Rutherford family was infamous for their ruthless tactics and hidden agendas. Clarissa's sudden visit was a wild card, and I needed to be prepared for anything.

Making my way down the corridor, the silence of the estate felt heavier than usual, as if the very walls were holding their breath. As I reached the drawing room, I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts before pushing the door open.

Clarissa was standing near the window, her back to me, gazing out at the sprawling gardens of the Ashwood estate. Her posture was tense, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. The usual confidence and haughtiness that I associated with her were absent; instead, she seemed almost... vulnerable.

"Clarissa," I greeted, my tone neutral as I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me.

She turned to face me, and I was struck by how different she looked. The sharp, calculating glint in her eyes was replaced with a haunted, almost desperate expression. Dark circles marred the skin beneath her eyes, and her usually pristine appearance was slightly disheveled, as if she had been in a hurry.

"Samael," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't know where else to go. I... I need your help."

I studied her carefully, keeping my expression unreadable. "What happened? Why are you here alone?"

Clarissa hesitated, biting her lower lip as if trying to find the right words. "It's my father," she finally said, her voice trembling. "He's gone mad. After our last conversation, things... escalated. He's planning something terrible, something that could destroy everything.

And I—I don't know how to stop him."

"Okay, Terrible as it is but why did you come here?" I asked as I sat on the sofa across from her, my gaze steady but my mind racing. Clarissa's distress was palpable, but I needed to understand the full scope of her situation and how it intersected with my own plans.

"I came here because I trust you," she said, her voice cracking. "You were the only one who seemed to understand the gravity of what was happening. My father's plans are... far beyond anything I could have imagined. He's not just threatening our family—he's looking to unleash something that could throw the entire kingdom into chaos."

"Nothing new for your psycho father, no offense." Clarissa flinched at my words, but she didn't retort. Instead, she looked down at her hands, wringing them anxiously.

"And I don't understand, How can you trust me? We literally met a few hours ago and that too for less than five minutes. and last but not least, Why me?"

Clarissa looked up, her eyes wide with a mixture of desperation and determination. "It's not just about trust," she said, her voice firming despite her evident distress. "After our brief encounter, I realized you were different. You're not just another noble scheming for power. You understood the dangers that lurk beneath the surface of our world. I could see that in your eyes, in the way you spoke.

My father's madness has reached a level that goes beyond political maneuvering—it's a threat to everything, and I need someone who can act decisively, someone who can navigate both the political and arcane aspects of this crisis."

I raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. "And you think I'm that person? What makes you believe I can handle this when your own family's resources can't?"

Clarissa's gaze was unwavering. "I've seen the lengths you're willing to go to protect your interests and those you care about. I've heard whispers about your abilities. This is not just about political power or family squabbles. It's about the safety of everyone, including the very fabric of reality. You have the potential to understand and counteract the forces my father is dealing with.

If there's anyone who might be able to stop him, it's you."

I leaned back, my mind racing through the implications of what she had said. Clarissa's situation was dire, and if what she claimed about her father's plans was true, it would indeed require a response that went beyond ordinary measures.

"What exactly is he planning with this immortality he risking all this for?" I asked as I filled two cups with tea from the kettle Liliana had prepared earlier, offering one to Clarissa. She accepted it with a trembling hand, her gaze still haunted.

Clarissa took a sip before responding, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's not just about immortality, It's Time Magic..."

My eyes widened slightly at the mention of Time Magic. The concept was as rare as it was dangerous, known to be one of the most volatile and unpredictable forms of magic. Mastery over time could grant immense power, but it came with risks that could unravel the very fabric of reality.

"Wait... So Xandros Blackthorn..." Gears in my mind started turning rapidly as I processed Clarissa's words.

"He had this affinity, So Father kidnapped him to extract it from him... but there were some complications if time magic is used for a long time... it consumes the vitality of the host instead of mana..." Clarissa said with her body trembling nearly spilling the tea from her cup. Her hands shook slightly as she tried to steady herself, the gravity of her words apparent in her trembling voice.

"So to solve this hurdle, he thought of experimenting on vampires who are known for their immortality," Clarissa continued, her voice quavering with fear. "He believes that by combining Xandros's Time Magic with the regenerative properties of vampires, he can create a being capable of wielding Time Magic without the usual consequences.

I think he succeeds, as he doesn't even seem to be afraid of Lady Elysia."

"Mother?" I interjected, trying to piece together the implications of her statement. "Are you saying that he's targeting her, or—"

"No," Clarissa corrected, her eyes wide with alarm. "He's not targeting her directly, but he's manipulating the situation in such a way that he's exploiting the chaos it creates. My father's actions are causing instability, and he's using that to cover his tracks and further his experiments.

If he's found a way to merge Time Magic with vampiric immortality, it's only a matter of time before he unleashes a catastrophe."

"If even think of laying a finger on my Mother, I will fuckin' dig his guts out."

Clarissa flinched at my outburst, her eyes widening with alarm. She quickly tried to regain her composure, though her hands were still trembling.

"I understand your anger, Samael," she said softly, "but this is bigger than just personal vendettas. My father's experiments with Time Magic and vampiric immortality could destabilize the entire kingdom. It's not just about targeting individuals—his actions could lead to widespread chaos and destruction."

"Don't worry, I was already planning to deal with your father," I said as I stopped acting, I wanted to see her reaction to my threat to her father.

'And it seems I can make my move...'




[To Be Continued]


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