I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 44: Chapter No.44 Ruthless And Brutal

[Elysia Ashwood's POV]

This is the second in such a short time. He is interfering in our life.

First kidnapping me and Alice, And now this.

Who does he think he is?

Does he think I stay silent?

I stormed through the corridors, my footsteps echoing with each furious stride. The servants quickly stepped out of my way, sensing the storm of anger that surrounded me. How dare he make such a decision without consulting me? Without considering Samael's feelings?

As I approached Lord Ashwood's study, I could feel my anger boiling over. This was not just about an alliance or political maneuvering; this was about my son's happiness and his future. And I would not let anyone dictate that without a fight.

I pushed open the door with a force that made it slam against the wall. Lord Ashwood looked up from his desk, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of me.

"Elysia," he began, but I cut him off with a sharp gesture.

"How dare you," I hissed, my voice trembling with rage. "How dare you arrange a marriage for our son without consulting me, without considering his feelings?"

Lord Ashwood's expression hardened. "Elysia, you know the importance of alliances. This marriage could secure our position and protect our family."

"And at what cost?" I snapped. "Samael's happiness? His freedom? You have no right to make such decisions without involving us."

He stood up, his posture defensive. "I am the head of this family, Elysia. It is my duty to make decisions that ensure our survival."

"And it is my duty to protect our children," I retorted. "Samael has already faced enough because of your decisions. I will not let you sacrifice his future for your ambitions."

Lord Ashwood's eyes narrowed. "You are letting your emotions cloud your judgment. This is about the greater good."

"Greater good huh! Just like how you kidnapped me and my daughter."

Lord Ashwood's face turned a shade paler at my words. The room seemed to grow colder as silence settled between us. He knew he had overstepped, and now he was facing the full brunt of my wrath.

"Elysia," he started, attempting to regain his composure, "that was for—"

"Don't you dare justify it," I interrupted, my voice icy. "You took me and Alice against our will, and now you plan to barter our son's future without a second thought. This isn't about alliances or survival; it's about control, and I won't stand for it."

Lord Ashwood's eyes flickered with a mixture of frustration and resignation. "You don't understand the pressures I face. The Blackthorns, the politics—"

"Oh, Blackthorns will get what's coming their way soon enough. But using our son as a pawn in your schemes is unacceptable," I cut him off, my voice firm and unwavering.

Lord Ashwood sighed, rubbing his temples. "Elysia, please, try to see reason. This marriage could bring stability to our family, and to our kingdom. It's a necessary sacrifice."


A soul-crushing pressure suddenly filled the room as my mana surged once again, forcing the bastard onto his knees as he coughed blood, his eyes wide with shock and pain.

"You dare talk about sacrifices?" I said, my voice deadly calm, yet resonating with power. "You have no idea the lengths I will go to protect our children. Do you think this alliance is for the greater good? Then why does it feel like you're trying to break our family apart?"

Lord Ashwood struggled to catch his breath, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and defiance. "Elysia... this is... for the family..." he managed to choke out.

"Still thinking of the family? You don't understand the essence of what a family truly is," I said, my voice cold and unwavering. "A family protects each other, cherishes each other, and most importantly, respects each other's feelings and choices. You have forgotten that."

As I stepped on his right leg with a force enough to break it, as a sickening crunch echoed through the room.

Lord Ashwood's scream echoed through the room, his face twisted in a mask of agony and fury. His eyes, now bloodshot from the pressure, bore into mine with a mix of hatred and disbelief.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Y-YOU BIT*H!!! H-HAVE YOU GONE MAD!!!" he roared, struggling to catch his breath between spasms of pain.

I remained unfazed, my expression cold and unyielding. "Mad? No. I am perfectly sane. Saner than you, it seems. You who would destroy our family for the sake of alliances and power."

"You don't understand," he spat, his voice strained. "The dangers we face... the Blackthorns... they'll crush us if we don't act."

"Do you think sacrificing our son will save us? Do you think forcing him into a marriage will protect us?" I leaned closer, my voice a deadly whisper. "If you truly believe that, then you are the one who is mad."

Lord Ashwood's breathing was labored, each breath a struggle. "You don't know what you're doing... you don't understand the consequences..."

"Consequences be damned," I finished for him, my voice steady and resolute. "I will not let you destroy what remains of our family. Do you even understand the consequences of your actions?"

He tried to move, but his broken leg kept him pinned down, gasping and seething. "You don't... see the bigger picture," he managed to say, his voice barely more than a whisper. "This marriage... it's our only chance."

"Our only chance?" I scoffed. "Our only chance at what? Trading away our son's happiness for a fleeting alliance? You are a fool if you believe that will save us."

Lord Ashwood looked at me with a mix of defiance and desperation. "You will regret this, Elysia. You and the children... without alliances, we are vulnerable."

"You are looking at the strongest mage in the kingdom. Do I look vulnerable to you?" I demanded, my voice seething with power and defiance.

Lord Ashwood's face contorted in pain and frustration. "Magic can't solve everything, Elysia," he rasped. "Politics and alliances are necessary for survival."

I laughed bitterly, the sound echoing coldly in the room. "Politics and alliances? You've used those as excuses for too long. Look at where your scheming has brought us. We're teetering on the brink of destruction, and you still think more of the same will save us?"

He opened his mouth to argue, but I cut him off. "Enough. I won't hear any more of your excuses. This family has suffered enough under your misguided leadership. From now on, we will find a different path—one that doesn't involve sacrificing our children's futures for your ambitions."

Lord Ashwood's eyes flickered with a mix of anger and fear. "You can't do this, Elysia. You can't just—"

"MY LORD!!!!" x50

More than fifty guards burst through the door looking at the scene, Their lord on his knees with a broken leg and writhing in pain. Their expressions ranged from shock to apprehension as they took in the scene before them—Lady Elysia standing tall and resolute, her mana still palpably charged, and Lord Ashwood in obvious agony.

Marcus glances at the scene, understanding the gravity of the situation. He bows deeply, acknowledging Lady Elysia's authority and the charged atmosphere in the room.

"Lady Elysia," Marcus begins respectfully, "I apologize for the intrusion, but Lord Ashwood's condition requires immediate attention. May I suggest that we attend to his injuries and discuss the matter further in a calmer setting?"

"get out..."

"Pardon," Marcus quickly corrected himself, bowing once more. "Lady Elysia, may I ask for your permission to assist Lord Ashwood in his current state?"

"I. Said. Get. Out." I paused, my voice echoing with the force of my command. The guards, Marcus included, hesitated for a moment, taken aback by the intensity in my voice and demeanor.

"T-That... We can't..." Marcus stammered, clearly torn between respecting my authority and his duty to his lord. His eyes darted between me and Lord Ashwood, who was still writhing in pain on the floor. The other guards remained frozen, unsure of how to proceed.

"Good, Very good. Die then," I said as mana started to gather at the tip of my hand.

"Nature Magic: Wild Thorn's~"

Countless vines started to erupt from the floor and coiled around the necks of each of the guards.


Just as I snapped my finger, Thorn's pierced every single guard riddling their body with countless holes as blood busted through their wounds.

The room fell silent except for the echoing gasps and the sickening thuds of bodies hitting the ground. I stood amidst the chaos, my mana still swirling around me with an intensity that matched my resolve. The guards, once a formidable force, now lay defeated, their bodies pierced by thorns and their eyes frozen in shock and horror.

Lord Ashwood, despite his pain, managed to push himself up slightly, his gaze now a mix of fear and disbelief. "Elysia... what have you done?" he rasped, his voice barely audible over the aftermath of destruction.

"What needed to be done," I replied, my voice cutting through the silence like a blade. "I will not allow anyone to threaten our family, not even those who claim to protect us."

"You... you've killed them," Lord Ashwood whispered, his face pale with realization.

"They brought it upon themselves," I said coldly, her gaze unwavering. "You brought this upon us all with your schemes and manipulations."

Lord Ashwood's breathing was labored, his body trembling with pain and shock. "You've... you've doomed us," he managed to say, his voice filled with despair.




[To Be Continued]


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