I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 45: Chapter No.45 Judgement

[Elysia's POV]


My voice reverberated through the room, echoing with authority and an underlying menace. Within moments, the door to the study opened, and Jason entered, his expression a mix of confusion and apprehension.

"Y-Yes, you called."

I turned to face Jason, my gaze steely and unyielding. "Call every single elder for an urgent meeting, And if anyone refuses then apprehend them."

Jason's eyes widened at the sight of the room, strewn with the bodies of the guards and the still-palpable aura of power emanating from Elysia. He swallowed hard, clearly understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Y-Yes, Mother," he stammered, bowing deeply before hastily leaving the room to carry out her orders.

I watched him go, my resolve hardening. I had sent a clear message: I would not tolerate any more schemes that endangered my family. Turning back to Lord Ashwood, I saw the flicker of defiance still in his eyes, despite his obvious pain and fear.

"You will regret this," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "The elders... they won't stand for this."

"The elders will listen, or they will face the same fate," I replied coldly. "I will not let anyone—least of all you—dictate my son's future."

I marched towards the fallen lord and griped his hair in an iron grip, lifting his head to meet my eyes. His face twisted in pain and hatred, but I remained unmoved.

"You will understand what true power is," I said, my voice low and deadly. "And you will learn that I am not someone to be trifled with."

The grand hall loomed ahead as I dragged Lord Ashwood with a relentless grip, his protests muffled by the pain and humiliation. Servants and guards who crossed our path hastily stepped aside, their eyes averted from the sight of their lord being dragged by his wife, a scene unprecedented in the halls of Ashwood Manor.

As we approached the grand hall, the atmosphere grew tense. Jason had been swift in his actions; the elders were already assembling, their murmurs of concern echoing through the corridors. The doors swung open as we arrived, the elders turning to see us enter with a mixture of surprise and apprehension.

"Lady Elysia," Elder Roland, a longtime ally of Lord Ashwood, spoke first, his voice wavering slightly. "What is the meaning of this?"

I released Lord Ashwood's hair, letting him stumble to the ground with a pained grunt. His defiant glare met mine briefly before he schooled his expression into one of forced composure. I stepped forward, my presence commanding attention as I faced the gathered elders.

"I have called this meeting urgently," I began, my voice cutting through the murmurs of the room. "There are matters of grave concern that require immediate discussion."

Elder Roland stepped forward, his brows furrowed. "Lady Elysia, while we respect your position within the family—"

"You will respect my authority," I interrupted, my tone sharp and uncompromising. "I will not tolerate any more decisions made without consultation, especially when they concern the future of my son."

The elders exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the gravity of the situation. Lord Ashwood struggled to his feet, his face contorted with pain but his voice laced with defiance.

"Elysia, you have overstepped," he growled, his voice carrying through the hall. "This is not how our family conducts its affairs."

"Your family!!!, Don't forget how you outcast us because his hair and eye color were different."

The elders murmured amongst themselves, their expressions ranging from concern to disbelief. Elder Roland stepped forward again, attempting to diffuse the tension.

"Lady Elysia, while we understand your concern for Samael, decisions regarding alliances—"

"Decisions that endanger our family will no longer be made without our consent," I declared, my voice unwavering. "Lord Ashwood has crossed a line, and I will not allow it to happen again."

The room fell into a tense silence, the elders and Lord Ashwood absorbing my words. Lord Ashwood, despite his pain, straightened defiantly.

"Elysia, you are jeopardizing everything we have worked for," he insisted, his voice strained. "These alliances are crucial for our survival."

"Your survival!!!, My children have me to protect them." I emphasized, my voice echoing with unprecedented authority. The silence in the room is turning to the atmosphere.

"ENOUGH!!! YOU ARE SHAMING THE GREAT ASHWOOD FAMILY BY DOING THIS!!!" One of the elders exploded as he stood up, his face red with anger. The other elders murmured in agreement, their expressions hardening with disapproval.

"Silence!" I commanded, my voice cutting through the outburst like a whip. The room fell quiet once more, all eyes fixed on me with a mix of awe and apprehension.

"The Ashwood family's greatness does not lie in sacrificing its own for alliances," I continued, my gaze sweeping across the gathered elders. "It lies in protecting its own, in unity and strength that comes from within. If we are to maintain our honor and legacy, we must do so without compromising the future of our children."

Elder Roland stepped forward again, his voice measured. "Lady Elysia, we understand your concerns, but these alliances—"

"Are not worth sacrificing our children's happiness and freedom," I interjected firmly. "Samael's future is not a bargaining chip. If you cannot see that, then you are no longer fit to guide this family."

The elders exchanged uneasy glances, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air. Lord Ashwood, though visibly seething with anger and pain, remained silent, his hands clenched at his sides.

"I propose a vote," Elder Roland said finally, his voice calm but resolute. "Those in favor of Lady Elysia's demand for consultation in all future decisions concerning Samael's future, please signify."

No hands were raised in favor of the proposal. The elders exchanged uncertain glances, realizing the gravity of the situation and the implications of defying Lady Elysia's authority.

"So, This is how it is huh~" I muttered as I turned to face them, my gaze unwavering. "Very well. Those who oppose my authority will face the consequences."

Before anyone could react, I raised my hand, and a surge of Nature Magic flowed through the room, causing vines to erupt from the floor. They coiled around the dissenting elders, immobilizing them with a grip that tightened with each passing moment.

"You dare defy me?" I demanded, my voice echoing with power. "You forget who controls the forces of nature in this household."

The elders struggled against the vines, their faces contorted with fear and disbelief. Lord Ashwood, his pain momentarily forgotten in the face of my fury, watched with a mixture of horror and grim satisfaction.

"Elysia, stop this madness!" Elder Roland pleaded, his voice strained as the vines tightened around him.

"Madness? No," I retorted coldly. "This is justice. You have all played your part in undermining my family's well-being. Now, you will face the consequences of your actions."

I turned to Lord Ashwood, my gaze piercing. "And you, husband, will learn that your schemes will not go unchecked. From this moment forward, there will be no more unilateral decisions that jeopardize our children's futures."

Lord Ashwood met my gaze with a mixture of hatred and resignation, his defiance tempered by the overwhelming force of my will.

"What do you intend to do?" he asked through gritted teeth, his voice tinged with defeat.

"From this moment onwards, You are stripped of the title of the leader of the Ashwood family. And effective immediately Samael Ashwood inherits the position and responsibilities as the new head of the Ashwood family," I declared, my voice ringing with authority.

The room fell into stunned silence at my proclamation. The elders struggled against the vines, their faces a mix of shock and disbelief. Lord Ashwood's eyes widened in outrage.

"You can't do this!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the grand hall. "You have no right!"

"I have every right," I countered, my tone unyielding. "You have shown yourself unfit to lead this family. Samael has proven himself capable and worthy. He will lead with wisdom and compassion, qualities sorely lacking in your leadership."

The vines tightened around the elders, eliciting gasps and groans of pain as they struggled against the magical restraints. Jason stood at the edge of the room, his expression torn between loyalty to his father and the undeniable authority of my command.

"Elysia, you are tearing our family apart," Lord Ashwood seethed, his face contorted with fury and disbelief.

"No, I am saving it," I replied calmly, my gaze steady. "From your reckless ambition and disregard for our children's well-being."

"Elysia, please," Elder Roland pleaded, his voice strained. "There must be another way to resolve this."

"The decision has been made," I said firmly, my gaze sweeping across the room. "Those who defy this decision will face the consequences. The Ashwood family will no longer be manipulated and endangered by selfish ambitions."

The tension in the room was palpable as my words settled over the assembly. The elders exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the futility of resistance against the force of my will and the power of Nature's Magic that bound them.

"What of Samael?" one of the elders managed to ask, his voice tinged with fear.

"Samael will be informed of his new responsibilities," I replied. "He will lead with the support and guidance of those who truly have the family's best interests at heart."

"And what of us?" Elder Roland pressed, his voice strained as the vines continued to constrict around him.




[To Be Continued]


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