I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 43: Chapter No.43 Mother's Rage

"Developed significantly, you say? Have you ever seen such 'significance'? The gap is three whole realms. Do you honestly believe such a thing could be possible?" Lord Ashwood's voice dripped with skepticism, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized Marcus.

"My lord, I understand your doubts," Marcus replied, maintaining his composure. "But the evidence is undeniable. Samael's return, coupled with the dungeon scouts' reports, leaves little room for disbelief. He has indeed achieved something extraordinary."

Lord Ashwood's mind churned with conflicting thoughts. On the one hand, the idea of a mere second-circle mage defeating a fifth-circle equivalent monster defied all logic and understanding. On the other hand, the undeniable proof of Samael's survival and victory stood before him. Could it be that his son possessed a latent power or hidden potential that had only now come to light?

"This changes everything," Lord Ashwood muttered under his breath, his gaze distant as he contemplated the ramifications. If Samael had truly grown so powerful, it could alter the balance of power within the Ashwood family and the kingdom at large. Such a shift could be both an opportunity and a threat.

'Those bloody Blackthorns might target us again saying we are hiding powers or worse, a rebellion. But on the other hand, having such strength within the family could fortify our position against rivals and adversaries,' Lord Ashwood thought, his mind racing with possibilities and potential strategies.

"Marcus, Have this letter delivered to Lord Clearwater. And have Jason go to Samael to give him a heads up of Lord Clearwater's Daughter visiting him tomorrow," Lord Ashwood instructed, his voice steady and authoritative. "I want him prepared for her arrival."

Marcus bowed and left the room swiftly to carry out the orders. Lord Ashwood remained seated, deep in thought, as the implications of Samael's newfound strength began to crystallize in his mind.

'Clearwater... if their daughter can be swayed, this could be an opportunity for an alliance.'


[Meanwhile, back at the Ashwood Estate]

Samael's return had brought a mixture of relief and sorrow to the Ashwood household. As the family gathered in the sitting room, the weight of recent events hung heavily in the air.

"Lily," Liliana said gently, her hand resting on Lily's shoulder. "We're here for you. Whatever you need, we'll do our best to help."

Lily nodded her expression a mix of gratitude and lingering sadness. "Thank you, all of you. I... I don't know what to do now."

Samael, standing beside her, felt a pang of guilt. He wished there was more he could do to ease her pain. "We'll take it one step at a time," he said softly. "Right now, just rest. You're safe here."

Alice, who had been watching quietly, stepped forward. "Lily, why don't you stay with us for a while? You don't have to be alone."

Lily managed a small, grateful smile. "I'd like that," she admitted. "I don't think I can be alone right now."

As the family continued to offer their support and comfort to Lily, Samael's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Jason entered the room, his expression serious.

"Father has sent me with a message," Jason announced, glancing at Samael. "Lord Clearwater's daughter will be visiting tomorrow. Father wants you to be prepared for her arrival."

Samael nodded, his mind already racing with thoughts of the impending visit. "Anything else."

"Hmph!" Jason sneered, crossing his arms. "Just don't embarrass the family."

Samael met Jason's gaze steadily. "I'll handle it," he replied, his voice calm and resolute. Despite their fraught relationship, Samael knew the importance of maintaining the Ashwood family's reputation and the potential implications of this visit.

Jason scoffed but said nothing more, turning to leave. Samael watched him go, his thoughts shifting to the task at hand.

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

"Why would Eveline Clearwater visit you, Samael?" Mother came from behind looking at me with a curious expression, concern lacing her voice. Lily and the rest of the family also looked at me with varying interest and apprehension.

"That... Actually, when I was summoned right after rescuing you and Alice, There Father announced that I was to marry Eveline Clearwater as part of a potential alliance between our families," I explained, my voice steady despite the weight of the revelation. "It seems Lord Ashwood sees an opportunity for strengthening our position through this union."

Lily looked at me with surprise, her expression mingling with concern. "Marrying her... but what about your feelings?"

I paused, my gaze shifting to Lily before returning to my family. "It's a strategic move," I admitted, "one that could benefit the Ashwood family. My personal feelings... they're not the primary consideration."


A heavy pressure was released as I saw Mother looking pretty much angry as if Lord Ashwood were to be standing in front of her she would tear him apart.

Waves after waves of dense mana crashed down on us, As I saw Mother started moving toward the door with intense anger plastered on her face.

"M-Mother..." I whimpered as I felt the power of a Seventh Circle Mage's mana enveloping the room like a storm of fury.

Mother stopped at the edge of the room, her presence radiating with an intensity that seemed to command the very air around her. Her eyes blazed with an unmistakable fury, her expression a mix of disbelief and indignation.

"Samael," Mother's voice cut through the tension like a blade, each word laced with controlled anger. "Give me one valid reason not to have Lord Ashwood's head for arranging such a thing without considering your feelings or consulting me?"

"M-Mother... c-control your mana..." I stammered, feeling the overwhelming pressure of Mother's anger filling the room. Her aura, powerful and commanding, spoke volumes about her displeasure.

Mother took a deep breath, visibly reining in her emotions and the potent mana that had surged forth. The air around us seemed to ease slightly, though her expression remained stern and unyielding.

Only I was conscious one, As everyone else was knocked unconscious by that immense power.

Pant~ Pant~

I stood my legs wobbling under the pressure of Mother's intense mana. Her anger was palpable, and her reaction to the news of my arranged marriage with Eveline Clearwater was more severe than I had anticipated.

"M-Mother, I... I didn't know how to tell you," I managed to say, my voice trembling slightly. "Father... he made the decision for the family's sake."

Mother's eyes bore into mine, her gaze unwavering. "For the family's sake," she repeated, her voice quiet but filled with restrained fury. "Do you think I care about alliances and political maneuvers when it comes to your happiness?"

I struggled to find words, guilt and frustration mixing within me. Mother had always been my pillar of support, understanding my desires and aspirations more than anyone else in the family. Yet, in this matter, my father had acted without consulting her, disregarding both her authority and my feelings.

"I'm sorry, Mother," I whispered, feeling the weight of her disappointment like a physical blow. "I didn't want this either."

Mother sighed heavily, her anger beginning to subside, though her expression remained stern. "I know, Samael," she said softly, her tone tinged with sadness. "But this decision... it affects your future, your happiness."

"I know..." But before I could say more, Mother started walking out of the room, her steps echoing with a determination that sent shivers down my spine. She paused at the door, turning to look at me one last time.

"Samael, we will discuss this further," she said, her voice softer now but no less resolute. "But let me visit that scoundrel you call your father."

And with that, she exited the room, leaving me standing amidst the aftermath of her unleashed power.

I slumped back into the chair, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me. The room was quiet now, the echoes of Mother's anger still reverberating in my mind. I glanced around at my unconscious family members, guilt gnawing at me for being the cause of such distress.

"Samael," Liliana's voice called out weakly, as she started to stir. "What... what happened?"

I rushed to her side, helping her sit up. "Mother was angry," I explained, my voice strained. "She found out about the arranged marriage with Eveline Clearwater."

Liliana blinked, her expression softening with understanding. " Your mother is really protective of you," she said, reaching out to squeeze my hand. "She won't let anyone force you into something you don't want."

"I know," I replied, feeling a surge of gratitude for Mother's fierce love. "But this alliance... it could be crucial for our family's survival."

"Samael," Liliana said gently, "our family's survival doesn't have to come at the cost of your happiness. We'll find another way."

Alice also started stirring and slowly sat up, rubbing her temples. "What... happened?" she murmured, looking around with a dazed expression. "Why do I feel like I've been hit by a tidal wave?"

"Mother's mana surge," I replied softly, helping her to her feet. "She was furious when she heard about the arranged marriage."

Alice's eyes widened as she processed the information. "An arranged marriage? Big Brother, is this true?"

I nodded, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me once more. "Yes, Father arranged for me to marry Eveline Clearwater. He believes it will strengthen our family's position."

Alice's expression softened with understanding but also concern. "Mother will not take this lightly. She'll fight for you, Big Brother. She always has."

"I know Lil' Sis, I know."




[To Be Continued]


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