I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 42: Chapter No.42 Aftermath

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

The silence that followed was heavy, filled with the enormity of the loss. Lily's grip on my arm slackened, her eyes brimming with tears that she struggled to hold back.

"I can't believe he's gone," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "How could this happen?"

I wished I had answers that could ease her pain, but all I had were regrets and the stark reality of the consequences of my actions. "I don't know, Lily. The dungeon was dangerous, and... things went wrong."

She took a step back, her expression a mix of sorrow and confusion. "But you made it out. How... how did you survive when he didn't?"

"I... I was fighting the dungeon boss, It was chaotic. The Red Ogre Chief was incredibly strong. Ultimately, I managed to defeat it, but it wasn't easy." I paused, trying to find the right words to explain the inexplicable. "Ethan must have faced something equally challenging in another part of the dungeon."

Lily looked at me, her eyes searching for answers in the turmoil of her emotions. "But you didn't see him at all? Not even a sign?"

I shook my head, feeling the weight of her grief and confusion. "No, Lily. I didn't see him. The dungeon is vast, and it's possible he... he got separated."

Her tears began to flow freely now, each one a testament to the depth of her sorrow. "He was always so brave," she whispered as if speaking to herself. "Always so determined."

I reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder, offering what little comfort I could. "He was, Lily. Ethan was a brave and strong person. He fought valiantly."

"He... he was my only.... family left," Lily's voice broke again, and she covered her face with her hands, unable to hold back the flood of tears. Her entire body shook with the force of her grief, and I felt utterly helpless.

I stood there, watching her pain unfold, knowing that my words could do little to ease her suffering. The responsibility for her brother's fate weighed heavily on me, even if the circumstances were beyond my control.

"Lily," I began softly, "I promise you, we'll honor Ethan's memory. We'll ensure his sacrifice wasn't in vain."

She looked up at me, her eyes red and swollen from crying. "How?" she demanded, her voice raw with emotion. "How can you possibly make this right?"

"I don't have all the answers right now," I admitted, "but I swear to you, I'll do everything in my power to find out what happened and to ensure that such a tragedy doesn't repeat itself."

Lily wiped her tears away, though the sorrow in her eyes remained. "I want to believe you, Samael. But it's hard... it's so hard."

"I know," I said gently. "But we have to keep moving forward. Ethan wouldn't want us to be paralyzed by grief. He'd want us to be strong and to continue our journey."

She nodded slowly, her resolve gradually returning. "You're right. Ethan wouldn't want us to give up."

"I should... go home," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, the pain and exhaustion clear in her eyes.

"Nope, You are coming with me to my home. I can't leave you on your own in this state," I said as I pulled her in my arms, cupping her face in my palms and wiping her tearful eyes with my thumbs.

"Thank you, Samael," Lily murmured, her voice wavering with a mix of gratitude and lingering grief. She leaned into my touch, finding solace in the warmth of my embrace. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'll never have to find out," I assured her softly and lightly kissed her lips as she leaned in actively for the kiss.

As Lily leaned into the kiss, her lips trembling slightly from the weight of grief and the solace of my comforting embrace, a bittersweet moment passed between us. It was a mixture of shared sorrow and tentative hope for the future, a fragile connection forged in the aftermath of tragedy.

Our kiss spoke of unspoken promises and the bond between them growing stronger amidst the turmoil surrounding Ethan's fate. For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still, allowing us to find solace in each other's presence amidst the storm of emotions.

Slowly, we began to walk towards my home, each step a testament to our shared determination to find solace and understanding in the wake of tragedy. The journey was quiet, filled with unspoken words and a bond strengthened by sorrow.

As we approached the familiar gates of the Ashwood estate, I turned to Lily, meeting her gaze with a solemn expression. "You're safe here, Lily. You can stay as long as you need."

She nodded gratefully, her eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude. "Thank you, Samael. For everything."

Together, we entered the estate, leaving behind the weight of the dungeon and the echoes of Ethan's fate. Inside, the quiet halls offered a sanctuary from the outside world, a haven where we could begin to heal and find a way forward.

As we entered I saw Mother standing at the gate as she must have sensed my arrival and come out to receive us.

As I walked closer Mother held me and began inspecting me for any signs of injury or harm, her expression reflected a mixture of relief and worry. Her touch was gentle yet searching as if trying to reassure herself that I had returned unscathed from the dangers of the dungeon.

"Mother, I'm fine," I reassured her, placing a hand over hers to still her worried inspection. "It's Lily who needs our care right now."

Mother's gaze shifted to Lily, who stood quietly beside us, her eyes downcast with grief. Understanding dawned in Mother's eyes as she glanced between us, sensing the weight of the recent events.

"Lily," Mother said softly, her voice filled with sympathy. "You're welcome here. Come inside, both of you. Let's sit down and talk."

SAMAEL!!! x2


Liliana, Sionna, and finally my new awake sister Alice came running through the corridor, their faces expressing various emotions as they saw me and Lily standing in the garden.

While Liliana controlled herself but Sionna and Alice jumped upon me embracing me tightly, their relief palpable in their embraces. Liliana stood beside them, her eyes scanning us with concern and relief as she took in the emotional scene.

"Samael, you're back!" Sionna exclaimed, her voice muffled against my chest where she clung tightly. Her indigo hair shimmered in the sunlight filtering through the garden, contrasting with the tears that glistened in her eyes.

Alice pulled back slightly, her hands gripping my arms as she searched my face, worry etched into her features. "We were so worried," she murmured, her voice trembling slightly. "Are you okay? What happened?"

I gently placed a hand on Alice's head, reassuring her with a soft smile. "I'm fine, Lil' sis. The dungeon was tough, but I made it through."

"That's good," Sionna said while rubbing her face on my chest with a soft chuckle. Her voice was muffled by her proximity, but her relief was palpable. As she leaned against me, her embrace conveyed a sense of comfort and reassurance amidst the tumultuous emotions.

"Who is she?" Liliana asked as both Sionna and Alice looked startled for a moment, my eyes resting on Lily. Her eyes radiated so much sorrow in them that I just didn't have the words to express how much my heart ached for her loss.

"This is Lily," I said gently, introducing her to my family. "She's Ethan's sister."

"Why is she sad, Something happened?"

"Lily," I began softly, addressing Liliana's question with care, "she's grieving. Ethan... he didn't make it out of the dungeon."

Liliana's expression softened, her eyes reflecting sympathy as she glanced at Lily, who stood quietly beside me, her sorrow evident in every line of her posture.

"I'm so sorry, Lily," Liliana said sincerely, stepping closer to her with a gentle smile. "You're welcome here. Please, come inside with us."

Lily nodded gratefully, her eyes welling up with tears anew at Liliana's kindness. "Thank you," she murmured softly, her voice wavering with emotion.

Together, we walked into the welcoming embrace of the Ashwood estate, leaving behind the tumultuous events of the dungeon. Inside, the atmosphere was one of quiet support and understanding, as my family surrounded Lily and me with warmth and solace.


[Lord Ashwood's POV]

"So, Samael came out alive huh~" I muttered as Marcus reported to me about the brat's return from the dungeon.

"Yes, my lord," Marcus replied, his expression grave as he stood before me in the study.

"So he is just a coward acting tough," I said as it is almost impossible for the brat to clear that dangerous dungeon.

"That... my lord, Actually," Marcus said, shifting uncomfortably. "Young Master Samael not only cleared the dungeon but also managed to defeat the Red Ogre Chief."

"IMPOSSIBLE!!! Are you even hearing yourself? A second circle mage defeating a fifth circle mage equivalent monster?"

"My lord, it's true," Marcus insisted, his tone earnest despite the disbelief in his eyes. "Samael not only survived the encounter but emerged victorious. The reports from the dungeon scouts confirm it."

Lord Ashwood leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable as he processed this unexpected news. The notion of a second-circle mage facing and overcoming such a formidable opponent was beyond conventional belief, yet the evidence stood before him.

"He... defeated the Red Ogre Chief?" Lord Ashwood repeated slowly, the words laden with incredulity. His mind raced with implications and questions, trying to reconcile this revelation with his understanding of magical prowess and dungeon dangers.

"Yes, my lord," Marcus affirmed, his voice steady despite the tension in the room. "The details are still emerging, but it seems Samael's abilities have... developed significantly."

"Developed significantly you say, Have you ever seen such 'significance'? The gap is three whole realms, Do you honestly believe such a thing could be possible?"




[To Be Continued]


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