I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 41: Chapter No.41 Dungeon (Final)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

The Heavenly Destiny System's notification echoed in my mind, catching me off guard. Ethan, the protagonist... indirectly killed? How? My mind raced to make sense of the announcement, piecing together the events that led up to this moment.

Flashes of the battle came to mind--the goblin champion, the adventurers, the chaos that ensued. It all began to fall into place. Ethan must have been among those adventurers, and his death, triggered by the chain of events I set into motion, led to this outcome.

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on me. Ethan, who was supposed to be the hero of this story, was dead because of my actions. This unexpected twist was both shocking and unsettling. But there was no time to dwell on it.

As the realization sank in, the System chimed again, providing a series of rewards and updates.

[Ding! Due to the death of the protagonist Ethan, the following rewards are granted:

* Title: Protagonist Slayer

* Affinity: Light, Shadow (Unlocked)

* Attribute Points: +20

* Special Item: Protagonist's Legacy (Locked)]

The title "Protagonist Slayer" carried a dark weight, a reminder of the unintended consequence of my actions. The affinity for "Light" intrigued me. The additional attribute points were a welcome boost, and the special item, though locked, piqued my curiosity.

But Ethan the protagonist... died just like that?!

Was it because of me using plot exchange with him as the target, So instead of Original Samael's fate of dying in this dungeon got exchanged with Ethan's fate? It was a chilling realization. By swapping my plot with Ethan's, I had inadvertently set him on a path to demise in the dungeon. His death, while unintentional, had irrevocably altered the course of the story.

I took a deep breath, trying to process the magnitude of what had happened. The System's rewards were meant to be a form of compensation, but the weight of the title "Protagonist Slayer" was hard to ignore.

Wait... wait a second now that I notice-

[Ding! Congratulations host for killing your first protagonist -- Ethan(Indirectly).]

The implications of the Heavenly Destiny System's notification were staggering. If Ethan wasn't the only protagonist, then how many more were there? And who could they be? The System's cryptic messages often hinted at deeper layers within the narrative, and this revelation opened up a myriad of possibilities.

But first, I needed to assess my current situation and decide on my next course of action. The battle with the Red Ogre Chief had left me exhausted, but the rewards and newfound abilities provided a glimmer of hope. I couldn't afford to waste time.

I checked the details of the rewards:

[Title: Protagonist Slayer]

[Description: A title granted to one who has slain a protagonist, either directly or indirectly. Increases intimidation and fear factor among enemies. Provides a 50% boost to all combat-related stats when facing protagonists or their allies.]

[Affinity: Light]

[Description: The ability to use Light-based magic and abilities, representing purity, healing, and potentially holy or celestial powers.]

[Affinity: Shadow]

[Description: The ability to use Shadow-based magic and abilities, representing darkness, stealth, and manipulation of shadows.]

[Attribute Points: +20]

[Special Item: Protagonist's Legacy (Locked)]

The rewards were substantial, but the weight of the "Protagonist Slayer" title hung heavily on my conscience. I had inadvertently altered the story's destiny by exchanging my fate with Ethan's, leading to his demise. This turn of events underscored the unpredictable nature of the Heavenly Destiny System and its profound impact on the narrative.

As I contemplated my next steps, the newfound affinities for Light and Shadow intrigued me. They offered diverse possibilities for magic and abilities that could aid me in future challenges. However, unlocking the "Protagonist's Legacy" remained a mystery, its potential significance yet to be revealed.

As I stood in the aftermath of the battle with the Red Ogre Chief, the chamber around me was eerily quiet. The weight of the "Protagonist Slayer" title bore down on me, a constant reminder of Ethan's fate and the unforeseen consequences of my actions. Despite the victory, a sense of unease lingered.

The dungeon, now supposedly cleared after the defeat of the Red Ogre Chief, held one final destination: the treasury. It was said to house treasures and artifacts of great value,

The altar as if on cue emitted a soft, ethereal glow, drawing my attention. Its surface, adorned with ancient runes, seemed to pulse faintly with a mysterious energy. Curiosity and caution warred within me as I approached, my hand outstretched toward the artifact resting upon it--a small, ornate box carved from obsidian.

The box radiated a subtle warmth, its surface smooth to the touch. Symbols etched along its edges hinted at arcane protection, suggesting it held something of profound significance. My heart quickened with anticipation, the weight of my recent choices and their consequences amplifying the stakes of this discovery.

With a deep breath, I carefully lifted the lid. Inside, nestled within velvet lining, lay a pristine scroll. Its parchment was aged yet immaculate, and upon it, an intricate sword technique engraved on it. The name of the technique at the top of the scroll is "Blood Dance: Veil Of Night."

The moment I uttered those words, the scroll started to light up and busted into small light motes that swirled around me, filling the chamber with a soft, radiant glow. Each mote of light shimmered with a faint aura of Shadow magic, intertwining with the ambient energy from the altar. It was a mesmerizing sight as if the scroll itself responded to my acknowledgment of its power.

As the motes danced around me, they formed intricate patterns in the air, almost like a silent demonstration of the sword technique described on the scroll. It was as though the ancient knowledge contained within the scroll was eager to impart its wisdom to me, recognizing my affinity for Shadow magic and readiness to embrace its teachings.

With a mix of awe and determination, I extended my hand towards the swirling motes. They responded by gently enveloping my fingers and palms, their warmth and energy seeping into me. It was a sensation of connection as if I was becoming attuned to the essence of Shadow itself--a subtle yet profound transformation.

The motes of light gradually coalesced into a more cohesive form, outlining the movements and techniques of the Blood Dance: Veil Of Night. It was not just a martial skill but a blend of agility, precision, and the manipulation of shadows. The air around me seemed to hum with the echoes of ancient battles and the mastery of Shadow magic.

As the demonstration faded, leaving a lingering sense of empowerment, the remaining motes also seeped into me embedding the technique into my mind and body, integrating its essence with my being. The sensation was like a surge of newfound capability coursing through my veins, enhancing my understanding of Shadow magic and the art of combat.

[Ding! Congratulations host for acquiring the "Blood Dance: Veil Of Night" sword technique (Lvl.1).]

The notification from the Heavenly Destiny System resonated in my mind, confirming the acquisition of the "Blood Dance: Veil Of Night" sword technique at its foundational level.

As the reward ceremony concluded, the dimed altar again emitted a final soft glow, creating a door leading out of the dungeon. Stepping through it, I emerged into the crisp air of the forest beyond. The scent of pine and earth filled my senses, a stark contrast to the dankness of the dungeon's depth.



As my eyes adjusted to the natural light filtering through the forest canopy, I noticed the crowd looking at me as if I were some sort of abomination or otherworldly being. Their expressions ranged from awe to uncertainty, as if unsure how to interpret my sudden appearance from the dungeon depths.

"How could a second circle mage clear this dungeon?"

Many people also nodded while some sported disbelief and some were curious about my abilities. Their murmurs and stares revealed a mixture of awe and skepticism, reflecting their struggle to reconcile their expectations with the reality before them.

The royal guard was one of the people who was standing horrified like I wasn't supposed to come out alive, but their duty compelled them to maintain composure.


A familiar shout cut through the murmurs and speculation, drawing my attention away from the crowd. Turning towards the source, I saw Lily rush towards me, her concern palpable as she clutched my arm, her eyes searching mine for reassurance. Her hair, a cascade of wild curls, framed her face as she breathed out my name with relief.

"Samael, you're alright," she murmured, her voice a mixture of relief and lingering worry. "I was so worried. I heard about the dungeon--about everything. What happened in there?"

"It was... intense," I began slowly, choosing my words carefully as I recounted the challenges we faced within the dungeon's depths.

Lily's eyes widened slightly, reflecting both astonishment and concern. "And Ethan?" she asked softly, her voice tinged with hope.

"I... don't know, We didn't meet Ethan in the dungeon. He wasn't there." I replied, the weight of uncertainty heavy in my voice.

"Then let's wait for brother to come out after that we will leave together." As she said those words my heart ached as no matter what Ethan couldn't come out of the dungeon as he is dead.

"Lily... The dungeon has been cleared," I murmured, my voice heavy with the weight of truth that Ethan wouldn't be emerging from its depths. The reality hung between us, unspoken yet profoundly felt.

Lily's eyes widened in shock, her hand tightening on my arm as she searched my face for any sign of hope I couldn't give. "No... Ethan..." Her voice broke, grief and disbelief mingling in her expression.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, unable to meet her gaze as guilt gnawed at me. My actions, however unintentional, had altered Ethan's fate irreversibly. His absence weighed heavily on my conscience.




[To Be Continued]


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