I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 40: Chapter No.40 Dungeon (4)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

The Red Ogre Chief growled in frustration, searching for me with its eyes blazing with anger. From my elevated position, I observed the patterns in its movements, noting the way it favored its right side and the slight lag in its reactions when it turned. These observations would be crucial in formulating my plan.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared to execute my strategy. With a swift motion, I summoned my magical energy and directed it toward the chamber floor, creating a series of small explosions to draw the Red Ogre Chief's attention. The creature roared in response, turning its massive form towards the source of the disturbance.

"Over here, you brute!" I shouted, taunting the beast to ensure it focused entirely on me. The Red Ogre Chief snarled and charged toward my position, its heavy footsteps shaking the ground with each step.

As it neared the base of the platform, I leaped again, this time landing on a lower ledge closer to the ground. The Red Ogre Chief followed, its movements increasingly erratic as it tried to keep up with my agile maneuvers. I continued to lead it through the chamber, guiding it toward a specific area where the ground was unstable and littered with loose stones.

But I made one grave mistake as I underestimated the Red Ogre Chief's intelligence. As it neared the unstable ground, it paused, a glimmer of cunning flickering in its eyes. Instead of charging recklessly forward, it slammed its massive club into the ground, causing a tremor that shook the entire chamber.

The floor beneath me gave way, and I tumbled into a hidden pit, barely managing to grab hold of the edge to stop my fall. Dangling precariously, I looked up to see the Red Ogre Chief looming above me, a victorious snarl spreading across its face. It raised its club high, ready to deliver a crushing blow.

Summoning all my strength, I pulled myself up just in time to roll out of the way as the club smashed into the ground where I had been. But as I regained my footing, the Red Ogre Chief's other hand swung at me with alarming speed. I barely managed to dodge, feeling the rush of air as the massive fist missed me by inches.

Realizing that my plan to use the unstable ground had backfired, I quickly reassessed my strategy. The Red Ogre Chief was smarter than I had anticipated, and I couldn't afford to underestimate it again. I needed to find another way to exploit its weaknesses.


The Red Ogre Chief's roar reverberated through the chamber as it stomped its feet, causing the ground to crack and fissures to appear. Lava began to seep through the fractures, turning the once-solid floor into a deadly, molten landscape. The heat intensified, and the air filled with the acrid smell of sulfur and burning stone.

I had to act quickly before the entire chamber became a pool of magma. My initial plan had failed, but I wasn't out of options yet. The Mystic Eyes of the Death God still revealed the lines of mortality on the Red Ogre Chief, and I knew that I needed to exploit one of those lines to defeat the beast.

Summoning my magical energy, I focused on the line extending from the Red Ogre Chief's neck. The vulnerability was clear, but getting close enough to strike it would be perilous amidst the searing heat and unstable ground. I needed to create an opportunity to deliver a precise and lethal blow.

I leaped from the unstable ground onto a nearby ledge, using my agility to avoid the rising magma. The Red Ogre Chief bellowed in rage, its eyes locked onto me with murderous intent. It swung its massive club, aiming to crush me, but I dodged nimbly, landing on another ledge further away.

Using my enhanced speed and agility, I continued to maneuver around the chamber, leading the Red Ogre Chief away from the areas where the magma was most concentrated. The beast followed, its frustration growing as it struggled to keep up with my rapid movements.

As I led the Red Ogre Chief on a chase through the chamber, I formulated a new plan. I needed to use the environment to my advantage, to create a situation where I could strike at its vulnerability without getting caught in its attacks or the spreading magma.

I spotted a large, overhanging stalactite above the chamber, directly above the area where the magma was pooling the most. If I could lure the Red Ogre Chief beneath it, I might be able to bring it down on the creature, creating an opening for a decisive strike.

With that goal in mind, I taunted the Red Ogre Chief, drawing its attention towards the center of the chamber. It roared in fury, charging towards me with reckless abandon. I waited until the last possible moment before leaping to the side, narrowly avoiding its massive club as it smashed into the ground.

The Red Ogre Chief was now standing directly beneath the overhanging stalactite. Summoning my magical energy, I focused on the point where the stalactite connected to the ceiling, channeling my power into a concentrated burst of destructive force.

"Destruction Wave!"

The wave of energy shot toward the stalactite, shattering its base and sending it plummeting toward the Red Ogre Chief. The beast looked up in surprise, but it was too late to evade. The massive stalactite crashed down onto its head, stunning the creature and causing it to stagger.

Seizing the opportunity, I activated the Mystic Eyes of the Death God once more, focusing on the spectral line extending from the Red Ogre Chief's neck. With a burst of speed, I closed the distance between us, my weapon poised to strike.

In a swift, precise motion, I traced the line with my blade, slicing through the vulnerable point with lethal accuracy. The Red Ogre Chief let out a final, agonized roar as its massive form collapsed to the ground, the life draining from its eyes.

As the creature fell, the ground beneath it began to stabilize, the magma receding and cooling. The chamber grew quiet, the oppressive heat dissipating as the Red Ogre Chief's presence faded.

I took a moment to catch my breath, the weight of the battle settling over me. The Red Ogre Chief had been a formidable opponent, but I had managed to overcome its strength and resilience through strategy and determination.



My mind couldn't process what happened until my half-broken body flew into the air and crashed into the chamber wall with a sickening thud. Pain shot through my body as I struggled to regain my bearings. My vision blurred, and I fought to stay conscious, realizing that the battle wasn't over yet.

A deep, guttural growl echoed through the chamber, and I forced myself to focus. Through the haze, I saw the Red Ogre Chief rising once more, its body glowing with a menacing red aura. It was clear that the creature had one final, desperate trick up its sleeve, a last surge of power fueled by its dying rage.

My instincts screamed at me to move, but my limbs felt heavy and unresponsive. The Red Ogre Chief charged toward me, its eyes blazing with an otherworldly fury. Desperation fueled my next move as I summoned the last reserve healing potion from the system inventory to heal myself enough to evade the Red Ogre Chief's impending attack.

The potion surged through my body, mending bones and closing wounds just enough to allow me to roll out of harm's way at the last moment. The Red Ogre Chief's massive club smashed into the ground where I had been lying, sending shockwaves through the chamber floor.

I scrambled to my feet, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I assessed the situation. The Red Ogre Chief was relentless, its attacks fueled by a newfound fury that threatened to overwhelm me. I needed to end this battle swiftly before its last surge of power became too much to handle.

With renewed determination, I focused on the Mystic Eyes of the Death God, searching for any vulnerabilities left on the creature. Despite its renewed vigor, there had to be a limit to its strength, a weakness I could exploit.

But what I saw was horrifying as a single line of death was... moving all over its body at a speed too hard to keep track of to strike. The Red Ogre Chief was not only revitalized but also seemed to have gained an unpredictable advantage. Its movements became more erratic, and the red aura surrounding it pulsated with an ominous intensity, making it harder for me to predict its attacks.

As the Red Ogre Chief closed in, I realized that my usual strategies wouldn't be effective against this heightened state of aggression. I needed a new approach, something that could disrupt its renewed energy and buy me the opening I desperately needed.

If I'm not wrong, this state is called Frenzy, where the Red Ogre Chief has tapped into a surge of frenetic strength and aggression. It's now more unpredictable and dangerous than before, making it harder to find an opening for a decisive strike.

Facing this challenge, I had to recalibrate my tactics. Instead of directly confronting its overwhelming strength, I needed to exploit its frenzied state. Perhaps there's a way to use its own momentum against it or to find a momentary lapse in its defenses amidst the frenzy.

Gathering my focus, I kept my distance, observing its movements with heightened awareness. With each thunderous step it took, the chamber trembled, and the air crackled with tension. I knew I couldn't afford to make any more mistakes.

With my blade at the ready, I waited for an opportunity, watching for any sign of vulnerability amidst the chaos of its attacks. The Red Ogre Chief lunged forward, its movements swift and relentless, forcing me to constantly evade and maneuver to avoid being overwhelmed.

As I danced around its strikes, I noticed a pattern in its movements, a split-second hesitation before it launched its most devastating attacks. That hesitation could be my chance.

When the next opportunity presented itself, I dashed forward, closing the distance with a burst of speed. The Red Ogre Chief swung its club with tremendous force, but this time, I anticipated its move. With a swift sidestep, I narrowly avoided the full brunt of the blow, feeling the rush of air as the club whistled past me.

Seizing the moment, I positioned myself behind the Red Ogre Chief, where its defenses were momentarily exposed. With a decisive strike, I aimed for the vulnerable spot I had glimpsed earlier, where the lines of mortality converged.


A highly concentrated beam of starlight shot forth from my outstretched hand, piercing through the Red Ogre Chief's back with pinpoint accuracy. The creature let out a deafening roar of agony as the beam of pure celestial energy burned through its flesh, searing the lines of mortality I had targeted.

The Red Ogre Chief staggered, its frenzied state was broken by the sudden onslaught of celestial power. Its red aura flickered and dimmed, unable to withstand the overwhelming force of the Starlight Beam. With one final shudder, the creature collapsed to the ground, its massive form unmoving.

As the chamber fell silent once more, I stood over the defeated Red Ogre Chief, my chest heaving with exertion and relief. The battle had been intense, pushing my skills and resilience to their limits. But in the end, I prevailed through strategy, determination, and a bit of luck.

[Ding! Congratulations host for killing your first protagonist -- Ethan(Indirectly).]



Wait... WHAT?!




[To Be Continued]


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