I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 39: Chapter No.39 Dungeon (3)

[Ethan's POV]

But as people say, A single ant can't defeat a mighty beast on its own, and despite the strength of my magic, the goblin champion endured. Its skin blackened and cracked, and its eyes still burned with fierce determination. The beast staggered forward, its movements slow but unwavering, driven by a primal rage that refused to be extinguished.

"Fall back! Regroup!" I commanded, my voice cutting through the noise of battle. The adventurers, battered and bloodied, heeded my call, retreating to form a defensive line. The goblins, momentarily thrown off balance by my magical assault, hesitated before resuming their attack.

The goblin champion, now a smoldering, enraged giant, charged toward me with its massive axe raised high. I braced myself, knowing that this would be a decisive moment in the battle.

"Fiery Bind!"

I shouted, summoning chains of searing flames that erupted from the ground and coiled around the champion's limbs. The fiery chains tightened, restraining the beast with intense heat, but it struggled against them, its immense strength threatening to break free.

"Now! Attack!" That was the worst decision made by me as the goblin champion went... berserk, Every single adventurer caught up in it was brutally cut down in its wrath. The champion's swings became wild and unpredictable, the sheer force of its rage tearing through the fiery chains and sending them scattering like embers in the wind.

The remaining adventurers barely had time to react before the massive axe cleaved through their ranks, leaving a trail of blood and devastation in its wake.

I watched in horror as the champion's berserk fury decimated the adventurers, their desperate cries echoing through the chamber. My heart sank, knowing that I had made a grievous error in my strategy. The goblin champion's resilience and sheer power had surpassed my expectations, and now it was a force of unbridled destruction.


My leg lost its strength as I saw the last adventurer's eyes before being cut in half looking at me with resentment and desperation. The weight of their loss pressed heavily on my shoulders, the enormity of my failure sinking in. The goblin champion, now a blood-soaked behemoth, turned its gaze toward me, its eyes burning with rage and bloodlust.

It's my fault...

I sent them to their death...

I don't deserve to live after what I did...


As the guttural roar of the goblin champion echoed through the chamber, I felt a surge of dread and guilt wash over me. The beast charged toward me, its massive axe gleaming with the blood of the fallen adventurers. My legs felt like lead, my mind clouded with the weight of my failure.

I am sorry, Lily...

Your brother is useless...

In my stead, Samael will take care of you...

I saw in his eyes that night, that He loves you dearly...

Drip~ Drip~

Tears left my eyes, I saw the axe descending down towards me, its blade glinting in the dim light of the chamber. My heart pounded in my chest, fear and regret mingling with the inevitability of my fate. The goblin champion's roar reverberated through the air, drowning out all other sounds as it closed the distance with terrifying speed.


The head flew.

The protagonist died at the hands of a Goblin champion.


[Samael Ashwood's POV]

As I approached the ancient altar, a sense of solemnity and reverence washed over me. The intricate carvings seemed to pulse faintly with ancient magic, hinting at the mysteries and power that lay dormant within. I paused, taking a moment to survey the chamber and gather my thoughts amidst the lingering echoes of battle that reverberated through the dungeon.

The air around the altar felt charged with a subtle energy, like a whisper of secrets waiting to be unveiled. The runes etched into the stone seemed to shimmer with a faint glow, reacting to my presence as if acknowledging my arrival. I could sense the weight of history in this place, a convergence of past deeds and forgotten lore that spoke of challenges and trials yet to be faced.


Just as I was about to approach the altar and delve deeper into its mysteries, a sudden disturbance caught my attention. A rumbling growl echoed through the chamber, followed by the heavy thud of footsteps. Instinctively, I readied myself for a confrontation, knowing that danger lurked nearby.

From the shadows emerged a colossal figure, towering over me with a menacing presence. It was the Red Ogre Chief, a monstrous creature whose size alone was daunting. Muscles bulged beneath its mottled red skin, and its eyes gleamed with a primal fury that matched its formidable stature.

The Red Ogre Chief let out a thunderous roar, its voice reverberating through the chamber with raw power. It brandished a massive club, its surface etched with crude runes that pulsed with ominous energy. This creature was no ordinary foe; it possessed the strength and resilience akin to a fifth-circle mage, a daunting adversary for even the most skilled warrior.

The biggest disadvantage for me here would be the magic resistance this creature holds, meaning that I need to rely more on my physical strength to overpower it, Which is almost impossible as the second disadvantage here would be the sheer size and strength of the Red Ogre Chief.

It would require a careful strategy to overcome such a formidable opponent, especially considering its magical resistance and physical prowess.

Taking a moment to assess the situation, I weighed my options. Given the creature's advantages, engaging directly in a head-on confrontation might prove futile, Instead, I considered leveraging my agility and the environment to gain an upper hand. The chamber's layout offered some advantages, with pillars and alcoves that could provide cover and opportunities for strategic maneuvers.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him swinging his colossal club at me with devastating force. I quickly dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the crushing blow that would have surely shattered bone. The impact sent tremors through the ground, underscoring the Red Ogre Chief's immense strength and ferocity.

Using my agility to my advantage, I darted around the chamber, keeping a safe distance from the creature's reach. The Red Ogre Chief bellowed in frustration, its heavy footsteps echoing as it pursued me with relentless determination. I needed to find a way to exploit its vulnerabilities while avoiding its overwhelming power.


As the Red Ogre Chief took a deep breath, flames flickered from the corners of its large mouth, signaling an impending attack. The heat from its fiery breath washed over me, searing the air with intense heat. Reacting swiftly, I leaped sideways, narrowly evading the searing flames that scorched the ground where I had stood moments before.

Seeing me evade its fiery breath, the Red Ogre Chief roared in frustration, its eyes narrowing with determination. It swung its massive club again, aiming to catch me off guard with a sweeping arc of devastating force. Anticipating its movements, I ducked and rolled beneath the swing, feeling the rush of wind as the club passed overhead with bone-shaking force.

Using the momentum from my roll, I sprang to my feet and dashed towards one of the chamber's pillars. The stone structure offered temporary cover and a strategic vantage point from which to reassess my approach. As I reached the pillar, I pressed my back against its cool surface, my mind racing with calculations and possibilities.

The Red Ogre Chief lumbered closer, its heavy footsteps echoing through the chamber. It was relentless in its pursuit, driven by a primal instinct to overpower and destroy. I needed to find a weakness, a gap in its defenses that I could exploit to gain the upper hand in this perilous encounter.


I immediately activated the 'Mystic Eyes Of The Death God'.

[Name: Mystic Eyes of the Death God (Lvl.1)]

[Type: Magic Eyes]

[Description: The mystic eyes of the death god allow the user to "perceive death"-- the conceptual "Death of an Existence" in the form of visual lines extending from any existence. These lines indicate the "death" of an entity, revealing its mortal vulnerability.

Additionally, the user can induce fear and dread by making direct eye contact with targets, invoking a paralyzing fear of their imminent demise.]

With the activation of my Mystic Eyes of the Death God. The chamber around me seemed to lose its color, replaced by spectral lines extending from the Red Ogre Chief. These lines revealed vulnerabilities, points where its existence could be brought to an end.

But to actually trace those lines, close combat is the only way. Which can be extremely dangerous due to its physical prowess and magical resistance. I needed to find a way to exploit its weaknesses strategically.

As I focused on the spectral lines revealed by my Mystic Eyes of the Death God, I noticed a pattern--a faint line extending from the Red Ogre Chief's neck, indicating a vulnerability in its thick, armored hide.


The Red Ogre Chief's massive fists grasped chunks of stone from the chamber floor, hurling them with incredible force in my direction. The boulders crashed through the air, leaving trails of destruction in their wake as they hurtled toward me with deadly intent.

Reacting swiftly, I dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the first boulder that shattered against the pillar behind me. The impact sent shards of stone flying in all directions, adding to the chaos of the chamber. I needed to stay mobile and maintain my focus amidst the relentless barrage.

Using my agility and speed, I darted between pillars and alcoves, using them as cover against the onslaught of boulders. The Red Ogre Chief's roars of frustration echoed through the chamber, its attacks growing more frenzied as it sought to overwhelm me with sheer brute force.

As I evaded another incoming boulder, an idea sparked in my mind. I needed to turn the creature's strength against itself, to exploit its aggression and create an opening for a decisive strike. But to do so, I would need to lure it into a position where its own attacks could be used against it.

Gathering my resolve, I waited for the next boulder to sail through the air towards me. Instead of dodging, I stood my ground, focusing my energy and anticipation. At the last moment, I leaped agilely onto the boulder's path, using it as a makeshift platform to propel myself higher into the air.

The Red Ogre Chief's eyes widened in surprise as I soared above its head, landing gracefully on a higher platform formed by the chamber's architecture. From this vantage point, I surveyed the chamber below, assessing the Red Ogre Chief's position and plotting my next move.




[To Be Continued]


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