I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 38: Chapter No.38 Dungeon (2)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

I moved swiftly, capitalizing on their entrapment. My blade found its mark repeatedly, slashing through the tough hide of the trolls with precision. The dungeon echoed with the clash of steel and the roars of the wounded beasts as I pressed the attack.


One troll, larger and more ferocious than the others, broke free from the vines with a surge of brute strength. It charged at me, wielding a massive club with both hands. I dodged the initial swing, the force of the blow causing the ground to shatter where I had just stood.

"Destruction Wave!"

I invoked the power of destruction, channeling it through my sword. A wave of dark energy erupted from the blade, striking the charging troll with devastating force. The creature howled in agony as the energy tore through its body, reducing it to a crumpled heap on the ground.

With the largest troll defeated, the remaining ones hesitated, their resolve wavering. I seized the moment, unleashing a flurry of attacks that cut down the remaining trolls one by one. The corridor was soon littered with the fallen bodies of the monstrous creatures, their blood mingling with the damp earth.

The air was thick with the scent of blood and the faint hum of residual magic as I surveyed the aftermath of the battle. The dungeon's silence was a stark contrast to the chaos that had erupted moments before. I took a moment to steady my breath, my senses still heightened from the intense encounter.

With the immediate threat neutralized, I moved deeper into the dungeon, my steps cautious but resolute. The corridors twisted and turned, each new passage presenting potential danger. The further I ventured, the more oppressive the atmosphere became, the weight of the dungeon's dark history pressing down on me.

As I navigated the labyrinthine passages, I encountered various traps and puzzles designed to thwart intruders. Pitfalls, pressure plates, and enchanted barriers sought to impede my progress, but my keen intellect and experience allowed me to overcome each challenge with relative ease.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of metal meeting metal reverberated through the corridor, signaling another fierce clash ahead. I pressed forward, senses on high alert until I came upon a wide chamber where a group of adventurers was locked in combat with a pack of goblins. The goblins, though smaller and less imposing than the trolls, fought with cunning and speed, their weapons flashing in the dim light.

"Hold the line!" one of the adventurers shouted, her voice steady despite the chaos. She wielded a broadsword, expertly parrying the goblins' attacks while directing her companions.

"I will— Ack!!!"

A lone arrow pierced the air, finding its mark in her right eye. She screamed in agony, stumbling back as blood flowed freely down her face. The goblins, sensing a weakness, pressed their attack with renewed vigor, their chittering voices filled with malicious glee.



A single mistake caused the whole team to be overruled by goblins, and the chamber was filled with the sounds of battle, pain, and desperation. The adventurers were clearly teenagers like myself— Inexperienced.

Some left their post in fear trying to run away and leaving their comrades behind, only to be cut down by the swift and relentless goblins. The goblins, fueled by their bloodlust and the scent of victory, swarmed the remaining adventurers, overwhelming them with sheer numbers.

Some died swiftly while some were not lucky enough because their whole body was riddled with rusted swords and crude knives, suffering the unthinkable.

The scene was devastating, with the chamber echoing with the cries of the fallen and the clash of weapons. The adventurers fought desperately against the goblins, but their efforts were in vain against the overwhelming numbers and ferocity of their attackers.

Some might ask, why am I not helping them?

Because it happened too fast, In seconds they were losing lives and they had been overpowered by the goblins, with the chamber echoing with the cries of the fallen and the clash of weapons. The adventurers fought desperately, but their efforts were in vain against the overwhelming numbers and ferocity of their attackers.

My heart sank as I witnessed the tragic scene unfolding before me. The young adventurers, barely more than teenagers, were outmatched and outnumbered by the goblins. The chamber was filled with chaos and desperation, the air thick with the scent of blood and the sounds of battle.

If I even jumped to save lives, I couldn't save anyone as they were too many, Too many goblins were just standing looking at the slaughter with a twisted glee. The goblins reveled in their victory, their sharp grins and wild eyes gleaming in the torchlight as they mercilessly cut down the adventurers. It was a brutal and swift massacre, leaving no room for heroics or intervention.

I hesitated, torn between the urge to help and the grim reality of the situation. The goblins were too numerous, and any attempt to intervene would likely end in my own demise. My heart raced with a mixture of fear and frustration, knowing that I could do nothing to save the young adventurers from their tragic fate.

As I watched helplessly from the shadows, a voice echoed in my mind, reminding me of the risks and consequences of interference in this cruel world. The Heavenly Destiny System granted me power and abilities, but it also demanded caution and strategic thinking in the face of adversity.


A guttural growl interrupted my thoughts, drawing my attention back to the chamber. Amidst the chaos, a larger figure emerged from the shadows—a hulking goblin champion, towering over its smaller kin with a brutal-looking axe in hand. Its eyes gleamed with savage intelligence, a stark contrast to the mindless frenzy of its companions.

The goblin champion bellowed a challenge, its voice echoing through the chamber with authority. The remaining adventurers, bloodied and battered, looked up with defiance despite their dire situation. They rallied around their wounded comrades, forming a last stand against the overwhelming odds.

Leaving behind the tragic scene of the adventurers' demise, I continued deeper into the labyrinthine passages of the dungeon. The air grew colder and heavier with each step, the oppressive atmosphere weighing down on me like a tangible presence. The dungeon seemed to have a life of its own, with each turn revealing new challenges and dangers lurking in the shadows.

Navigating through the winding corridors, I remained on high alert, my senses keenly attuned to any sign of movement or threat. The dungeon's layout was unpredictable, with narrow passages and sudden drops that tested my agility and resolve. Torchlight flickered along the damp walls, casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance with malevolent intent.

As I ventured deeper, I encountered more traps and obstacles designed to deter intruders. Pressure plates triggered hidden spikes, while enchanted barriers hummed with arcane energy, ready to repel any unwelcome advance. Each challenge required careful observation and strategic thinking to overcome, drawing upon both my enhanced abilities and the lessons learned from previous encounters.

With perseverance and caution, I navigated through the treacherous terrain, inching closer to my objective within the dungeon. The sounds of distant creatures echoed through the corridors, a constant reminder of the perils that awaited me. Whether it was the low growl of unseen beasts or the skittering of creatures in the shadows, every sound heightened my awareness of the danger surrounding me.

After what seemed like hours of navigating through the labyrinthine passages, I finally reached a vast chamber illuminated by a dim, eerie light. The chamber was filled with an otherworldly aura, ancient runes etched into the walls pulsating with faint magic.

At the center of the chamber stood a massive stone altar, its surface adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of ancient battles and forgotten rituals.

Approaching the altar cautiously, I felt a surge of energy emanating from its ancient stone surface. The air hummed with a faint, almost imperceptible vibration, hinting at the latent power held within. It was clear that this altar held significance, perhaps serving as a focal point for the dungeon's mysteries or a key to unlocking deeper secrets hidden within its depths.


[Ethan POV]

This is craziness.

But I have to save them—

"Fire Barrage!!!"

Focusing my mana, I conjured a barrage of fiery projectiles that streaked through the air toward the goblins, aiming to disrupt their bloodthirsty assault on the adventurers. The flames erupted upon impact, engulfing several goblins in a blaze of intense heat and sparks.

The goblins screeched in agony, their crude weapons dropping as they tried to beat out the flames consuming their bodies. The sudden onslaught caught them off guard, providing a brief respite for the surviving adventurers to regroup and counterattack.

"Take cover!" I yelled, gesturing for the adventurers to retreat to a safer position while I continued to rain down fire from a distance. The goblin champion roared in fury, rallying its remaining forces to push back against my magical assault.

"Fire Bolt!!!"

I unleashed a focused burst of fiery energy, aiming for the goblin champion. The bolt struck true, causing the champion to stagger backward, its flesh singed and smoking from the intense heat. Despite the pain, it bellowed a defiant roar and charged toward me with its massive axe raised high.

"Watch out!" shouted one of the adventurers, lunging forward with a desperate strike aimed at the goblin champion's exposed flank. The blade grazed its thick hide, drawing a deep growl of pain as the champion turned its attention to the new threat.

The battle raged on with frenzied intensity, each side fighting tooth and nail for dominance in the chaotic chamber. The goblins, driven by bloodlust and the thrill of battle, pressed their advantage with relentless aggression. They swarmed around the adventurers, their numbers overwhelming even as I continued to rain down fire spells from a distance.

Despite our efforts, the situation grew dire. The adventurers were skilled but inexperienced, their movements often hesitant and their attacks lacking the precision needed to overcome the goblins' ferocity. With each passing moment, I felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on me, knowing that their lives rested in my hands.

"Fire Storm!!!"

Gathering my mana into a potent cyclone of flames, I unleashed a swirling tempest that engulfed the goblin ranks. The flames danced and roared, consuming everything in their path with searing heat and relentless fury. Goblins shrieked as their bodies were incinerated, their crude weapons reduced to molten slag.

The chamber filled with the acrid scent of burning flesh and the crackle of flames, the air thick with smoke and magic. Through the haze, I saw the adventurers seizing the opportunity, pressing their advantage with renewed vigor. They fought with determination and courage, their movements synchronized as they struck down goblins left and right.

Amidst the chaos, the goblin champion stood defiant, its massive form a testament to its resilience and strength. It swung its axe with brutal force, aiming to cleave through any who dared to challenge its dominance. I focused my attention on the champion, channeling my mana for another spell that could turn the tide of battle.

"Blazing Inferno!!!"

Summoning the very essence of fire, I unleashed a torrent of blazing inferno that engulfed the goblin champion in a column of intense heat and flame. The champion howled in agony as its flesh charred and cracked under the onslaught, its defiant roar drowned out by the roar of the inferno.




[To Be Continued]


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