I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 34: Chapter No.34 Bonds (1)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

"What?! Then why did nobody say anything to me in the hall?" I told Jason as he just finished informing me about tomorrow's dungeon exploration.

So this was how originally Samael went to the dungeon and died at the convenience of the plot.

I sighed, the weight of the impending exploration settling heavily on my shoulders. In the original novel, Samael Ashwood's death in the dungeon was a crucial plot point that served to catalyze a series of events, leading to further turmoil and power struggles within the Ashwood family.

But now, with my knowledge of the story and the Heavenly Destiny System, I had a chance to alter the course of destiny.

"Okay, anything else?" I said to Jason, trying to keep my composure despite the whirlwind of thoughts racing through my mind.

Jason's expression turned to an annoyed one, his brows furrowing slightly. "I told you everything I know, Samael. It's not like they gave me a detailed itinerary. Just be ready tomorrow morning. This isn't a casual stroll; it's a serious dungeon exploration with high risks."

I nodded, trying to focus on the practical aspects of the situation. "Thanks for letting me know, Jason. I'll be prepared."

Jason gave a curt nod, his annoyance still evident, and turned to leave. "Just don't get yourself killed. It wouldn't look good for any of us."

As he walked away, I couldn't help but smirk at his words. The irony of his concern for my well-being, given our strained relationship, wasn't lost on me. Yet, his warning underscored the seriousness of the situation.

Turning my attention to the task at hand, I began to strategize. The original Samael had been ill-prepared, lacking the skills and knowledge to survive the dungeon's perils. But I was different. I had the advantage of foresight, an understanding of the novel's plot, and the Heavenly Destiny System at my disposal.

The main weapon for my survival would be-

[Plot Exchange Card]

I looked at the system panel. This card I obtained after rescuing my family from captivity. It could alter a crucial plot point in the story, potentially changing my fate in the dungeon exploration. The condition was clear: I could only use it on characters present at the plot location.

I reviewed my options. In the original plot, only the protagonist, Ethan, and the main heroine, Liliana, were present during the dungeon exploration. Liliana was now living in my house, so she wouldn't be there. That left Ethan, the protagonist, as the likely candidate.

I am sorry Lily, But it's me or your brother. And I choose myself, I would change the plot to ensure my survival and reshape the outcome of tomorrow's exploration.

Anyway, I have to rest for now. Tomorrow will come soon, and I must be prepared both physically and mentally for the challenges ahead. My encounter with Lord Ashwood has shown me that the stakes are high, and I cannot afford to underestimate the dangers within the dungeon.

Walking all the way from the main Ashwood estate to my house on the outskirts of Ashwood territory, I kept replaying the conversation with Jason and the encounter with Lord Ashwood in my mind. The weight of tomorrow's dungeon exploration hung heavy on my thoughts, but so did the broader implications of the engagement and the alliance with the Clearwater family.

As I approached the modest yet comfortable estate that had become my sanctuary, I noticed a familiar figure standing near the entrance. It was Liliana, looking concerned, and kept looking at the main entrance of the estate.

"Samael!!! Are you hurt?!" She came running as soon as she saw me looking all over the place as she took my hands.

"Hey, Liliana," I said with a reassuring smile, gently squeezing her hands in return. "I'm okay. Just a lot on my mind right now."

Liliana's concern softened into a small smile, though worry still lingered in her eyes. "You looked like you were in a hurry. What happened? Did something happen at the Ashwood estate?"

I sighed, realizing I couldn't keep her completely in the dark, especially since she was my source of happiness in the novel with the newly formed bond.

"Nothing happened, but there's something I need to tell you," I began, taking a deep breath. "Tomorrow, I'm going on a dungeon exploration. It's... risky."

Liliana's eyes widened with concern. "A dungeon exploration? Why? Is it dangerous?"

"Yeah, it is," I admitted, squeezing her hands gently to reassure her. "But it's something I have to do. It's part of the family's obligations, and... well, it's complicated."

She studied my face for a moment, her expression softening with understanding. "I trust you, Samael. Just promise me you'll be careful. If there's anything I can do to help..."

Her words warmed my heart, and I leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Thank you, Liliana. Your support means everything to me."

She smiled faintly, her worry still evident. "Just... come back to me safely, okay?"

"I will," I promised, giving her hands one last squeeze before releasing them. "I'll do everything in my power to come back."

Liliana nodded, stepping back slightly but keeping her gaze locked with mine. "Take care of yourself, Samael. And if you need anything... don't hesitate to ask."

"Did Mother and Alice eat?" I asked her I left in a hurry right after rescuing them because of Father's summon.

"I made sure they did," Liliana assured me with a small nod. "They're safe and well."

Relief washed over me knowing that Liliana had taken care of my mother and sister. "Thank you, Liliana. I appreciate it."

She smiled warmly, her concern for me evident in her eyes. "You don't need to thank me, Samael. We're family now."

Her words touched me deeply. Despite the challenges we faced, knowing that Liliana saw me as part of her family gave me strength and resolve.

"What about Sionna is she settling well," I asked as Sionna was in a cell for so long.

Liliana chuckled softly at Sionna's attachment to Samael's room. "She insisted on sleeping there because she said your scent makes her feel safe and protected. I think she's really taken a liking to you, Samael."

I smiled warmly at the thought of Sionna finding comfort in my room. "That's good to hear. She's been through a lot, but I'm glad she's feeling safe here."

Liliana nodded, her expression softening with affection. "You've made a real difference in her life, Samael. She trusts you."

"I'm glad," I replied sincerely, feeling a surge of warmth at the thought of Sionna finding solace in my presence. "She means a lot to me, and I want to do everything I can to protect her."

"You've already done so much," Liliana said softly, her gaze unwavering. "Not just for Sionna, but for all of us. You've shown us kindness and strength, even in the face of adversity."

I felt a swell of gratitude for her words, knowing that despite the challenges we faced, there was understanding and support between us. "Thank you, Liliana. Your support means everything to me."

"And yours means everything to us," Liliana replied warmly, her eyes reflecting a mixture of admiration and concern. "Just promise me you'll be careful in the dungeon tomorrow. I know it's dangerous, but..."

"I promise," I assured her, reaching out to gently cup her cheek. "I'll do everything in my power to come back safely. You have my word."

Liliana leaned into my touch, her hand covering mine for a brief moment before she stepped back, her expression a mix of reassurance and lingering worry. "Take care of yourself, Samael. And remember, we're here for you, always."

"I won't forget," I said softly, a sense of determination settling within me. "I'll make sure to come back to you."

With a final nod and a faint smile, Liliana turned towards the entrance of the estate. "I'll let you rest. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow."

As I watched her depart, a wave of emotions swept through me. The weight of tomorrow's dungeon exploration hung heavy on my shoulders, but so did the strength and support I drew from Liliana and my family. They were my anchor amidst the uncertainty and danger that lay ahead.

Taking a deep breath, I turned towards the modest yet comforting interior of my home. The evening sunlight bathed the room in a warm glow, casting shadows that danced across the walls.

I stepped inside my room and saw Sionna sleeping peacefully on my bed, her now clean, pure indigo hair sparkling in the soft light filtering through the window. The sight filled me with a sense of peace amidst the storm of thoughts about the upcoming dungeon exploration.

I approached quietly, not wanting to disturb her serene rest. Sionna had been through so much—imprisonment, uncertainty, and the trauma of captivity. Seeing her find solace in my room, in my presence, was a reminder of why I had to succeed tomorrow. I couldn't let anything jeopardize the safety and security I sought to provide for my family.

Carefully sitting down beside her, I watched as a faint smile graced Sionna's lips in her sleep. It was a rare moment of tranquility for her, a respite from the turbulent events that had unfolded. As I gently brushed a stray lock of indigo hair from her face, a surge of protective instinct washed over me. I vowed silently to keep her and our family safe, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.




[To Be Continued]


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