I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 33: Chapter No.33 Nasty Plot

[Lord Ashwood's POV]

"You will marry into one of the remaining duke houses. Specifically, you will marry Lady Eveline Clearwater," I said, addressing Samael directly. My tone was firm, but I watched him carefully, gauging his reaction to this unexpected news.

Samael stood before me, his dual-colored eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and contemplation. He remained silent for a moment, absorbing the gravity of the situation. His composure, even in the face of such a life-altering announcement, was admirable.

But it's too late now...

This kid stopped my plans which I had been plotting for so many years, sealing Elysia's magic circle this time was difficult enough, and I lost so many resources to get that sealing rune which only works one time.

'I so much want to kill this boy, but for now, I need to keep my composure and bide my time,' I thought, masking my true feelings behind a calm facade.

"And what if I refuse?" Samael's calm yet defiant tone echoed in the room, his dual-colored eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that was both unsettling and impressive.

"You will not refuse," I replied firmly, my gaze unwavering. "This is a matter of survival and strategy for our family, Samael. The alliance with the Clearwater family is crucial. Refusal is not an option."

"Very well," Samael replied evenly, though I sensed a simmering anger beneath his controlled demeanor. His eyes, usually a calm reflection of his thoughts, now burned with a fierce determination. It was clear that he was not pleased with the arrangement, yet understood its necessity.

His demeanor is also different from before when he was clueless and too lazy to take any action, but now, he has become more courageous and thoughtful, but in any case, I will have a backup plan in case I have to kill him anyways.

Elders of the family were also eyeing the kid with suspicious gaze and wanted to keep a watch on him.

"Good. The arrangements will be made, and the announcement will be official soon." I said while keeping the act together, maintaining the facade of authority and control over the situation. Inside, however, I was seething with frustration and a growing sense of urgency. Samael's unexpected transformation from a passive observer to a more resolute figure was disconcerting.

It meant I had to tread carefully, especially with the elders watching closely.

I watched his back as he left the hall with measured steps, his posture straight and determined. As he walked away, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had underestimated him.

Samael's newfound resolve hinted at a depth of character and strength that posed a potential threat to my plans.

Turning to the elders gathered in the hall, I addressed them with a composed facade, hiding my inner turmoil. "We must proceed with caution," I began, my voice low and authoritative. "Samael Ashwood is proving to be more formidable than anticipated. Keep a close watch on him and ensure that our plans remain intact."

The elders exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. They were seasoned in the intricacies of court politics and familial strategies, but even they seemed wary of Samael's evolving presence.

One of the elders, a woman with piercing eyes and a calculating demeanor, spoke up. "Do you think he will comply without resistance, Lord Ashwood?"

"I believe he understands the gravity of our situation," I replied smoothly, careful to maintain an air of confidence. "He will comply for now, but we must remain vigilant. Any sign of defiance must be swiftly dealt with."

The elders nodded in agreement, though I sensed their unease. Samael's sudden transformation from a passive participant to a resolute figure had unsettled them as much as it had me. It was a reminder of the unpredictability inherent in our plans and the need for meticulous preparation.

"Assemble the necessary arrangements for the engagement," I instructed, my voice firm. "We will move forward with the announcement as planned. Ensure that everything proceeds smoothly."

"A...ahem- Lord Ashwood, What about tomorrow's dungeon exploration. Samael has not been informed about his participation yet." One of the elders said with a note of concern in his voice.

"But he might die in the dungeon. Its rank is also not clarified, and we are just unsure what is in there."

"We can't do anything about that," I replied firmly, my tone brooking no argument. "The royal family is pressuring me to send my son into this dungeon to gain 'experience' and find talented individuals among other participants. It's a risk we must take, especially now."

The elder nodded reluctantly, understanding the political pressures at play. "Very well, Lord Ashwood. I will ensure everything is prepared for tomorrow's exploration."

"Good," I acknowledged, turning my attention back to the overarching concern. "And keep me informed of any developments regarding Samael. His compliance is crucial, but so is his unpredictability."

With a final nod from the elders, I watched as they dispersed, each taking their assigned tasks with practiced efficiency. Alone in the hall, I allowed myself a moment to reflect on the complexities ahead. Samael's unexpected transformation into a more determined figure had unsettled my plans, injecting a new element of risk. Yet, I remained confident in my ability to navigate these turbulent waters.

Chances are that he might die tomorrow is more than 80%, And even if he dies I can still marry Jason to Clearwater's daughter which in turn might benefit us more but I don't want to lose my heir this early in the plan.

Elysia's bloodline of the elf is crucial but she is the most powerful too which poses a significant risk. I must find a way to control her, ensuring she remains a valuable asset without endangering our plans.

Perhaps leveraging her desire to protect her daughter, Alice, and Son, Samael might be a strategy worth exploring, though it carries its own risks. Nevertheless, I must tread carefully. The stakes are high, and any misstep could jeopardize everything I've worked towards.

As I contemplated my next moves, footsteps approached from behind. Turning, I saw my trusted advisor, Marcus, entering the hall with a composed demeanor that contrasted sharply with the turmoil within me.

"Lord Ashwood," Marcus greeted respectfully, his voice steady. "The preparations for tomorrow's dungeon exploration are underway. The necessary supplies and personnel have been arranged as per your instructions."

I nodded, acknowledging his report. "Good, Marcus. Ensure that everything is in order. The success of tomorrow's endeavor is crucial, both for our family's standing and for the kingdom's stability."

Marcus inclined his head in understanding. "Of course, my lord. Is there anything else you require?"

"Keep a close watch on Samael," I instructed, my tone serious. "His actions tomorrow could influence our plans significantly. I need to know his every move."

"As you command," Marcus affirmed, his expression reflecting the gravity of the task. "Shall I also prepare a detailed report on the dungeon's potential threats and challenges?"

"Yes, do that," I agreed, realizing the importance of being well-informed. "We cannot afford any surprises. Knowledge is our greatest asset."

Marcus nodded once more, his demeanor reflecting his unwavering loyalty. "Consider it done, my lord. I will ensure that all necessary precautions are taken."

"Send my word to those 'Outsiders' and ORDER them to be ready for my instruction. And if they fail this time, then there will be dire consequences," I instructed Marcus firmly, my tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Marcus bowed respectfully and turned to leave, swiftly carrying out his lord's orders. As he departed, I remained in the hall, my thoughts swirling with plans and contingencies. Samael's participation in tomorrow's dungeon exploration posed a critical juncture in our strategy. His survival was crucial, yet his actions could either strengthen our position or unravel carefully laid plans.

Walking to the window, I gazed out at the sprawling grounds of the Ashwood estate, the sun setting in a blaze of orange and gold. The tranquility of the scene belied the storm brewing within me. Samael's resilience and newfound determination caught me off guard, challenging my assumptions and forcing me to recalibrate my approach.

"Elysia's bloodline of the elf is crucial," I mused aloud, my voice low and contemplative. "But she is also the most powerful, a risk I must mitigate."

The alliance with the Clearwater family was a calculated move, one that promised stability and strategic advantage. Eveline Clearwater's potential marriage to Samael was a thread in the intricate tapestry of our plans, woven with ambition and necessity. Yet, the unforeseen developments threatened to fray that thread, testing the limits of my influence and foresight.

I turned away from the window, my mind settling on the immediate challenges ahead. Tomorrow's dungeon exploration held both peril and opportunity. If Samael proved his mettle and survived, it would bolster our standing and reinforce his role in our designs. If not, contingency plans would need swift implementation, ensuring that our objectives remained within reach.

I returned to my desk, a map of Blackthorn kingdom spread out before me. Marked upon it were key locations, alliances, and potential threats—each piece of information a vital component in the intricate game of power and influence. As I studied the map, my thoughts raced with strategies and counter-strategies, each move calculated to secure the Ashwood family's ascendance.




[To Be Continued]


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