I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 35: Chapter No.35 Bonds (2)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

As I also have to rest for the dungeon exploration tomorrow, I lay down beside Sionna, careful not to wake her. But as if she caught my scent her nose twitched and she moved closer to me.

As Sionna settled herself closer to me, her head resting gently on the crook of my neck, I couldn't help but smile softly at her instinctive gesture of seeking comfort. Her presence, warm and reassuring against the backdrop of uncertainty, eased the weight of tomorrow's impending challenge.

Carefully adjusting myself to ensure she was comfortable, I closed my eyes, allowing the quiet of the room and the steady rhythm of her breathing to soothe my restless thoughts.

The events of the day—the unexpected revelations from Lord Ashwood, the looming dungeon exploration, and the complexities of familial and political alliances—replayed in my mind like fragments of a puzzle waiting to be assembled.

In the novel, the Ashwood family was not much focused on but all the time the novel was focused on the protagonist doing this and that with his harem.

Ethan was mostly focused on expanding his influence, acquiring power, and navigating various romantic entanglements with the female characters around him. His interactions were often centered on building alliances, securing loyalty, and leveraging his charisma to manipulate those around him.

The Ashwood family, including characters like Samael, seemed to be background figures, mentioned only in passing or when their presence was necessary for the plot.

In contrast to Ethan's narrative, where personal relationships and power dynamics took center stage, the Ashwood family and its members, including Samael, played a more subdued role. They were often relegated to the background, emerging only when needed to advance the plot or provide context to Ethan's ambitions and actions.

However, as the story unfolded, especially with Alice's unexpected role as the final antagonist against Ethan, the dynamics within the Ashwood family gained significance.

Alice's character transformation from a seemingly peripheral figure to a pivotal adversary likely added layers of complexity to the storyline, offering insights into her motivations being vengeance for her beloved brother's death and the consequences of Ethan's manipulative actions.

This shift in focus toward Alice's motivations and the repercussions of Ethan's manipulations brought a new dimension to the story, revealing deeper layers of conflict within the Ashwood family. As Alice's character evolved from a background figure to a central antagonist, her quest for vengeance against Ethan added a personal and emotional stake that resonated with readers.

"Hmmm~" Sionna shifted slightly in her sleep, her hand reaching out as if searching for reassurance. The soft sound of her voice broke the quiet of the room.

"Hmmm~" she murmured again, this time with a hint of uncertainty. Her brows furrowed slightly, reflecting a momentary disturbance in her dreams.

I shifted my position carefully, trying not to disturb her peaceful rest. Sionna had found comfort in my presence, seeking solace in the security of my room. Her vulnerability, juxtaposed with the looming dangers of the dungeon exploration and the complexities of our family's dynamics, tugged at my heart.

Reaching out gently, I brushed a stray lock of indigo hair away from her face, a small gesture of comfort. "It's alright, Sionna," I whispered softly, hoping to soothe her subconscious worries. "I'm here. You're safe."

Sionna's expression eased slightly, her features relaxing into a serene calmness once more. The weight of responsibility I felt toward her and our family intensified at that moment. Despite the uncertainties and challenges ahead, protecting them was my foremost priority.


[Elysia Ashwood's POV]

Rage. Self-blame. Shame.

Bubbled inside me as I thought about the event that occurred in those past few days, I WAS KIDNAPPED! THE STRONGEST MAGE IN THE WHOLE KINGDOM KIDNAPPED?! That too by that snorted bastard calling himself LORD ASHWOOD?!

I wanted nothing but to go on a rampage inside Lord Ashwood's estate, ripping through it like a tornado and leaving nothing but chaos in my wake. How dare he lay his hands on me, the strongest mage in the kingdom? The audacity!

But as I seethed with anger, a small voice within reminded me of the delicate balance I had to maintain. My abduction was a blow to my pride and a clear indicator of Lord Ashwood's ruthless ambition, but retaliating recklessly could endanger not just myself but also those I cared about—my daughter, Alice, and Samael.

Taking a deep breath, I focused my thoughts on strategy. Yes, Lord Ashwood had made a grave mistake underestimating me, but I couldn't afford to act impulsively.

Because that is what those sly bastards want — A reason.

A reason to escalate the conflict further is to paint me as the aggressor in the eyes of the kingdom. Lord Ashwood's move was calculated and designed to provoke a reaction that would justify his actions and tarnish my reputation. I couldn't give him that satisfaction.

Instead, I needed to leverage this situation to my advantage, turning Lord Ashwood's aggression into a strategic opportunity. My position as the strongest mage in the kingdom afforded me influence and respect, elements I could wield to protect myself and my loved ones while undermining Lord Ashwood's ambitions.

First, I needed to secure my daughter Alice's safety. She had been through enough already, and I couldn't risk her becoming a pawn in Lord Ashwood's schemes. Alice was strong-willed and resourceful, qualities that had served her well in navigating the complexities of our noble family. But now, with her brother Samael embroiled in Lord Ashwood's plans, her safety was paramount.

Next, I had to assess the extent of Lord Ashwood's influence and allies within the kingdom. His bold move to kidnap me suggested a level of confidence in his position, but it also revealed vulnerabilities. Every action he took was a calculated risk, a thread that could be unraveled with careful planning and strategic maneuvering.

Now the question raised is, How the heck did they get their hands on the sealing runes?! Even the royal family might not have something as potent as the sealing runes.

The puzzle of the sealing runes gnawed at my thoughts as I paced the confines of my study, the flickering candles casting dancing shadows on the walls. Each step echoed the tumultuous storm brewing within me—a mixture of anger, determination, and a relentless pursuit of answers.

Sealing runes capable of confining my magic circle were not just rare; they were exceedingly powerful. Even within the highest echelons of the kingdom, few possessed such artifacts, and their distribution was tightly controlled. The implications of their presence in Lord Ashwood's possession raised troubling questions about the extent of his influence and alliances.

"Samael," I murmured to myself, my mind racing through the possibilities. "Could Lord Ashwood's actions be linked to his plans for my son?"

The thought sent a chill down my spine. Samael's sudden involvement in Lord Ashwood's schemes, particularly through tomorrow's dungeon exploration, hinted at deeper machinations at play. Was Lord Ashwood manipulating events to draw Samael deeper into his web of ambitions, leveraging the dungeon exploration as a means to further his own agenda?

As the strongest mage in the kingdom, my instincts honed over years of navigating political intrigue and magical challenges screamed caution. Lord Ashwood's bold move to abduct me was not merely a show of power; it was a calculated maneuver aimed at destabilizing my position while advancing his own goals.

"I must tread carefully," I reminded myself, the weight of responsibility settling heavily on my shoulders. Protecting Alice and Samael was paramount, but uncovering the truth behind Lord Ashwood's actions required finesse and strategy.

Turning to my desk, I retrieved a parchment and quill, the ink gleaming in the dim candlelight. I began to outline a plan—a meticulous strategy to gather intelligence, assess Lord Ashwood's vulnerabilities, and secure the means to counteract the sealing runes.

First, I would discreetly reach out to my network of allies within the kingdom. As the strongest mage, I maintained alliances forged through mutual respect and shared interests. These contacts, spread across the kingdom's diverse factions, held valuable insights and information that could shed light on Lord Ashwood's recent maneuvers.

Next, I would delve into the archives of ancient artifacts and magical lore. Sealing runes of such potency were not crafted lightly; their origins and capabilities were steeped in centuries of arcane knowledge. Unraveling the mysteries surrounding these artifacts could reveal hidden truths about Lord Ashwood's motives and the extent of his resources.

Lastly, I needed to ensure Alice and Samael's safety without revealing my hand prematurely. Lord Ashwood's kidnapping attempt had already thrust my family into the center of his ambitions. Protecting them required vigilance and a strategic approach—one that balanced defense with calculated countermeasures.

As I penned each line of my plan, my thoughts drifted to the impending dungeon exploration. Tomorrow's events would shape not only Samael's fate but also the trajectory of our family's future. If Lord Ashwood sought to manipulate the outcome, I had to be prepared to intervene, even if it meant confronting him directly.

But first, I needed to secure the support of my allies, gather intelligence on Lord Ashwood's activities, and unearth the secrets of the sealing runes. Only then could I devise a plan to safeguard my family and unravel the tangled web of intrigue woven around us?

With a determined flick of the quill, I signed my name at the bottom of the parchment—a silent vow to protect what mattered most and to confront the shadows lurking within the kingdom's corridors of power.

Tomorrow would bring challenges and uncertainties, but armed with knowledge and resolve, I would face them head-on. The game had shifted, and I was prepared to play my part in reshaping its outcome.




[To Be Continued]


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