I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 22: Chapter No.22 Elven Runes (1)


"B-Boss, He is here." A goon said shaking in boots in front of a dimly lit room. The air was thick with tension, the only sound was the faint hum of the fluorescent light overhead. Shadows danced across the walls, creating an eerie atmosphere.

A figure stepped out from the darkness, their presence commanding and ominous. The Boss, a tall and imposing man with a scar running down the left side of his face, glanced at the trembling goon with cold, calculating eyes.

"Who's here?" the Boss asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"H-Heir Ashwood, He is demanding to hand over the mother of that kid."

The Boss's eyes narrowed his expression hardening. "Heir Ashwood, you say?" His voice was a low growl, filled with both curiosity and menace.

The goon nodded vigorously, sweat trickling down his forehead. "Y-Yes, Boss."

"Does he not know that I have already sent a letter to Lord Ashwood about handing over that woman to him in four days?" The Boss's voice was laced with irritation and a hint of amusement. "Or is he simply too impatient to wait?"

The goon swallowed hard, his eyes darting nervously. "I-I don't know, Boss. He said his father was the one who sent him, And one more thing..."

The goon hesitated, his eyes darting around the dimly lit room, reluctant to continue. The Boss's impatience grew evident as he leaned forward, his scarred face illuminated by the harsh fluorescent light.

"Speak," the Boss commanded, his tone leaving no room for hesitation.

"He said if we didn't hand over the woman, Then no one could save us from Ashwood family's wrath."

The goon's words hung heavy in the tense air of the room. The Boss's expression darkened further, his jaw tightening with suppressed rage. He paced back and forth for a moment, his mind racing with the implications of Heir Ashwood's threat.

"What about that kid's sister, did he ask for her too?"

The goon hesitated for a moment, clearly intimidated by the Boss's sudden intensity. "N-No, Boss. He only mentioned the mother. He said we would need the girl to lore his half-brother into a trap."

The Boss's eyes narrowed thoughtfully, considering the information carefully. "Interesting," he murmured, more to himself than to the trembling goon. "He is treating us like pawns in a game. He must think he holds all the cards."

The Boss's voice was filled with a mix of disdain and calculation. He turned to face the trembling goon once more, his gaze piercing and unyielding. "Prepare a response," he ordered, his tone brooking no argument. "Tell Heir Ashwood that we will honor the agreement made with his father. The woman will be handed over in four days' time."

"But B-Boss, He wants her n-now."

The Boss's eyes flashed with a dangerous glint, his patience wearing thin. "Then he will have to wait," he stated firmly, his voice brooking no further argument. "We will not be dictated to by the whims of some arrogant heir. Make it clear to him that we do not bend to threats."

The goon nodded quickly, fear evident in every gesture. "Y-Yes, Boss," he stammered, backing away cautiously before turning to hurry out of the dimly lit room.

Alone once more, the Boss stood in silence, his mind working through the implications of Heir Ashwood's demand. The audacity of the young heir both angered and intrigued him. It was rare for someone to challenge his authority so boldly, especially regarding matters that had already been set in motion.

"But why does the Ashwood family want this woman so desperately?" he mused aloud, his voice a low rumble in the stillness of the room. "What secrets does she hold that even the heir himself is willing to risk a confrontation?"

His scarred face twisted into a grim smile, a glint of anticipation in his eyes. "Very well, Heir Ashwood," he muttered to himself, his tone tinged with a mixture of amusement and defiance. "Let's see just how far you're willing to go to get what you want."

With that, the Boss turned and disappeared back into the shadows, leaving the dimly lit room empty once more save for the lingering tension in the air.


[Samael Ashwood's POV]


Liliana paused, her expression thoughtful as she continued to gently clean the dried blood from my face. Her concern was palpable, yet she seemed to choose her words carefully.

"Yes, I did find a clue," Liliana finally responded, her voice soft but tinged with seriousness. "I found some strange markings etched into the ground near the northern perimeter of the estate. They weren't there before, and they seem to be some form of elven runes."

My eyebrows furrowed in concern at Liliana's revelation. Elven runes near our estate could signify several things, but none of them were likely to be benign. The presence of such markings hinted at a deliberate intrusion or reconnaissance, possibly tied to the recent events surrounding my family.

"Elven runes?" I echoed, my voice tinged with worry. "That's... unexpected. Do you recognize what they might signify?"

Liliana shook her head slightly, her expression troubled. "Not exactly," she admitted, her voice soft but steady. "But based on their placement and the nature of the runes, it suggests that someone with knowledge of elven magic or symbols was involved."

I rubbed my temples wearily, the events of the day weighing heavily on my mind. The acquisition of the Mystic Eyes of the Death God had left me physically drained and mentally taxed, and now this unsettling discovery added another layer of complexity to our situation.

"Who would have the knowledge and motive to leave elven runes near our estate?" I pondered aloud, more to myself than to Liliana. "And what could they possibly-"

Wait a second.

'Status.' I immediately gave the command to the system in my mind.


[Name: Samael Ashwood]

[Race: Dhampir, Royal ???, Royal Elf]

[Magic: Second Circle (Top)]

[Body: Iron Body (Low)]

[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 20]

[Endurance: 25]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Charisma: 25]

[Destiny Points: 0]

[Affinities: Star, Destruction, Lightning,  Shadow (Locked), Nature (Locked)]

My eyes ignored everything and focused on just 'Royal Elf'.

'It seems like mother's work, As I don't think my father is the one with elven heritage.'

I looked at Liliana's face who was also thinking deeply about it. "Liliana, I have a suspicion," I began slowly, choosing my words with care. "The elven runes... they might be connected to my mother."

"Well, you know better as I haven't seen your mother yet softly, her voice filled with empathy. "But if these runes are indeed linked to her, it could explain why they suddenly appeared near your estate."

I nodded thoughtfully, absorbing her words. "My mother's background has always been shrouded in mystery," I admitted, my tone tinged with frustration. "But if she possesses elven knowledge or magic, it might shed light on why someone would leave these markings."


"S-Samael~ can I have a drink," Liliana said eyeing my neck with a slight blush.

I looked at her as she hesitated, her expression a mix of anticipation and hope.

"Come here," I said with a soft smile as I petted my lap beckoning her closer. Liliana blushed deeper but moved closer, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of affection and uncertainty. As she sat on my lap, I gently placed a comforting arm around Liliana's waist, drawing her close. She leaned against me, her warmth and presence soothing amidst the uncertainties that surrounded us.

"Thank you," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "For understanding."

I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, a silent reassurance of my support. "Always," I replied sincerely, my voice filled with warmth. offering my neck for her to feed on, knowing her need.

Liliana's eyes widened slightly in surprise, her blush deepening. "Samael..." she whispered her voice a mix of desire and hesitancy. Her fingers brushed against my neck, tracing the lines of my collarbone delicately.

I tilted my head slightly, offering her better access, my pulse quickening at her touch. The intimacy between us was tender yet charged with unspoken emotions, the weight of our responsibilities momentarily forgotten in the quiet of the moment.

She leaned in slowly, her breath warm against my skin as she pressed her lips to the exposed flesh of my neck. A shiver ran down my spine at the sensation, her touch sending a rush of both pleasure and reassurance through me. Her fangs gently pierced my skin, and I felt a slight sting before the sensation turned into a gentle warmth spreading through my veins.

Liliana fed from me with a tenderness that spoke of her affection and trust, her closeness a balm to the uncertainties that clouded our path. I closed my eyes, focusing on the connection between us, a connection that transcended words and actions, grounding us in the shared moment.

But after a short while, she pulled back gently, "You should feed on me, As you are newly awakened dhampir and need to replenish your strength," Liliana suggested softly, her voice filled with concern and care.

Right after saying that she went back to continue feeding while offering her pale collarbone for me to drink from.





[To Be Continued]


Thanks For Reading.

Peace Out✌️

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