I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 21: Chapter No.21 Rewards (2)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

[Choose any one skill from the following:]

[1. Harem Protagonist (Title)]

[2. Master of Arms (Skill)]

[3. Undying Will (Skill)]

There is just one word in my mind looking at these options.


[Ding! Due to the host's first time using the Plunderer Card, you are granted an additional opportunity to access any random dormant ability/ title or things of future protagonists in exchange for 1500 destiny points.]

[Note: This is a one-time offer.]

[Does the host want to proceed with this option?]


The offer intrigued me. Accessing a dormant or future ability could provide a significant edge, and I had enough Destiny Points to cover the cost. After weighing my options for a moment, I decided to proceed.

'Yes,' I confirmed, my mind focused on the potential gains.

[Ding! 1500 Destiny Points deducted.]

[Activating Plunderer Card's extended option...]

I felt another surge of energy, this time more intense. It was as if the system was diving deeper into the fabric of destiny itself, seeking out a hidden gem.

[Choose any two skills from the following:]

[1. Harem Protagonist (Title)]

[2. Master of Arms (Skill)]

[3. Undying Will (Skill)]

[4. Mystic Eyes Of The Death God (Magic Eyes)]

I was standing in the middle of a barren street with an agape mouth as the system presented me with unexpected choices. The additional opportunity granted by the Plunderer Card extended beyond my initial expectations.

First and foremost, instead of having to choose one of the available skills or titles, the extended option now gave me the opportunity to choose two skills or titles from the list. This made my job easier, 'Mystic Eyes Of The Death God' is an obvious choice, and for the second, my eyes directly went towards the only title.

After a moment of consideration, I made my decision.

'I choose the Mystic Eyes Of The Death God and the Harem Protagonist title,' I declared firmly, focusing on the strategic advantages each choice could offer.

[Ding! Mystic Eyes Of The Death God and Harem Protagonist (Title) acquired.]



Raw pain seared through my eyes like a thousand needles piercing into my mind. I staggered backward, clutching my head as if trying to contain the unbearable agony. The sensation was overwhelming as if my very eyes were being melted in magma and reforged anew. I struggled to maintain my balance, every fiber of my being consumed by the excruciating pain emanating from my eyes.

It felt as if my vision itself was being torn apart and reconstructed with each passing moment.

Drip~ Drip~

Through gritted teeth, I forced myself to focus, trying to endure the torment that surged through me. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced, a visceral assault on my senses that threatened to overwhelm my consciousness.

Drip~ Drip~

As my hand clenched my head in agony, I heard the faint sound of liquid dripping. It was rhythmic, persistent, and seemed oddly out of place amidst the torment coursing through my body. With great effort, I managed to open my eyes just enough to glimpse the source of the sound.

Drip~ Drip~

Blood. Thick, crimson droplets fell from my eyes, staining the ground beneath me. The pain intensified with each drop, a brutal reminder of the transformation occurring within me.

Drip~ Drip~

In that moment of searing pain, I struggled to comprehend the transformation taking place within me. The Mystic Eyes of the Death God, a coveted ability, was exacting a toll I hadn't anticipated. Despite the agony, I gritted my teeth and willed myself to endure, knowing the power that awaited me on the other side of this excruciating metamorphosis.

Drip~ Drip~

The sound of blood dripping echoed in my ears, a stark reminder of the physical toll this acquisition was exacting. Each drop seemed to resonate with the surge of power coursing through my veins, marking the transformation with a visceral and undeniable symbol.

I closed my eyes momentarily, focusing on steadying my breathing and harnessing the new abilities now awakening within me. The pain began to ebb slightly, replaced by a strange sensation of clarity and heightened perception.

When I opened my eyes again, the whole world changed before me. Colorless and serene, all revealed in shades of gray, but that was not it-

[Name: Mystic Eyes of the Death God (Lvl.1)]

[Type: Magic Eyes]

[Description: The mystic eyes of the death god allow the user to "perceive death"— the conceptual "Death of an Existence" in the form of visual lines extending from any existence. These lines indicate the "death" of an entity, revealing its mortal vulnerability.

Additionally, the user can induce fear and dread by making direct eye contact with targets, invoking a paralyzing fear of their imminent demise.]

[Warning: The extended use of the Mystic Eyes of the Death God can cause severe strain on the user's mind and body, leading to potential hallucinations, loss of control, and irreversible damage if overused.]

In that moment of transformation, the world took on a surreal and ominous hue through the Mystic Eyes of the Death God. The vibrant colors of life were replaced by a somber grayscale, where everything was outlined with red lines extending into the air, marking the death of existence itself. It was as if I could see the very essence of mortality etched into the fabric of reality.

With this newfound ability, I could perceive the vulnerability of all things, each marked by these spectral lines that pulsed with an otherworldly energy. It was both mesmerizing and terrifying, to witness the interconnectedness of life and death laid bare before my eyes.

But there was more to these eyes than mere sight. The description revealed additional capabilities— the ability to induce fear and dread in others through direct eye contact. A weapon as potent as it was perilous, capable of immobilizing adversaries with the paralyzing fear of their own demise.

But as I saw the warning regarding the potential risks of overusing the Mystic Eyes of the Death God, caution surged within me. The power was immense, but so were the consequences if I mishandled it. The thought of losing control or causing irreversible damage weighed heavily on my mind.

Taking a deep breath, I focused on disabling the Mystic Eyes of the Death God, allowing the overwhelming sensory input to fade back into the recesses of my mind. The pain subsided gradually as I closed off the enhanced perception granted by the eyes, returning to the familiar sight of the world around me.

Once the agony had lessened to a manageable level, I opened my eyes cautiously, relieved to find the world restored to its normal colors and contours. The lingering effects of the transformation were still palpable, but I knew I needed time to fully integrate and understand the extent of my newfound abilities.

Using my sleeve away the blood that still trickled from my eyes, I again started walking home with unsteady footwork, each step a testament to the toll the acquisition of the Mystic Eyes of the Death God had exacted upon me. As I walked, I focused on steadying my breathing and regaining my composure, the memory of the excruciating pain still fresh in my mind.

Pushing open the gates of the estate, I stepped into the familiar surroundings of home, my mind still reeling from the transformative experience. The pain had subsided somewhat, replaced now by a heightened awareness and a lingering sense of unease.


"Samael what happened?" Like the wind, Liliana zoomed from the shadows, her eyes wide with concern as she took in my disheveled appearance and the lingering traces of blood on my face.

"Liliana," I greeted her, my voice strained but filled with reassurance. "It's...I just had a fight with Rutherford people." I lied not wanting to reveal the system's existence to anyone.

Liliana's concern deepened, her brow furrowing with worry as she took in my explanation. She was quick to notice the discrepancy between my appearance and the story I presented. Her eyes flickered with suspicion, but she chose not to press further, respecting my apparent need for privacy.

"Samael, you look exhausted," she remarked softly, her voice tinged with concern as she reached out to gently touch my arm. "Come inside, let me take care of you."

I nodded gratefully, allowing Liliana to guide me into the estate. Despite my efforts to hide the true nature of my ordeal, I could sense her lingering worry and curiosity. As we entered the house, I made a mental note to find a more plausible explanation for the blood and my disheveled state.

"Did you finish curing your friend's sister?"

"Yes," I replied, grateful for Liliana's concern as she guided me inside. "Lily is doing much better now. The healing potion worked."

Liliana's expression softened with relief. "I'm glad to hear that," she said sincerely, leading me towards a comfortable chair in the sitting room. "You did well, Samael. But you look like you've been through something intense. Are you sure you're alright?"

I managed a weak smile, appreciating her care. "I'll be fine," I assured her, sinking into the chair and leaning back wearily. "It's been a challenging day, but I'm just glad Lily is safe now."

Liliana nodded understandingly, fetching a damp cloth to gently clean the traces of blood from my face. "You need to rest," she insisted gently, her touch soothing against my skin. "Whatever happened out there, you're home now. Let me take care of you."

I closed my eyes briefly, allowing myself to relax under Liliana's gentle ministrations. The pain from acquiring the Mystic Eyes of the Death God still lingered, but being home and cared for eased the burden significantly.

"Did you find any clue of kidnappers?" I asked as Liliana paused for a moment, her expression thoughtful as she continued to gently clean the dried blood from my face. Her concern was palpable, yet she seemed to choose her words carefully.





[To Be Continued]


Thanks For Reading.

Peace Out✌️

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