I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 23: Chapter No.23 Elven Runes (2)

"Mmmmm~" she murmured softly as she resumed feeding, her eyes closing in a mix of pleasure and contentment.

I hesitated for a moment, considering her offer. Liliana's concern for my well-being was genuine, and the bond we shared made her suggestion all the more intimate and meaningful. I gently brushed her hair aside, exposing the pale, delicate skin of her neck.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned in, my lips brushing against her collarbone. Liliana's breath hitched slightly, her anticipation palpable. As I gently pierced her skin with my fangs, a rush of warmth and energy flowed into me, replenishing my strength and vitality.

The taste of her blood was unlike anything I had experienced before—rich, powerful, and imbued with the essence of her magic. I could feel the connection between us deepening, our energies intertwining in a way that transcended the physical act of feeding.

Liliana's hands gently held my shoulders, her touch grounding me as I drank from her. The sensation was both invigorating and calming, a perfect balance that helped restore my depleted reserves. As I pulled back, I licked the small wounds, ensuring they would heal quickly.

"Thank you, Liliana," I whispered, my voice filled with gratitude. "I feel much better now."

She smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting the bond we shared. "I'm glad I could help," she replied softly. "We need to be strong for what's to come."

I nodded, my mind already turning to the challenges ahead. The presence of the elven runes near our estate suggested a deeper mystery, one that likely involved my mother's enigmatic past. We needed to unravel these secrets and understand the true motives behind the recent events.

"Liliana, we need to investigate those runes further," I said, my voice resolute. "There may be more clues hidden there, and we can't afford to ignore them."

"Let's go and see what else we can find," Liliana agreed, her expression determined. She stood up, her movements graceful and confident, despite the lingering traces of vulnerability from our shared moment. I followed suit, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and strength.

As we made our way to the northern perimeter of the estate, the air seemed to grow cooler, and the shadows lengthened with the approaching evening. The tension was palpable, a reminder of the unseen forces at play.

We reached the area where Liliana had found the elven runes. The markings were faint but unmistakable, their intricate patterns glowing softly in the dim light. Kneeling down, I examined them closely, my mind racing with possibilities.

But the moment my finger brushed the edges of one of the runes, a sudden surge of energy coursed through me. The intricate symbols seemed to pulse with a life of their own, reacting to my touch. They started to rearrange themselves forming an arrow pointing northward, deeper into the dense forest that bordered our estate.

"What is past this forest, Samael?" Liliana asked still looking at the glowing arrow in awe. Her question pulled me back to the present, my mind racing to recall the geography of our estate.

"Past the forest..." I began, my voice trailing off as I tried to remember. "There is a valley leading outside the...kingdom and to the entrance forest of a secluded valley," I finally answered, the memory clicking into place. "It's a remote area, rarely visited by anyone except hunters or those seeking solitude."

"Then that's the place your mother and sister are kept hidden," Liliana finished my sentence, her eyes widening in realization. "Your mother must have left these runes as a message, guiding you to where they're being held."

The pieces were starting to fit together. My mother's heritage as a Royal Elf explained her knowledge of elven magic and symbols. The runes were a deliberate clue, meant to lead us to her and my younger sister.

"Let us prepare and leave immediately for that secluded valley," I said decisively, standing up and brushing the dirt off my hands. "We can't waste any more time."

Liliana nodded in agreement, her expression determined. "We should gather supplies and make sure we're prepared for whatever awaits us," she suggested, her voice steady despite the urgency of our mission.

I glanced around the area once more, committing the location of the runes to memory. The glowing arrow had faded, but its message remained clear in my mind—a path to my mother and sister, hidden away in the secluded valley beyond the forest.

"Agreed," I replied, turning to Liliana. "Let's make haste. We'll need to move swiftly and cautiously."

With a shared nod, we set off towards the estate, our footsteps echoing in the quiet evening. The shadows stretched long across the ground, and a sense of determination filled the air. Whatever challenges lay ahead, I knew we would face them together.

I went inside my room and immediately went through my wardrobe and picked a white robe with gold lined with silver embroidery, its fabric was light and durable, suitable for both travel and combat. As I fastened the robe, a sense of urgency quickened my movements. Retrieved the sword of dark light from the system inventory and secured it at my side.

The weapon felt reassuringly familiar, its weight a reminder of the responsibilities and battles yet to come.

[Image Here]

I met Liliana in the main hall, where she was already prepared. She had donned her own traveling gear, a mix of practicality and elegance that suited her perfectly. Her eyes met mine with a determined glint, and without a word, we both knew we were ready.

"Let's go," I said, my voice steady but filled with a sense of urgency.

We made our way through the estate, heading towards the dense forest that bordered our land. The air grew cooler as we approached the trees, the shadows deepening around us. The path was narrow and overgrown, rarely used, but the glowing elven runes had given us a clear direction.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, the silence was broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant call of nocturnal animals. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, each step bringing us closer to the secluded valley where my mother and sister were hidden.

The forest seemed to close in around us, the trees growing denser and the path more treacherous. But Liliana and I moved with purpose, our determination unwavering. The elven runes had pointed the way, and we followed their guidance with trust and resolve.

After what felt like hours of navigating the forest, we finally emerged into a clearing. The valley stretched out before us, a secluded and serene landscape that seemed untouched by the outside world. It was a stark contrast to the tense journey through the forest, the tranquility almost disconcerting.

"This must be the place," Liliana whispered, her eyes scanning the area. "The runes led us here for a reason."

I nodded, my gaze fixed on the valley before us. The tranquility was almost eerie, a stark contrast to the tension and urgency we had felt. The secluded nature of the place made it an ideal hiding spot, far from prying eyes and potential threats.

"Liliana, stay alert," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "There could be traps or guards."

She nodded in agreement, her eyes sharp and focused as she scanned the area. We moved cautiously, our steps careful and deliberate as we made our way deeper into the valley. The air was still, the only sounds being our measured breaths and the occasional rustle of leaves.

As we approached a small, concealed entrance partially covered by foliage, I felt a surge of anticipation. This had to be the place where my mother and sister were hidden. My heart pounded in my chest, a mixture of hope and anxiety coursing through me.

"Liliana, let's check for any wards or traps," I suggested, my eyes narrowing as I studied the entrance.

She nodded and began to chant softly, her hands moving in intricate patterns as she cast a detection spell. A faint glow surrounded her fingers, illuminating any hidden magical defenses or traps.

"There are wards here," Liliana confirmed, her voice tinged with concentration. "But they seem to be human in origin, not elven. I can disable them, but it will take a moment."

I nodded, appreciating Liliana's expertise and caution. "Take your time," I urged quietly. "We don't want to trigger any alarms."

Liliana focused on the wards, her fingers weaving through the air as she dismantled the intricate magical defenses. I kept a watchful eye on our surroundings, every rustle of leaves and distant animal call heightening my senses. The tension was palpable, each second feeling like an eternity.

Finally, with a soft sigh of relief, Liliana lowered her hands. "The wards are down," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We can proceed."

I gave her a nod of thanks and stepped forward, cautiously pushing aside the foliage to reveal a hidden entrance—a small, unassuming door set into the hillside. It was well-hidden, and designed to blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings.

But the problem was the almost dozen people guarding the entrance. They were scattered around, their stances alert and their eyes scanning the area. It was clear that getting through them without being noticed would be a challenge.

"We'll need to be careful," I whispered to Liliana, my eyes narrowing as I assessed the guards' positions. "A direct confrontation could alert more of them, and we can't afford to waste time or energy."

Liliana nodded, her gaze following mine as she took in the situation. "I can use a spell to distract them, create a diversion," she suggested softly. "But it will only last for a short while. We'll need to move quickly."

"Do it," I agreed, my mind already working on the next steps. "Once they're distracted, we slip past them and get inside. We need to find my mother and sister as quickly as possible."

Liliana closed her eyes, her lips moving in a quiet incantation. Her hands glowed with a soft, ethereal light, the spell forming between her fingers. She released the magic, sending it toward the guards in a wave of shimmering energy.

The effect was immediate. The guards' attention snapped to the source of the disturbance, their eyes widening in confusion as they tried to comprehend the sudden, inexplicable phenomenon. Some of them moved toward the distraction, leaving their posts and creating an opening.

"Now," I whispered urgently, grabbing Liliana's hand and pulling her forward. We moved swiftly and silently, taking advantage of the guards' momentary lapse in attention. The door loomed ahead of us, a stark reminder of the urgency of our mission.

We reached the entrance and slipped inside, closing the door softly behind us. The interior was dimly lit, the air cool and slightly musty. The narrow corridor stretched out before us, leading deeper into the hillside.

"Which way?" Liliana asked, her voice barely audible.

"Left, I guess?" I said, unsure but determined. We needed to trust our instincts now more than ever.

Liliana nodded, and we moved quietly down the left corridor. The air was thick with the scent of earth and damp stone, and the dim light made every shadow seem more ominous. Our footsteps were soft, barely audible against the cool stone floor.

As we walked, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. The walls seemed to close in around us, the narrow passage amplifying every sound. I glanced at Liliana, who was equally tense, her eyes scanning every corner and crevice for any sign of danger.

Clap~ Clap~ Clap~

"Bravo! Bravo! Quite the duo we got here~"




[To Be Continued]


Thanks For Reading.

Peace Out✌️

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