Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 28: Muah!

The rest of the day wt as expected, Kyle got to know Ella and also noticed that Jane was more comfortable a her frid. He could tell that they were frids for a long time.

She made faces and spoke more than she did that tire date but that was to be expected.

She was with her roommate, she was home but Kyle noticed that Ella's demeanor had changed.

Before, it felt like she was testing him but now, she wasn't as talkative and looked like she was lost in her head most of the time, this meant that they didn't continue the conversation regarding her talt.

Time wt by in a flash and Kyle knew that there was such a thing as staying too long.

He wasn't about to make that mistake but he noticed that buying her the bag didn't increase her affection bar either confirming that Jane wasn't driv by money.

It was just as he thought, money wasn't the factor for her affection ev though it was what probably set it in motion.

This lady liked him guinely, that was a nice thought that warmed Kyle's heart.

"Okay ladies, I think it is time for me to leave," The momt Kyle said, Ella snapped out of her daydream.

"That was quick," Ella involuntarily blurted out, Kyle had be here for approximately two hours, and that was long ough for a visit ev though he had hoped for something else during this visitation.

"That is right, it is time for me to leave," Kyle reaffirmed his stance as he got to his feet, Jane looked disappointed but that was to be expected.

She might not have be the one that ed him to come over but she joyed his company a little too much.

"Jane, can I see you for a minute? It was a pleasure meeting you Ella," Kyle said.

"The pleasure was mine! Thank you so much for the bag, I don't ev know how to thank you," Ella was almost speechless at this point, she couldn't count how many times she had said this already.

"Promise you will never give up on your dream…" Kyle said. This was unexpected and took Ella by surprise. This was the first time that someone had paid this much atttion to her without trying to take off her clothes.

"I promise!" Ella exclaimed with a broad smile.

"Th we are ev," Kyle responded before walking out the door with Jane following behind him. Ella couldn't explain it but this man, he was differt.


"It wasn't you that ed me, was it?" Kyle could see through it and Jane looked embarrassed.

"It wasn't…" She confessed.

"So you didn't have a good time with me?" Kyle asked, feigning disappointmt.

"I DID! I-I mean I did, that part was me," Jane said but once again, this was Kyle pulling her leg.

"I am glad you did…" Kyle responded as she walked him to his car.

"Say Jane…" Kyle said, prompting Jane to lean in close as he was barely audible.

"Yes?" Jane responded, giving him the go-ahead to speak further.

"If I were to kiss you right now, what would you do?" Kyle asked and Jane froze, she didn't expect him to say something this bold but Kyle needed to know what she responded to.

He couldn't leave without figuring it out but Jane's awkward silce told him that she had no idea what to say. He didn't mind that. No, that was what he was hoping for.

"Because I really want to kiss you right now," Kyle said as he leaned in slowly, Jane's heart was about to fly out of her chest because this was the last thing she expected but Kyle stopped mere inches from her lips.

"... Do you want to kiss me?" Kyle asked, Jane licked her lips before nodding slowly to give him the go-ahead, her breathing was laboured.

Th it happed, Kyle's lips touched hers, the kiss was gtle as he wrapped a hand a her waist to draw her in, his tongue slithering into her mouth as their tongues danced.

Kyle could feel her inexperice, she wasn't that great a kisser but this was not a bad thing, Kyle wouldn't be surprised if she was a virgin. The all-too-familiar cyan scre appeared once again.

[Update in affection bar!]

[Jane's affection: 80%!]

"80%! Holy fucking shit! That is a lot!" Kyle couldn't help his thoughts.

Kyle knew that the reason it rose this much was that this was the accumulation of feelings finally being released, Jane was unsure about him or his inttion but this kiss gave her the answer she sought, a cure to her overthinking.

Kyle knew he had to be gtle with her and this was why he kept his hand on her waist instead of grabbing the flesh beath.

"You are worth me coming here," Kyle said with a smile before tering his car but waiting for Jane to get back into her house before he left the area.

Jane couldn't believe he had just kissed her, she needed to process what just happed.

One thing was for sure, Kyle had left an impression on both wom but did he pottially set up an evt that could ruin their fridship? That was yet to be se.


Kyle was close, he was getting close and he knew he could level up his system with one more interaction with both wom but he couldn't rush it either.

He couldn't be perceived as desperate or that might undo all the work he did.

He did ough with Calista to keep her indebted to him or rather, his money because no sane woman would fumble the bag that bad.

And Jane, this kiss would give her something to fantasize about, she sought love and romance, a fantasy Kyle knew he had to play into.

He drove down the road but he was going somewhere familiar, a place that set this chain of evts which was his former place of employmt.

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