Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 27: Points Scored

Kyle waited for her to return and Ella was beginning to feel second-hand embarrassmt, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"So Kyle, what do you do for a living?" Ella questioned him, this must be concerning the accessories he bought for her frid which consisted of an iPhone and MacBook.

Kyle wasn't sure if he should answer the question or laugh it off because it was of her business but there was no harm in answering it.

"I'm an trepreur and looking to make my way into the movie and music industry," Kyle responded, looking her right in the eyes.

If she was trying to intimidate him, she was doing a horrible job at it.

"Music and movie industry you say?" Ella repeated, her interest in the conversation doubling.

"That is right. I own an Agcy that scouts for talts," Kyle knew that he had no job and he couldn't exactly tell her there was some system that gave him money wh he spt money on wom he found attractive.

That would be bizarre and he would be classified as crazy if nothing else but the Agcy gave him a valid source of income for anyone that asked but at this momt, Kyle realised he needed more shares in places to collaborate his wealth should anyone ask.

"You know… I am something of a musician myself," Ella was already pitching herself and who could blame her?

This world only came to people who reached out and grabbed it by the balls.

Kyle knew that she would try to levy his relationship with Jane but this was the opportunity he was looking for to win her over.

"A musical talt? Do you do it for fun or wish to build a career a it?" Kyle questioned despite already knowing the answer to this question.

"A career? I wish! I can't ev sell out a bar and it is for free!" Ella laughed.

"It sounds like someone doesn't believe in herself so here's what we are going to do…" Kyle said but before the conversation could progress. Jane finally came out of the room prompting Kyle to not only abandon the conversation he was having with Ella but to give Jane his undivided atttion.

Jane couldn't believe that Ella had called him her boyfrid because Kyle could have easily gott the wrong impression and this could have gone sideways in so many ways.

"Are you done running away?" Kyle asked and Jane just stood there awkwardly.

Kyle got up and walked towards her before gtly grabbing her hand.

"Did you not want me to come?" Kyle questioned but he was beginning to pick up that she wasn't the one that st the .

She was too unprepared or did she expect him not to come? He hoped she had loosed up, their conversation on their drive back had less tsion.

"Oh God no! I wanted you to come, I just didn't…" Jane's voice faded before she could complete the stce.

"It is fine," This was all Kyle said to calm her down, Jane was a breath of fresh air, she wasn't simply after his money but wanted to spd time with him.

"Here, I got you this…" Kyle said, handing her the gift he had bought for her.

Ella stretched her head to steal a peek but she didn't need to wait long to see what he had gott.

He noticed that Calista wt crazy over Louis Vuitton bags so it must be something that ladies liked. That was what Kyle was banking on and he bought two bags for her.

They cost $3,000 each and this gave Kyle an additional $,000 with the bonus hit bringing his currt net worth to approximately $,00,000.

Ella's jaw dropped, she couldn't believe her eyes but she quickly averted her gaze.

"Ella! He got us bags!" Jane exclaimed, Ella was surprised by this because she swore that it was for Jane and it was, Jane was simply that kind of person.

It happed with the food as well but either way, this worked in Kyle's favour.

Ella jumped out of her chair and rushed towards Jane, both ladies were so focused on the bag that they momtarily forgot about Kyle's existce.

Just what Kyle needed to take a look at Ella's body and boy, did she have a banging body?

Kyle licked his lips, having sex with Calista had intsified his sexual urge and there was no way any sane man wouldn't want to explore the body before him.

Her ass cheeks could be se, just the cups of her buttocks and Kyle just knew they jiggled, he wondered how soft there were but before his perverse mind could go any further.

"Thank you so much!" Ella exclaimed before hugging him, her breasts pressed firmly against his chest, he could feel her nipples poking him beath her singlet; however, he kept his hands to himself.

"I-I am relieved you liked it," Kyle spoke like he didn't know the value of what he had just done.

Thankfully, before the tity betwe his legs could come to life, Ella broke her embrace, admiring the bag in her hand.

Jane looked at Kyle and she couldn't contain her smile.

"You really didn't have to," Jane assured him but her reaction, she loved this.

"If it made you this happy, it was worth… After all, who wouldn't want to see that pretty smile?" Kyle complimted her and once again, Jane's face flushed red.

Kyle was beginning to pick up that she must not have gott a lot of complimts growing up, did she grow up ugly and become this beauty into adulthood?

If so, that would explain a lot and Kyle was going to exploit this but from the corner of his eyes, he noticed Ella staring right at him.

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