Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 29: The Best Revenge!

Kyle exited his car and walked into the store, the part-timer who worked there was stunned that Kyle was driving such a sweet ride.

"Hey, Kyle!" The younger man greeted Kyle. Kyle had no qualms with him as he was a good person who treated him nicely.

"You still work here?" Kyle asked, surprised because with him gone, the boss would want him to fill in for longer hours.

Kyle knew he wouldn't find anyone else willing to work for the pay he had accepted, this was why the workload would be on this part-timer.

"Hahaha! What can I say, I could use the cash!" He responded.

"Fair ough," Kyle responded, he wasn't about to hand him over some money just because he complained about being broke.

"Can I help you with something?" The man questioned.

"I worked here, remember?" Kyle responded, shaking his head in disbelief.

He could tell the man wanted to ask whose car he was in but he knew how to mind his business.

This was why he kept his mouth shut but the reason Kyle was here wasn't to shop, he came here to see the owner, Ryder.

"Is Ryder here?" Kyle asked, disregarding the honorifics that were once attached to his name.

"Um… I think so, I could check for you if you would like," The younger man informed him.

Kyle forgot for a second that not everyone in this place was an asshole.

"That would be helpful," Kyle responded with a sigh of relief, the man left his post momtarily to check Ryder's office.

Kyle waited patitly but it was taking longer than expected, the man probably thought Kyle was here to beg him for his old job.

However, after five minutes, the man came out with the younger man returning to his post.

"What is it, Kyle?" Ryder questioned in a condescding tone, Kyle was aware of this place's financial situation so he knew that Ryder was barely hanging on.

"Mr. Ryder, it looks like you are doing well," Kyle said with a broad smile confusing Ryder.

"If you are here to beg for your old job back, I will only reconsider if you work for half the pay," Ryder gave Kyle'a an ultimatum.

This was how he took advantage of him in the past but this wasn't the past, Kyle couldn't help but chuckle.

Ryder was a reminder of how pathetic he was but that was in the past.

"Did I say something funny? Keep laughing and you will work for a quarter of the pay and this is me still being ge-!" Ryder shut his mouth after being interrupted by Kyle.

"Did you like listing to yourself talk? Have you ever learned to shut your mouth and list? For the first time, Kyle disrespected the man he once called his boss.

"How dare you…! Get out before I call the police!" Ryder barked but Kyle was unfazed.

"You know, I am aware of your financial struggle and learned that this building doesn't ev belong to you but is rted…" Kyle said.

"And how's that your concern?" Ryder questioned, prompting Kyle to chuckle as he brought out his phone to show him something.

"What is this?" Ryder questioned before taking Kyle's phone, Kyle was still using his old phone wh he could easily be using the latest gadgets but that was partly due to him not seeing the importance of changing a working phone.

"It is the deed to this place, I have bought it," Kyle informed him to which Ryder laughed.

"Sur Kyle, sure…" Ryder dismissed this as mere delusion and who could blame him?

This was a man who could barely afford three-square meals talking about buying this building in a few days. That was unheard of.

But Ryder's phone soon rang and he looked down before looking back at Kyle however his facial expression had changed.

He excused himself for a momt to pick up the phone and there it was, Ryder returned a few seconds later but his smug attitude was nowhere to be se.

"H-How?" Ryder questioned but Kyle didn't care about the conversation that was about to follow.

"Give me the key and leave," Kyle said, he could have said so many things but Ryder was below a reaction.

He had tak the one thing that sustained him away from him, he could spd the rest of the days jerking off in peace.

"You arrogant bastard! Do you think this is over? This isn't over! I need to get my goods and…!" Ryder barked but the loudest dog rarely bit. Kyle took a deep breath before exhaling.

"Do I need to call the police? Check your account balance," Kyle requested and the momt Ryder heard the police, his rebellious nature was suppressed. He looked at his account balance only to see that Kyle had transferred money, buying out everything in the store.

He reluctantly handed him the keys because if the police got involved, things could get complicated as he had no reason for resisting.

Ryder packed his things and left, Kyle had no idea what to do with the building but there was an awkward silce betwe himself and Nate.

"Um… I just lost a job, didn't I?" Nate questioned with a defeated look.

"Just leave, Nate," Kyle said but before Nate left the building, there was one more thing that Kyle told him.

"You want to leave empty-handed, take anything you want and give the rest to a shelter. I will be in touch," Kyle told him before handing him the keys.

"Holy shit! Are you giving me this place!?" Nate asked but Kyle just stared at him, Nate could tell he was tired of his antics.

"I mean, you can't blame me for trying," Nate confessed but Kyle wasn't going to push it.

He knew that Nate was trustworthy, there were so many opportunities for him to dip his hand into the cashier to steal some money but he never did, ev the goods within the stores.

He was an honest person, that was rare but Kyle knew whatever he was going to turn this place to, it definitely wouldn't be a store.

Kyle had spt approximately $,00,000. This was why the permit and documts were giv so swiftly as he had giv them a price they couldn't ev think of refusing and the money he spt to buy the goods in the store was inclusive in the total sum.

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