Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 45: Ouyang Family's Trap

They spent the next few hours meticulously combing through their network of informants by calling out assistance from Su Yuerong and Xia Qingwu, piecing together details about the Ouyang Family's security structure.

Names were shortlisted, along with their cultivation levels, rumored loyalties, and personal vices.

"Captain Wei," Xiangyi muttered, pointing to a name on the list. "Late Core Formation Realm, known to be a heavy gambler. Perfect candidate for a… well-timed 'lucky streak'."

Wang Li chuckled. "Indeed. We can offer him a 'windfall' that would allow him to clear his gambling debts and maybe even secure a comfortable retirement. All he has to do is… misplace a few security protocols."

They continued down the list, strategizing how to approach each commander, tailoring their offer to their specific vulnerabilities. Some were tempted by the allure of wealth, others by the promise of advancement within the Ouyang Family. A few, surprisingly, expressed a flicker of resentment towards the Ouyang patriarch's tyrannical rule.

The most challenging task, however, was establishing the Five Elemental Suppression Array. The materials required were rare and expensive, and acquiring them discreetly proved to be a hurdle.

"Alright," Xiangyi said, taking a deep breath. "That leaves the array. We need a way to get those rare materials discreetly. Short of cultivating spirit stones ourselves, buying them isn't an option."

Wang Li steepled his fingers, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Discreetly acquiring materials, huh? Well, Xiangyi," he said with a casual lean back in his chair, "have you ever considered borrowing?"

Xiangyi's eyes narrowed playfully. "Borrowing? From whom?"

"The Western Wind Kingdom Array Formation Union," Wang Li announced with a sly grin. "No offense to them, but their defenses are underwhelming, to say the least. And with our little speed advantage…"

Xiangyi's lips stretched into a wide grin. "A heist? You're proposing we rob the entire treasury?"

"Not 'rob'," Wang Li corrected with a smirk. "Just a temporary… redeployment of resources. Besides, with our skills, who'd even know it was us?"

Xiangyi chuckled. It was true. The Western Wind Kingdom wasn't exactly overflowing with Nascent Soul Realm cultivators. As long as they were quick and efficient, they could likely pull it off.

"Alright, Li," she said, her voice laced with excitement. "This is starting to sound like fun. But we need a plan. Precise timing, disguises, a getaway strategy…"

They spent the next few hours meticulously strategizing the heist. Their movements needed to be swift and silent. Time was a luxury they couldn't afford.

"First things first," Wang Li began. "Concealment. We need disguises that are effective but not overly conspicuous. Long robes, masks, hoods – something that wouldn't draw immediate suspicion but allows us to blend into the night."

"And as for weapons…" Xiangyi questioned. "Flashy weapons should out of the question."

"Exactly," Wang Li agreed. "Standard swords will do. We won't be engaging in prolonged battles, just a quick strike and fade."

With a plan in place, a nervous thrill coursed through them. It was a desperate gamble, teetering on the edge of recklessness. But they were desperate – desperate to save their aunts, desperate to defy the Ouyang Family's tyranny.

The night of the heist arrived, cloaked in a blanket of inky blackness. Wang Li and Xiangyi, clad in their inconspicuous disguises, materialized on the outskirts of the Array Formation Union's headquarters, a sprawling complex that reeked of wealth and complacency.

Their movements were a silent symphony of practiced agility. They scaled the walls with practiced ease, navigating the rooftops like phantoms. Security patrols were easily avoided, their senses dulled by a false sense of security.

Reaching the treasury door, Wang Li utilized his cultivation base at the Nascent Soul Realm to forcibly break the array formation blocking them. This did cause an alarm to resound in the entire Array Formation Union's headquarters that the defensive array formation of the treasury had just been broken.

Meanwhile, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi opened the door to the treasury room.

The room was a treasure trove of exotic materials, shimmering with otherworldly energies. Shelves bulged with vials of rare earth metals, glowing stones pulsed with arcane power, and stacks of intricately inscribed scrolls promised complex formations.

Xiangyi let out a low whistle. "This is even better than I imagined," she whispered, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Following the pre-determined list, they swiftly gathered the specific materials required for the Five Elemental Suppression Array along with many other resources. Efficiency was key. Every moment spent here increased their chances of being discovered.

As they were about to leave, Xiangyi spotted a curious scroll tucked away in a dusty corner. Unfurling it with a gasp, she recognized the intricate symbols forming a powerful offensive array.

"Look at this, Li," she exclaimed, her voice barely a whisper. "It's the 'Thunderous Fury' formation! This is a rare gem, even for a well-stocked treasury like this."

Wang Li's eyes widened. The 'Thunderous Fury' formation was a legendary creation, capable of unleashing a devastating storm of lightning strikes. It was a powerful bargaining chip, one they couldn't afford to pass up.

With a swift decision, Xiangyi tucked the scroll into her robes. They had risked enough for tonight. Gathering the rest of the materials, they vanished into the night, leaving behind no trace of their audacious raid.

Back at their secluded hideout, a sense of triumph mingled with the lingering anxiety.

"Alright, that's a good haul," Xiangyi whispered, surveying the shimmering piles of materials now littering the floor of their secluded hideout. They'd managed to escape the Array Formation Union just as reinforcements arrived, their hearts pounding a frantic rhythm against their ribs.

Wang Li, his face hidden beneath the mask, nodded curtly. Relief tinged with a hint of exhilaration shimmered in his eyes. "We got everything on the list, and maybe even a little extra," he said, his voice muffled by the cloth.

"Extra won't hurt," Xiangyi admitted, a wry smile playing on her lips. "This little escapade just landed us on the 'Most Wanted' list of the Western Wind Kingdom, I can guarantee it."

They both chuckled, the tension draining from their shoulders. The heist had been risky, a daring dance with danger, but they'd pulled it off. Now, they had the materials – the key ingredient missing from their audacious plan.

But their work wasn't over. The next few days were a whirlwind of focused activity. Wang Li meticulously studied the intricate formations etched onto scrolls depicting the Five Elemental Suppression Array. Xiangyi, meanwhile, coordinated their network of bribed commanders, subtly conveying their 'offers' and securing their cooperation.

The commanders, each with their own hidden agenda, were surprisingly receptive to the proposition. The prospect of a Nascent Soul Condensation Pellet, a shortcut to a realm they'd long dreamt of attaining, was too tempting to resist. One by one, they fell into line, becoming unwitting pawns in Wang Li and Xiangyi's elaborate game.

With the commanders on board, the next step was to discreetly plant the stolen materials around the Ouyang Family compound where the public "experiment" was to take place.

This proved to be a delicate operation, a constant dance on the edge of exposure. Wang Li and Xiangyi, disguised in commoner's garb, infiltrated the outer perimeter of the compound at night, slipping through shadows and exploiting lapses in security.

Planting the materials was a meticulous process. They had to be hidden in specific locations, carefully chosen to maximize the array's effectiveness while minimizing the risk of detection. Finally, after several tense nights, the final material was positioned, completing the circuit of the Five Elemental Suppression Array.

Exhaustion gnawed at their bones, and a gnawing anxiety twisted in their guts. The day of the "experiment" loomed closer, casting a long shadow over their hearts. Would their plan hold? Would they be able to save their aunts amidst the chaos they'd orchestrated?

The designated day dawned, a clear blue sky mocking the turmoil brewing beneath its surface. The Ouyang Family had gone all out, transforming a central plaza within their compound into a spectacle. A towering platform dominated the space, a macabre stage upon which their cruel charade was to unfold.

Ye Fan, perched beside his newfound buddy Ouyang Ke – the Ouyang Family's third eldest son, a pompous peacock with a fondness for flashy robes and even flashier insults – scanned the throng with narrowed eyes.

He was on the lookout for Wang Li and Xiangyi, those pesky thorns in his side. But the crowd, a sea of curious faces, yielded no sign of them.

Meanwhile, cloaked within the throng, Wang Li and Xiangyi exchanged a nervous glance. Ye Fan's presence confirmed their worst suspicions – this "experiment" was nothing but a trap, a venomous ploy to lure them out in the open.

Their blood ran cold, a cocktail of anger and worry churning in their guts. But they held their ground, swallowed their fury, and blended deeper into the crowd. They had a game to play, a desperate gamble, and revealing their hand prematurely wouldn't do.

The "entertainment" arrived shortly after, escorted by a gaggle of grim-faced Ouyang guards.

Wang Yaqi and Wang Ruyan, their aunts, were brought into the plaza in chains.

Their once vibrant features were marred by scars, their clothes tattered remnants of their former glory. The sight of their suffering sent a surge of murderous rage coursing through Wang Li. His hands clenched into fists, knuckles turning white with barely suppressed fury.

Xiangyi, sensing his turmoil, reacted with lightning speed. She grabbed his hand, her grip a silent plea for control.

"Patience, Li," she hissed, her voice barely a whisper. "We need them all gathered around the stage. Any Nascent Soul experts lingering outside the array's perimeter could spell disaster."

Wang Li, his face was a mask of barely contained fury, forced himself to nod in agreement. He understood the logic, even as every fiber of his being screamed for vengeance.

The charade continued. The women were hauled onto a raised platform, a macabre stage upon which the Ouyang Family planned to enact their cruel play. More Ouyang members followed, preening and posturing like vultures circling a carcass.

The air crackled with anticipation, a twisted sense of excitement emanating from the crowd. Announcements blared from a makeshift podium, extolling the virtues of the Ouyang Family and their groundbreaking "cure" for a mysterious new poison. The whole thing reeked of hypocrisy, a sickening display designed to humiliate them and showcase the Ouyang Family's "benevolence."

Finally, the moment arrived.

An overweight Ouyang elder, his face twisted in a self-righteous sneer, stepped forward, clutching a vial filled with an ominous purple liquid. This, he declared with theatrical flourish, was the "deadly poison" that would claim their unfortunate "volunteers."

Wang Li's stomach churned.

This was it. The moment of truth. He glanced at Xiangyi, a silent question hanging in the air. She gave him a curt nod, her eyes filled with steely resolve.

It was showtime.

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