Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 44: Ye Fan's Plan

The following days were a whirlwind for Ning Yue. Gone were the quiet hours spent hunched over her cauldron, replaced by a frantic dance of negotiations and hushed deals. Wang Li had connected her with a network of shady middlemen, each one a gateway to a different high-rolling cultivator or influential family.

"Alright, alright," Ning Yue muttered, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow as she handed over a vial of Core Strengthening Pellets to a hooded figure. "That'll be... ten times the market price, remember?"

The figure grunted, their voice a distorted whisper, and tossed a hefty pouch of spirit stones at her. Ning Yue caught it with practiced ease, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. This was a world she wasn't used to, a world of whispered secrets and veiled threats. But the potential rewards... well, they were hard to ignore.

Meanwhile, a secluded cave nestled deep within the Western Wind Kingdom echoed with the sounds of… well, not what you'd expect from a cultivating duo. Wang Xiangyi, a woman with fiery hair that mirrored her passionate nature, let out a satisfied sigh as she pulled away from Wang Li.

"Those Metal Essence Fortification Pellets are incredible," she gasped, her voice husky. "I can already feel the difference. My Nascent Soul feels… stronger, more vibrant."

Wang Li chuckled, a smug grin splitting his face. "That's the power of these little beauties," he said, gesturing towards the remaining vials of pellets. "But remember, the real key to maximizing their effect…"

He trailed off, his eyes twinkling suggestively. Xiangyi rolled her eyes playfully but couldn't help a smile dancing on her lips. They both knew exactly what he meant.

Their cultivation sessions had taken on a new dimension. The potent energy coursing through Xiangyi's veins, courtesy of the pellets, amplified the effects of their dual cultivation. Their sessions were intense, fueled by raw power and a shared desire to reach new heights.

On the other side of the continent, Ye Fan seethed. He clutched the communication talisman containing Xia Bingling's recorded voice, his knuckles white with fury.

"No… no way," he snarled, his voice echoing through his spartan room. "There's no way she'd reject me! We practically had a deal!"

He replayed the message, Xia Bingling's voice cutting through the air like a knife. The rejection was absolute, the marriage alliance a laughable notion.

The message continued, Xia Bingling's voice offering to return his Silver Ice King Heart to him at the Xia Family's Merchant House in Qianzhu Town.

A slow burn replaced his initial rage. This wasn't over. He might have been rejected, but he wouldn't let Xia Bingling break him.

Furious, yet unwilling to admit defeat, Ye Fan hatched a plan. His first target: the elusive Wang Li. Capturing this man would be a way to restore his bruised ego and prove his dominance. But finding Wang Li was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

"Time to pull in some favors," Ye Fan muttered, his voice laced with steely resolve.

He activated a communication talisman, the faint glow illuminating his face in a determined hue.

The recipient – a close friend from a powerful family with deep roots in the world of alchemy.

The Ouyang Family.

This prestigious lineage held a secret – two former Wang Family slaves.

These women, once powerful elders within the Wang Family, were now nothing more than servants in the Ouyang Family.

Ye Fan knew they held a grudge against Wang Li, and that was exactly what he planned to exploit.

"I need your help," Ye Fan declared, his voice low and urgent. "Wang Li's alive, hiding somewhere. I want you help in drawing him out."

A moment of surprised silence followed, then a hesitant reply crackled through the talisman.

"You want to… use those two slaves who used to belong to Wang Family as bait?"

"Exactly," Ye Fan confirmed, his voice unwavering. "They're his weakness. His only remaining family. Let's dangle them in front of him, and watch the bastard come crawling out of the woodwork."

The silence stretched, thick with tension. Finally, a sigh echoed through the talisman.

"It's a risky proposition, Ye Fan. Are you sure?"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," Ye Fan replied, a hard edge creeping into his voice. "Besides, wouldn't the Ouyang Family relish the opportunity to publicly humiliate the remnants of the Wang Family?"

Another pause, then a grudging agreement. "Fine," the voice conceded. "But this doesn't make us friends. We do this, and then we're even."

A satisfied smirk spread across Ye Fan's face. "Fair enough," he said.

A few days later, a news spread like wildfire, scorching its way through the cultivation world.

The Ouyang Family, a prestigious lineage with a long and storied history, was taking an unprecedented step – conducting public experiments for a cure to a newly discovered deadly poison. The twist? The test subjects – slaves belonging to the Ouyang household.

But what truly ignited the flames of gossip were the names of the first two slaves to be subjected to this potentially lethal ordeal – Wang Yaqi and Wang Ruyan. Names that sent a jolt through the very core of Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi.

The news reached them courtesy of an unexpected source – Xia Qingwu. A flicker of unease crossed Wang Li's face as he listened to Qingwu's hurried message. A trap, it screamed. A blatant attempt to lure them out.

"They wouldn't dare," Xiangyi spat, her fiery hair bristling with indignation. "Those old geezers wouldn't stoop so low!"

But the fire in her eyes flickered with doubt. The Ouyang Family, while renowned for their prowess in alchemy, also harbored a deep-seated animosity towards the fallen Wang Clan. Publicly humiliating them by experimenting on their kin – it wasn't outside the realm of possibility.

"We can't just sit here," Wang Li said, his voice grim. "Yaqi and Ruyan… they were practically family to us. Our mothers' sisters. We can't let them become pawns in this… this sick game."

Xiangyi slammed her fist on the table, her anger boiling over. "But it's a trap, Li! We know it is! They want us to walk right into it."

Wang Li sighed, running a hand through his hair. He understood her frustration. But the thought of his aunts, kind and gentle women who had always treated him with warmth, being subjected to excruciating experiments… it ignited a fire in his gut that logic couldn't extinguish.

Silence descended upon the room, broken only by the rasp of their worried breaths. Then, a flicker of determination ignited in Wang Li's eyes.

"We can't rely on others," he declared, his voice firm. "We have to come up with a plan. A cunning strategy to rescue our aunts, even if it's a trap."

Xiangyi leaned forward, a spark of interest igniting in her own eyes. "What do you have in mind?"

Wang Li leaned back in his chair, a sly grin playing on his lips. "Chaos," he announced. "We need to create so much unforeseen chaos around the event that no one will be able to react appropriately."

He paused for dramatic effect. "Think about it. The Ouyang Family's confidence stems from their meticulous planning, their unwavering control over the situation. We need to throw a massive wrench into those plans."

Xiangyi nodded, the gears in her mind turning. "But how? They have an entire army at their disposal. We can't just waltz in and snatch our aunts away."

"We won't be waltzing in," Wang Li chuckled. "We'll be… incentivizing some key personnel."

He explained his plan, a devious gleam in his eyes. They possessed a stockpile of Nascent Soul Condensation Pellets, courtesy of Ning Yue's recent alchemy triumph. These potent pills were the key to turning the tide.

"Most of the commanders overseeing the security or preparing this trap are bound to be at the late Core Formation Realm," Wang Li elaborated. "Stuck in that stage for years, craving a breakthrough. Those pellets offer them a tantalizing shortcut – a chance to develop their Nascent Soul quickly, despite their limitations in talent."

Xiangyi's eyes widened. "So your plan is centered around bribery?"

"Yes," Wang Li replied. "We offer them a proposition. We provide them with the Nascent Soul Condensation Pills in exchange for their cooperation."

"And what kind of cooperation?"

"Simple," Wang Li said. "We need them to subtly disrupt the Ouyang Family's preparations. Nothing obvious, just minor inconveniences. A missing key here, a faulty weapon placement there. Just enough to create confusion and delay their carefully orchestrated plan."

But Wang Li's ambition stretched further. "And on top of that," he continued, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "we'll use them to establish a secret Five Elemental Suppression Array around the event location."

Xiangyi gasped. "A Five Elemental Suppression Array? But those are incredibly complex formations, requiring immense power and a vast array of rare materials."

"Indeed," Wang Li admitted. "But with the cooperation of these bribed commanders, we can acquire the necessary personnel. And as for the materials, I will gather them. At the least, we would be able to establish a weakened version of the array. It wouldn't completely suppress Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, but it would dampen their abilities considerably."

A slow smile spread across Xiangyi's face. "That's… brilliant. Imagine the chaos! The Ouyang Family expecting a smooth, public execution, only to have their meticulously laid plans crumble around them. Their commanders struggling with unexpected malfunctions, their Nascent Soul cultivators hampered by an unseen force."

"Exactly," Wang Li said, his grin mirroring hers. "We turn their carefully orchestrated trap into a chaotic mess, creating the perfect opportunity for us to snatch our aunts away under the cover of confusion."

There were still risks, of course. The chances of the commanders betraying them or the Ouyang Family catching on to their scheme were high. But this was the only plan they had.

Wang Li added, his voice laced with a hint of desperation, "A desperate gamble, but one we have to take."

Xiangyi nodded, the weight of the situation settling on her shoulders. "Risky, for sure. But with careful execution, it might just work. We need to move fast though. We only have a week before the Ouyang Family's little 'spectacle'."

"Agreed," Wang Li said, his eyes hardening with resolve. "First things first, we need a list of potential targets – those commanders most susceptible to our… offer."

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