Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 46: Wang Li's First Fight Against The Protagonist Ye Fan

The air hung heavy with anticipation, thick enough to chew on. The Ouyang elder, his theatrical monologue complete, raised the vial of purple liquid high. This was it – the trigger, the moment their meticulously crafted plan would spring into action.

Suddenly, a loud CRACK shattered the tense silence. A shimmering talisman, launched by Wang Li, exploded high above the plaza, showering the crowd with a burst of multicolored light. It was their prearranged signal, a silent message to the unsuspecting commanders they'd recruited in recent weeks.

"What in the flaming cauldrons?" Ouyang Ke bellowed, his voice a caricature of outrage. The crowd, confused and startled, began to murmur amongst themselves.

Chaos erupted. The commanders, scattered discreetly within the crowd, sprang into action like clockwork. Suddenly, shouts and startled yelps pierced the air as a shimmering dome of energy materialized around the entire plaza, encompassing everyone – from the Ouyang patriarch perched on his luxurious throne to the unsuspecting commoners gathered at the fringes.

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. The promised "entertainment" had gone spectacularly wrong, replaced by a scene ripped straight out of a nightmare. The dome, pulsating with an ethereal glow, hummed with an oppressive aura, a silent testament to the Five Elemental Suppression Array.

The Ouyang Family's elite guard, notorious for their arrogance, were the first to react. Swords were drawn, battle cries were bellowed, but their practiced movements were sluggish, their attacks clumsy. The suppression array, fueled by the stolen materials gathered by Wang Li and Xiangyi, dampened their abilities, turning them from sleek predators into lumbering beasts.

"What's happening?" Ouyang Ke screeched, his face contorted in a mask of fury. "Who dares?!"

Ye Fan tried his best to remain calm. He felt a disconcerting pressure weigh down on him, a subtle yet undeniable dampening of his cultivation base.

But unlike the rest, he was able to resist it – to a certain extent. This was because of him possessing the "Five Elemental Physique", which provided a natural resistance against such formations.

He quickly downed a crimson pellet, the Boiling Blood Pellet. It surged through his body, a potent cocktail that temporarily heightened his physical strength and spiritual energy. A surge of power coursed through his veins, pushing back against the oppressive aura of the array. He wasn't at full capacity, but it was enough.

He saw his chance. With a ferocious battle cry, he launched himself towards Wang Li and Xiangyi, two lone figures hovering atop the crowd, their faces obscured by the shadows.

"Wang Li!" he roared, his voice laced with a murderous fury. "You really dare to come here!"

Wang Li, in the center of the plaza and holding the metaphorical reins of the array, smirked. He quickly lifted the suppression on their bribed commanders and his own cousin, Xiangyi.

It was time to turn the tables on the Ouyang Family.

"Charge!" Wang Li roared, his voice amplified by the chaotic environment. He launched himself into the air with Xiangyi following him closely.

Their movements were a blur of controlled fury, fueled by righteous anger and a desperate desire to rescue their aunts.

Pandemonium ensued. The bribed commanders, emboldened by their secret deal and the promise of a Nascent Soul Condensation Pellet, turned on their unsuspecting Ouyang colleagues.

Confusion and betrayal painted the faces of the Ouyang guards as they were blindsided by their own comrades.

Ye Fan, caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, sputtered in disbelief. His carefully laid plan, built on the capture of Wang Li and Xiangyi, lay in shambles.

His fury burned hotter than the effects of the Boiling Blood Pellet coursing through his veins. He let out a primal yell and charged towards the two figures soaring across the plaza.

Wang Li saw him coming. A glint of steel flashed in his hand as he readied his blade. He barked out an order to Xiangyi, his voice cutting through the din. "Go! Get our aunts to safety! I'll deal with this arrogant egoist!"

Xiangyi, understanding the urgency, shot him a quick nod and peeled away, weaving through the chaotic melee. Her objective was clear – to rescue their aunts amidst the pandemonium.

Xiangyi wasted no time. Her movements were a whirlwind of focused fury. Her blade, a shimmering instrument infused with the power of metal, danced a deadly ballet through the air. Ouyang guards crumpled before her, their surprised yelps cut short as the Five Elemental Suppression Array hindered their reactions.

Panic flickered in the eyes of the remaining guards. The tables had turned with alarming speed, their carefully orchestrated trap backfiring spectacularly. Desperate measures were called for.

One particularly burly guard with a shaved head and a missing tooth saw his opportunity. With a guttural roar, he lunged towards Wang Yaqi and Wang Ruyan, grabbing both women in a rough bear hug.

"Stop!" he bellowed, hoping to gain some leverage in this chaotic mess. "One move and these two beauties get a taste of steel!"

"Release them!" Xiangyi roared, her fury reaching a fever pitch.

Before she could react, however, a figure materialized beside the burly guard. It was one of the bribed commanders, his face grim with newfound resolve. In a swift movement honed from years of experience, he slammed a fist into the back of the guard's neck. The burly guard crumpled to the ground, unconscious before he even hit the flagstones.

The tide was turning even further. Ouyang Ke, the flamboyant third son, found himself unceremoniously yanked aside by another commander, a gag stuffed into his mouth to stifle his outraged squawks.

Finally, Xiangyi reached her aunts. Relief washed over her face, momentarily eclipsing the fiery anger that still burned within. Her skilled fingers worked quickly, severing the crude restraints that bound their wrists and ankles.

"Xiangyi, go!" rasped Wang Yaqi, her voice hoarse from disuse. "These… these slave seals…" She gestured weakly at the ugly black mark branded onto her arm. "They'll find us. We don't want you becoming a slave for these… these…" Words failed her, replaced by a venomous glare directed at the Ouyang Family members still standing on the platform.

"No way!" Xiangyi countered fiercely. "We're leaving this place together. And you'll be free, truly free, for the first time in years. Li knows a way to remove those slave seals. We just need to get out of here."

Wang Ruyan managed a weak smile. "You shouldn't stay for us, Xiangyi. It's too dangerous."

Xiangyi wouldn't hear of it as she responded, "Dangerous or not, I'm not leaving you two behind. Now hold on tight." She channeled her powerful Spiritual Energy, condensing it into a platform of pure energy beneath their feet. With a burst of power, she launched herself and her aunts into the air, soaring above the chaos like a defiant phoenix.

The Five Elemental Suppression Array, designed to trap their enemies, proved no obstacle to her escape. The shimmering dome that encompassed the plaza simply parted around her, offering no resistance. Her heart hammered against her ribs, a frantic drumbeat that echoed the pandemonium below.

Meanwhile, down on the chaotic stage, Wang Li was locked in a fierce duel with Ye Fan. Blades clashed, sparks flew, and the air crackled with raw energy. Ye Fan, his face contorted in a mask of fury, launched a vicious attack.

"How did you cheat death, Wang Li?" he snarled, his voice laced with venomous hatred. "But it doesn't matter. Today, you die! And your alluring Xiangyi… well, I am quite delighted that you brought her here with you. I will make sure to have lots of fun with her." A wicked gleam flickered in his eyes.

Wang Li parried a particularly brutal blow, his own face impassive despite the churning anger within. He knew Ye Fan was trying to get under his skin, to provoke him into a reckless move. But he wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"Empty threats, Ye Fan," he countered coolly, his voice a steady counterpoint to Ye Fan's enraged rant. "Focus on your own pathetic swordsmanship. You're losing."

His words were like a slap in the face. Ye Fan roared in frustration, his attacks becoming even more frenzied. But his blind rage offered Wang Li an opening. With a well-timed block and a lightning-fast counter-attack, Wang Li thrust his sword at Ye Fan, but Ye Fan quickly reacted and managed to parry it.

Steel sang its deadly song as Wang Li and Ye Fan clashed in a whirlwind of fury. Wang Li, his movements a blur of focused precision, unleashed a flurry of attacks. His blade, imbued with the Yin-Yang energy that coursed through his veins, danced with a deadly grace.

"Flowing River Slash!" he roared, executing a technique that mimicked the relentless flow of a mighty river, his blade leaving a shimmering trail in its wake.

Ye Fan, his face contorted in a mask of rage, responded with a ferocious counter. "Burning Rampage!" he bellowed, his blade erupting in a fiery inferno as he channeled the power of the Flame element. The air shimmered with searing heat as the attack collided with Wang Li's Flowing River Slash.

A wave of scorching energy radiated outwards, forcing both combatants back a step. A bead of sweat trickled down Wang Li's temple, the heat momentarily disrupting the flow of his Yin-Yang energy. But he didn't falter. This wasn't over yet.

He countered with a swift thrust, his blade a blur of silver lightning.

"Yin Piercing Fang!" This technique, fueled by the piercing power of the Yin attribute, aimed to exploit any weakness in his opponent's defenses.

Ye Fan, however, anticipated that Wang Li would utilize such an attack.

With a flick of his wrist, he deflected the blow, his blade singing a metallic song as it met Wang Li's. "Earthen Wall!" A surge of earth-infused energy erupted from his blade, momentarily solidifying the air and creating a seemingly impenetrable barrier.

The clash sent a shockwave through the plaza, kicking up dust and debris. Wang Li landed back on his feet, a thoughtful glint in his eyes. Something was off. His attacks, fueled by the Yin-Yang energy, were clearly superior in terms of attribute. They were sharper, more precise, capable of bypassing most defenses.

Yet, they weren't landing a decisive blow. His attacks seemed to glance off Ye Fan's body, as if his opponent possessed some sort of unnatural resilience. A realization dawned on Wang Li – Ye Fan was cultivating a powerful body refinement technique!

This explained his monstrous strength and near-impenetrable defenses. Frustration gnawed at Wang Li. He needed a new strategy, a way to bypass Ye Fan's physical advantage.

Several figures, the bribed commanders he'd recruited, materialized beside him. They weren't powerhouses, but they were a distraction, a way to buy him some precious breathing room. As if sensing Ye Fan's struggle, a wave of relief washed over Wang Li.

With renewed vigor, the commanders launched themselves at Ye Fan. He roared in frustration, momentarily overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught. Wang Li used the opportunity to retreat, gulping down a restorative pill and channeling his Yin-Yang energy to replenish his reserves.

Ye Fan, fending off the commanders with surprising ease, glanced at Wang Li with a murderous glint in his eyes. He had to admit, he was impressed.

Wang Li's power, essence, and battle prowess had improved significantly since their last encounter. This wasn't the same naive cultivator he'd faced before.

He dispatched the last of the commanders with a single, brutal blow, his eyes locking back onto Wang Li. "You've gotten stronger, Wang Li," he growled, a grudging respect lacing his voice. "But it won't be enough. Today, you die!"

Wang Li, his face a mask of steely resolve, met Ye Fan's gaze. "We'll see about that," he countered coolly. This time, he had a plan. A desperate gamble, but one he had to take.

He channeled his Yin-Yang energy, pushing his cultivation base to its very limits. The air around him crackled with power, a swirling vortex of Yin and Yang energy coalescing around his blade. A technique he'd only recently mastered, a technique that held the potential to turn the tide of the battle.

"Yin-Yang Annihilation!" he roared, unleashing a torrent of pure Yin-Yang energy at Ye Fan. This wasn't just an attack focused on a single attribute – it was the embodiment of balance, of opposing forces canceling each other out, of utter destruction.

Ye Fan, caught off guard by the sheer power and unexpected nature of the attack, barely had time to react. He raised his blade in a desperate block, channeling all his power into the defense.

"Five Elements Convergence!" he screamed, drawing upon the combined might of all five elements - Wood, Flame, Metal, Wind, and Earth - to form a shimmering shield.

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