Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 43: Teasing Xia Bingling And Going Over To Pill Tower

The late afternoon sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues of orange and pink.

Inside her chamber, Xia Qingwu sat cross-legged on a plush cushion, eyes closed in deep concentration.

The room was infused with the soft glow of spirit stones, their energy swirling around her like a miniature celestial storm.

Tonight was the night – the night she would attempt her breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Realm.

"Alright, Qingwu," Wang Li announced, poking his head into the room. "Remember what I taught you. Focus your spiritual energy, visualize the core transforming into a Nascent Soul… and don't sweat it too much. You've got this."

Qingwu cracked open one eye, a playful smile gracing her lips. "Thanks, Li! I feel great, actually. Like I'm on the cusp of something amazing."

"You are," Wang Li agreed, his gaze lingering on her a beat too long. "Just remember, if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to call."

Qingwu gave him a thumbs-up. "Got it! Now shoo. Gotta concentrate."

Wang Li chuckled, a glint in his eyes. "Alright, alright. Don't want to disturb the future Nascent Soul cultivator, do we? See you, sweetheart." He winked and disappeared out the door, leaving Qingwu to her meditation.

With a deep breath, Qingwu activated the formation inscribed on the floor, channeling her spiritual essence into the intricate patterns.

Meanwhile, outside her chamber, Wang Li stood with his hands clasped behind his back, a smug smile playing on his lips. He cast a cursory glance at the door, feeling a flicker of amusement at the young woman's earnestness.

"No need to worry about her here," he muttered to himself, his voice dripping with confidence. "She won't be disturbed during her breakthrough."

With that, he sauntered down the hall, his gaze flitting towards Madam Xia's chambers. A predatory glint flickered in his eyes as he saw the door slightly ajar.

Pushing the door open with a practiced nonchalance, he found Xia Bingling still sprawled on the bed, her face a mask of conflicting emotions.

"Well, well," he drawled, his voice laced with a suggestive tone. "Still resting, I see. Your daughter's already begun her attempt, you know."

Xia Bingling jerked upright, a surge of worry washing over her. "Qingwu… already?" she stammered, her voice laced with concern. "But wasn't she going to wait until…"

"Wait until what?" Wang Li interrupted, his smile widening into a smirk. "Until you were feeling sprightly enough to hold my hand? Sweetheart, breakthroughs don't wait for anyone's convenience."

His words stung, a sharp reminder of her helplessness. Xia Bingling gritted her teeth, forcing a smile to mask her churning emotions. "Of course," she murmured, forcing a nonchalance she didn't feel. "I just… I hope everything goes smoothly."

"Oh, it will," Wang Li assured her, his voice dripping with a false confidence. "With my guidance, she has nothing to fear."

He took a slow step closer to the bed, his gaze lingering on her form in a way that sent shivers down her spine. The air crackled with an unspoken tension.

"Well," he continued, his voice dropping to a low murmur, "I suppose I should take my leave for now. Wouldn't want to disturb your… rest."

Relief flooded Xia Bingling's features. "Yes," she almost blurted out, desperate to be alone with her thoughts. "Of course. Please, do."

But instead, Wang Li remained rooted to the spot, his eyes roaming over her with a predatory gleam. "Though," he began, his voice taking on a suggestively playful tone, "I will miss your… company."

He leaned closer, his lips brushing against her ear. "Especially your… captivating form." His hand snaked out, tracing a suggestive path down her arm.

Xia Bingling flinched, her heart hammering against her ribs.

"Those luscious curves," he murmured, his voice husky with desire, "the ample endowments of a mature beauty like yourself…"

His words were like a slap in the face. Fear and disgust curdled in her stomach, but she forced herself to remain still, to play the role he expected.

"You… you wouldn't dare," she whispered, her voice barely a tremor.

Wang Li chuckled, a dark, humorless sound. "Oh, wouldn't I?" he countered, his eyes glinting with a dangerous glint. "But fear not, darling. There will be plenty of time for… recreation later. When I return."

He leaned back, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Until then, try to get some real rest. You'll need your strength for when I come back."

With that parting shot, he turned and sauntered out of the room, leaving Xia Bingling alone in the suffocating silence.

As the door clicked shut, Xia Bingling collapsed back onto the bed, the air whooshing out of her lungs in a ragged gasp. Her body trembled, not from exertion, but from the raw terror that had gripped her.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to focus. She had to be strong, not just for herself, but for Qingwu. She wouldn't let this man break her.

Meanwhile, the night deepened, the moon casting an ethereal glow as Wang Li emerged from the Xia Family Manor. A satisfied smirk played on his lips.

Now, it was time for the next phase.

He quickened his pace, his destination – his cousin Wang Xiangyi's location within the Western Wind Kingdom. There, within the confines of a Pill Tower alchemy chamber, a different scene was unfolding.

Ning Yue, a young woman with fiery red hair and eyes that mirrored the intensity of a burning furnace, meticulously measured out the last few precious ingredients.

Before her lay a chaotic symphony of colorful herbs, glistening beast cores, and supple beast hides – the spoils of Wang Li's recent foray into the nearby forest.

With practiced ease, she added each ingredient to the swirling vortex within the cauldron, her movements precise and economical.

Sweat beaded on her brow, a testament to the intense heat emanating from the cauldron and the focus required for such a delicate task.

Ning Yue was an alchemist, a cultivator dedicated to the art of concocting potent pills and pellets. Today, she was attempting a feat that would push her skills to the limit – a triple batch of concoctions.

The first batch, a familiar dance of ingredients, was a batch of 'Core Strengthening Pellets'.

These were relatively common, used by cultivators in the Core Formation Realm to enhance their cultivation speed.

They were readily available in the market, but their price tag reflected the skill required – only Third-Tier Alchemists possessed the necessary finesse to create them.

The second batch, however, was a different story. These were 'Nascent Soul Condensation Pellets', a far rarer and more complex concoction.

These precious pills assisted cultivators in their breakthrough from the Core Formation Realm to the Nascent Soul Realm, a critical juncture in a cultivator's journey.

Their rarity stemmed from the fact that only Third-Tier Alchemists, themselves scarce, possessed the knowledge and skill to create them.

Ning Yue, currently at the peak of the Core Formation Realm, desperately desired such a pellet.

The opportunity to concoct it herself, alongside the resources provided by Wang Li, was too good to pass up. It was a gamble, a chance to elevate both her skills and her cultivation level in one fell swoop.

The final batch, however, was the most intriguing – a batch of 'Metal Essence Fortification Pellets'.

These were specifically designed to enhance and strengthen the Metal-Attribute Nascent Soul of a cultivator who had already reached that stage.

Their creation required not only a Third-Tier Alchemist but also rare ingredients like the beast core of a Silverwing Serpent, a creature known for its potent metal-attributed essence.

These pellets were specifically requested by Wang Xiangyi, a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator with a Metal-Attribute Nascent Soul. The resources Wang Li had procured, including the prized Silverwing Serpent core, were specifically targeted for this purpose.

With a final flourish, Ning Yue tossed in the last ingredient, a pinch of shimmering dust that acted as a catalyst.

The cauldron pulsed with renewed vigor, the concoctions within swirling and frothing in a mesmerizing dance.

Taking a deep breath, Ning Yue activated the intricate formation etched around the cauldron, channeling her spiritual essence to maintain the delicate balance of heat and pressure.

The next few hours were a blur of focused concentration.

Sweat dripped down her face, her muscles screamed in protest, but Ning Yue persevered.

The success of these batches hinged on her unwavering focus, on her ability to maintain a perfect equilibrium within the cauldron.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the telltale signs of completion began to manifest.

A soft chime echoed through the chamber, and the swirling concoctions within the cauldron solidified, forming neat rows of gleaming pills.

Exhaustion washed over Ning Yue, but a triumphant smile stretched across her face. She had done it.

Carefully, she deactivated the formation and gingerly removed the pellets, storing them in specially prepared vials.

The first two batches were flawless, a testament to her growing skill.

The 'Metal Essence Fortification Pellets' were a different story. While successful, the yield was lower, and the quality wasn't quite as pristine as the others.

Nonetheless, it was a remarkable feat, showcasing her potential as she pushed the boundaries of her abilities.

The metal door of the alchemy chamber hissed open, drawing Ning Yue's startled gaze. Standing in the doorway was a man with an air of easy confidence and a face that could only be described as… well, Ning Yue mentally kicked herself. Here she was, a young woman who prided herself on her focus and control, completely thrown off by a handsome face.

"Xiangyi," Wang Li greeted his cousin with a casual nod, his gaze then flicking to Ning Yue. "And this must be the talented alchemist we've been relying on."

Ning Yue offered a hesitant smile. "Greetings, Young Master Wang. It's a pleasure to meet you." She couldn't help but notice how his compliment sent a pleasant warmth through her.

Wang Li returned the smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "The pleasure is all mine, Alchemist Ning. Xiangyi has spoken highly of your skills."

Xiangyi chuckled. "Highly is putting it mildly, Li. Ning Yue here managed to pull off a triple batch in this week."

Wang Li raised an eyebrow, a flicker of genuine interest crossing his features. "A triple batch? That's impressive. And how many of each pellet did we manage to produce?"

Xiangyi stepped forward, her excitement bubbling over. "We got nearly fifty Core Strengthening Pellets, Li! Twenty Nascent Soul Condensation ones, and even ten Metal Essence Fortification Pellets!"

Wang Li nodded, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. He turned towards Ning Yue, his gaze unwavering. "Impressive," he said, his voice laced with a hint of genuine admiration. "I must say, you've exceeded my expectations."

Ning Yue, flustered under his scrutiny, simply bowed her head in acknowledgement. "Thank you, Master Wang," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper.

"Now," Wang Li continued, his voice taking on a businesslike tone, "about these pellets…"

He leaned against the wall, his eyes narrowing slightly. "The Core Strengthening Pellets and the Nascent Soul Condensation ones – I have no need for them personally."

"Ah," Ning Yue spoke. "What did you have in mind then?"

Wang Li leaned closer, his voice barely above a murmur. "I want you to sell them," he said. "Discreetly, of course. Not in the open market, but to… well-connected individuals. Powerful cultivators, influential families with Nascent Soul elders, maybe even certain sect elders."

Ning Yue's eyes widened.

"And the price?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"High," Wang Li replied with a sly grin. "Very high. We're talking about extremely rare and valuable pills here. Think ten times the usual market rate for Core Strengthening Pellets, and even higher for the Nascent Soul Condensation ones."

His words sent a thrill down Ning Yue's spine. The potential profit was astronomical. However, a seed of concern sprouted in her mind.

"But why me?" she asked, her voice cautious. "There are other Third-Tier Alchemists in the Pill Tower who could concoct these pills, given the recipes and materials."

Wang Li chuckled, a cold sound that sent shivers down her spine. "True," he admitted, "but I chose you because of your resentment towards a common enemy like Ye Fan? That's the reason."

Those words seemed to satisfy Ning Yue's curiosity to some extent.

Wang Li then added ahead,, "Look, I'll take sixty percent of the profits. You get forty. It's a fair deal, considering I provided the resources and the recipes."

Ning Yue bit her lip. It wasn't ideal, but she knew he was right.

"Alright," she agreed, a determined glint in her eyes. "We have a deal."

Wang Li grinned, a predatory glint in his own eyes. "Excellent," he said, clapping his hands together. "Now, about those Metal Essence Fortification Pellets, I want you to take four of them of low-quality to the auction while giving me all the remaining six high-quality pellets."

This was a fair deal in Ning Yue's eyes.

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